News Roundup

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From the Dept. Of Global Warming Climate Cooling Change:

...Snowflake City.

...I prefer to keep things simple: don’t trust ANY government agency.

And speaking of government-run institutions:

...because of course he would.

From the Dept. Of Irony:

...or as he himself might say:  “Burn, baby, burn.”

From the Dept. Of Education:

...only 55?  They need to try harder.

...what’s gambled in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

Dept. Of International News: are all who dare challenge the Great Cultural Melting Pot Experiment.

...♫ ♪ ♫ ♪…it’s raining beasts, hallelujah...♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

...laugh all you want, but in a couple years’ time this won’t be satire.



This Roundup’s Hotty Totty:

There’s this Brit TV show about people leaving gloomy Britishland for sunnier climes, and one of the show’s hosts is named Laura Hamilton:



Little toothy, but still quite MILFy…


  1. Baldwin deserves the five years in prison. See the post on justice and the legal system from the other day.

    Speaking of the post from the other day on the legal system, where’s that lawyer? Read the article about the arsonist that lit himself on fire. That is justice. That is clearly defined.

    55 Chicago public schools don’t have any student proficient in math? That’s it? Sounds to me that the people conducting this analysis stopped counting. With none of the students proficient in math, how are they going to load magazines or split their loot evenly? how are they going to cut the coke so it’s strong enough to get repeat business rather than kill off their customers?


  2. To be fair, on the Baldwin charge, the DA screwed up by charging him under a law that didn’t exist at the time of the shooting. From the linked article,

    “The prosecutors committed a basic legal error by charging Mr. Baldwin under a version of the firearm-enhancement statute that did not exist on the date of the accident,” a legal filing stated.

    That DA should get a good talkin’-to from her boss.

  3. In re: Germans moving away from “Multicultural” areas:

    Isn’t this why the commies put up a wall? To force people to enjoy their workers paradise? HUD’s getting ready to try it here. Ideas so good they have to be mandatory.

  4. I like Spanish guitar music. Dry sherry is not bad. The Spanish have had a huge influence on fast food. Their Ridley Scott-designed cathedral is pretty cool as well. However, the basic rule of human behavior is “Never go Full Retard.”

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