News Roundup

News so graphic, it should be a comic book.  And it is.

most governments and teachers’ unions equate homeschooling with child abuse anyway.

climate change is no doubt causing the Moon to wobble too.

I’d love to see “Mayor” Buttplug’s supporting argument for this drivel.

hate to break it to you, Sparky, but we’re way past the “beginning” phase.

I think Mayor Lightweight should offer her services to Johannesburg, where 11 is the hourly count.

they got the idea from footage of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.

key word:  California, where no legal precedent concerning guns is safe — including the Constitution.

and just when you thought California was the Perv Capital of the world, the French up their game to remind us who’s boss.

And now it’s time for INSIGNIFICA:


…and lest anyone is not familiar with the last topic:



My initial take is that not too many people are going to notice the difference.

News Roundup

News that’s so stomach-churning, it requires little comment, e.g. England losing to Italy in the European Cup Final by penalty shoot-off:

oooh, who said Brexit wasn’t going to hurt?

but as government so often tells us under such circumstances:  “If you have nothing to hide, you should have nothing to worry about.”

And showing us how to do it:

if only Hungarian wasn’t such a difficult language to learn.

“GAY GROUP: ‘WE’LL CONVERT YOUR CHILDREN.’” As sung by the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus. (via Insty)
at least one of those terms is redundant.

I don’t know who will benefit most from this reversal but given the source, I’m willing to bet it’s Chinese nationals.

Now let’s get to the kind of news that interests everybody.

someone that delusional just has to be a lifelong Democrat voter.

which is probably the same percentage of women who have an orgasm during sex. If that.

But to raise the average, we have instances like this:

welcome to my world, age 15.

And lest we think it’s all orgasms and sweetness and light, there’s this:

wait till you read the details.  Yowzer.

But now it’s time for INSIGNIFICA:


Finally, the usual smut:  last time we saw the Butt Squad, they were being arrested in Dubai:

Apparently, that wasn’t enough for them, because they’ve done it againAnd they support the England football team:

I think they’re quite charming.

News Roundup

All the news that’s either self-evident, pointless or laughable.

which should come as a surprise to precisely… nobody.

good question.  Also, unanswerable.

oh man, we are SO fucked.

of course, there’s no revenue incentive for the government to do this, oh no.

or, in American terms, ninety-three 3-strikes — and only the daughter got more than a year.

why shouldn’t he?  After all, Romney’s also a Democrat.

Cosby, Clinton;  potato, potahto.

what I want to know is:  who are the 43% who think we have the same or more?  And can we stop them from voting?

yeah, duh.

And now it’s time for INSIGNIFICA:

look on the bright side:  he could have taken you with him.

no news on the effect Mr. Piledriver had on his partner.

silly girl;  go to the gym and sell tickets.  Sheesh, some people just have no clue.

key word:  California.

And speaking of underage kids, this is Deva Cassel (16):

Pretty, huh?  Not surprising;  here’s her mother.


Yes, that’s Monica Bellucci.

Good News

My reaction: 

Great Caesar’s bleeding hemorrhoids… it seems like only yesterday when Sarah Hoyt’s husband upgraded me to Windows 10 (which I’d thus far refused to do, mostly as a reaction to the constant nagging every time I restarted my laptop).

But Dan got Very Stern with me, and refused to let me leave the house with whatever operating system I was still using (XP?  Vista?  I have no idea).  So I said, “Only if YOU do it, and it has to look EXACTLY the way it was, and all my files and bookmarks have to be exactly where they are right now.”

So he did, and they were.

Frankly, given that the sum of my computer use is blogging, email (not using MS’s poxy Outlook even) and searching for topless pics of Salma Hayek on the Internet, I fail to see why I need to change anything.

But I know I’m wasting my time, because all too soon I’ll get those unsolicited nagging messages every five minutes again, and then MS will say that they’ll no longer be “supporting” Win10 (like they ever did before ha ha), and then one day my laptop will refuse to start (just like Outlook Express did), and I’ll start the long drive up to Redmond with a rocket launcher, flamethrower and a thousand rounds of AK ammo to take care of the survivors.

And no doubt someone will have a problem with this.

So when the blessed event does finally occur, I’m going to need one of my tech-savvy Readers living within a few miles of my zip code to rally around and do it for me, mostly because I don’t want to drive all the way to Sarah’s house (Colorado?  Kansas?  Idaho? who knows?) to have Dan Hoyt do it all over again for me.

And by the way, Microsoft?  I don’t need a “new” Start button, Mac-style features, or Android apps on my desktop.

What I really need is to get to the range…

Stomach, Sick To

This article, and the pathology it describes, fills me with all the negatives:  disgust, horror, loathing, hatred and the burning desire to lay about these people with a barbed-wire-wrapped cricket bat.

Which is surprising, because for the last twenty years or so, American girls have been raised from birth to be premium dating fodder, primed from the first whiff of puberty to be Available for Sex on Saturday Night. So why are they being ghosted in droves? Abandoned and left to die alone, clutching their pets and Warren for President signs?
You’d think these girls would be experts at snagging a mate. Years of sex ed, birth control pills, and permission to date early and often with no judgement from the grownups should have guaranteed they’d have suitors dangling from their every finger, lines outside the door, dates every night, so many engagement rings shoved under their noses they’d be blinded by the shimmering sight of all those diamonds nestled against black velvet.
What happened?

Read the whole article, but only if you have a strong stomach.

An entire generation — maybe even two — will have been corrupted almost beyond redemption.

News Roundup

With commentary briefer than this bikini bottom:

When you’ve quite finished…

just in case these pricks haven’t frightened enough people.

what they mean is:  don’t have sex.  Talking to a couple thousand good-looking youngsters all by themselves, in peak physical condition;  yep, that’s going to work.

yes, because if prices rise, people buy less.  Only fools and MBAs (some overlap) think that increasing prices will boost sales.

yeah:  syphilis. gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV, no problem.  But the WuFlu?  Outta here, bitches.

I might have fallen in love with her, until I saw her face.  Key word:  Manchester.

oh he can’t be dangerous… look, they even gave him a name Wales wins again.

to be yet the latest product to see sales drop though the floor.  Wait till you see who the main model is

I expected Africa for this one;  but given how most of Africa seems to be “migrating” to Spain, maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised.

hey, go ahead and pick another national flag which does.  Then fuck off and live there.

and she looks pretty much how you’d expect her to look.  One would hope that the 8-a-day activity would involve only one man, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

And now it’s time for INSIGNIFICA:

…and this surprises you because…?

And finally, some wives that might be worth fighting the husband for:

Blake Lively:

Tamzin Outhwaite:

Rachel Weisz (yeah, she’s married to 007;  it’s a movie character):

And lastly, someone who needs no introduction:

Now… where did I put those brass knuckles?