News Roundup

Short and sharp, like an assassin’s dagger.  Let’s start with international news:

as opposed to L.A. and NYFC, where shoplifters can take whatever they want without penalty, as long as it’s less than $200 value Which system is better?  I report, you decide.

seems a little redundant — although given the crime, not excessive.

which, considering that such Moroccans make up about 1% of Spain’s population… stop me if you’ve heard something like this before, for other countries involved in the Great Multicultural Experiment.

yup, there’s nothing like fucking up the next generation to make us all feel betterFor our own fuck-up, see below.

which clearly means that cops aren’t to be trusted with guns Disarm The Police !!!!  But the Brits do get some things right.  Seen over London yesterday:

why is this international news?  Because apparently it was sent by some Russian or Ukranian  Canucki , pointing to yet more foreign tampering with our elections.

considering everything that’s gone into Ozzy’s body over the years and not killed him (including Sharon’s tongue), the Chinkvirus probably wouldn’t stand a chance.  (see:  Keith Richards)

And of course, all local news is about replacing some dead judge:

with the expected response:

does anyone remember how the Aryan Nation or KKK threatened violence over the USSC nominations of the Wise Latina Sotomayor or the  Jewish (Ginsburg and Kagan) chicks?  Me neither.

And of course, we’ve heard from Red Nancy, Yoda, Meathead, Hanoi Jane and Obama’s Heydrich on the topic.  In other news, such as it is:

which we all knew it would, especially as ObamaWorld was pushing it.

but I will never be able to look at the word “privilege” again without giggling, thanks to this (found at Knuckledragger’s place):

Har Har Har

Responding to yesterday’s post about Glen Fohdry single malt, Reader Roy waxed rhapsodic about various single malt Scotches, ending with:

Oh, don’t get me wrong.  I still like fine bourbon whiskey too.

…which reminded me of the old homo joke:  “Women are okay, but they’re not like the real thing.”

I feel the same way about bourbon.


One-time F1 champion driver Kimi Raikonnen is famously bullshit-free;  while driving for Ferrari a few years back, he got irritated by the constant stream of advice and orders coming over the radio from the pit wall team, and uttered the immortal line:  “Leave me alone;  I know what I’m doing.”   He finished on the podium, driving a car that was truthfully speaking nowhere near the level of his competitors’.

And he’s back in the headlines today, posting this pic:

For those not in the know, that’s one-time F1 champion James Hunt in characteristic pose (missing only a pit bunny on his errr  arm to make it completely accurate), while on the right is Mr. Woke, Lewis Hamilton.

Now the Hamilton fanbois are going to point out that whereas Hunt and Raikonnen only won the F1 championship once each, Our Lewis has won it six times.   (In their defense:  Hunt and Raikonnen won their respective championships driving cars that were charitably called “competitive” at the time, whereas Hamilton is driving a Mercedes which has outstripped all other cars by a wide margin, for the past four or five years at least.)

Whatever.  Raikonnen is in the right, while Hamilton is left — far Left, with his BLM-kneeling and wokey T-shirts.

I wish Hunt were alive today:  he’d piss all over that T-shirt, probably while Hamilton was still wearing it.