News Roundup

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And off we go:

I have an alibi.

no, he’d be in his fifth year in prison awaiting trial for “sedition”.

and this is news because..?

and will resettle them in Brighton Beach, NY.  Tickets available at Ticketmaster.

assuming he hasn’t “committed suicide” or ‘died from Covid” before then.  No odds given on either.

that’s like winning the “Tallest Man Competition” in Dwarf Town.  (no link because Kardashian)

small, large, whatever:  kill them all with fire.  Horrible fucking things.
Afterthought:  not these Scorpions — I quite like them:

And talking of showbiz:

big deal;  Murray always behaves inappropriately.

one would have thought that all that kicking and screaming might have tipped them off.

And now, INSIGNIFICA (a.k.a. “who gives a fuck news”, as one Reader put it):


…and is useless wifout pichers:

All the news worth leering at.

News Roundup

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Today, we’ll first be giving an in-depth look at the Dept. of Maleducation:

because knowing how to read and write is of no importance whatsoever.

where today’s teenage boys know more about “incel culture” than most teachers.

non-White and female mathematicians having contributed SO much to the field since 300 BC, you see.

I’m just amazed that anyone complained, in a suburb of San Francisco  Madison.

I always said the legal drinking age should be lowered… but maybe not that much.

spoken by someone who’s obviously never taken a hard punch to the face.

From the Heart of Stone Dept.:

Method Acting at its finest.

looks like those fifty Nile crocs I dropped in haven’t reached that part of the Rio Grande yet.


Also, in talking of mental health:

because I think the 25th can only be invoked by Congress, which will be controlled by Democrats until after NovemberThen we’ll see.

why so?  Perhaps her name will reveal the secret…

Speaking of Indians:

I’ve dated women like that.  In every case, they didn’t want to have sex;  they just wanted to stop me having a good time with my buddies.

But let’s move to INSIGNIFICA:



see, it’s only “sexist” and “revolting” if there’s no money or PR involved.

And that be da nooz.