Similarity Overload

I’ve said before that I miss newspapers — when I was staying in Britishland a few years back I devoured the Free Markets’ Daily Telegraph  every morning — and most of the reason is that a newspaper covers a wide variety of topics.

This is no longer true since we all started getting our news on the Internet, because naturally we tend to gravitate towards websites which cater to our needs rather than ones that don’t.

The problem is that there is hardly any what I call “general” reading anymore — all the conservative sites cover pretty much the same dozen topics each day — which is why I read Britain’s Daily Mail and Sun newspapers avidly.  I know that they’re both pretty dire, but they’re free, offer more than just politicspoliticspolitics, and even if they sometimes read like the National Enquirer, it’s at least far more entertaining than reading How Biden Is Leading Us To Doom for the seventh time that morning.  (The Telegraph  is behind a paywall, sadly, and all American newspapers are either also thus immured, or else horrible Lefty rags [some overlap] which I will not give the time of day).

My twice-weekly News Roundup features my attempts to address that ghastly sameness, albeit in a lighthearted manner, and the variety of topics I choose to “summarize”  reflects that ideal.  And unlike Instapundit, who I think tries to do more or less the same, my Roundups feature scantily-clad women, because just because.

Anyway, I didn’t start this post meaning for it to become so serious, so to lighten things up a little, herewith some gratuitous pics of things that I like:

(Try finding that joke at Breitbart or The Federalist…)

And finally:

You’ll never find that combination of topics at any single website, but you should at mine… along with

Old News

Here’s a lovely one from Woke Disney:

Disney began an extensive review of its film library as it prepared to introduce the streaming service in 2019, according to a New York Times report. As part of the initiative, called Stories Matter, Disney added disclaimers to classic movies for containing “negative depictions or mistreatment of people or cultures.”

The Stories Matter team privately flagged certain characters as potentially problematic, with the findings distributed to senior Disney leaders, two current Disney executive told the Times.

One of them was Tinker Bell, who raised concern because she is “body conscious” and jealous of Peter Pan’s attention, according to the executives.  Captain Hook was another potential liability because he could expose Disney to accusations of discrimination or prejudice against individuals with disabilities because he is a villain.

Disney also flagged Ursula the Sea Witch from The Little Mermaid, saying her dark complexion could be construed as racist and her flamboyant mannerisms could come across as “queer coded,” or homophobic.

Fucking hell.  There is just no end to this bullshit.

Anyway, I don’t know about Hook and Ursula, but Tink has always been problematic for Disney, especially at the hands of the brilliant satiric (satyric?) artist Julius Zimmerman (warning:  link is so NSFW you could face termination of the extreme kind, let alone just the loss of your job or your eyesight).

Disney is whizzing beyond comedy into self-parody faster than the speed of a single cartoon cel through a projector.

And Disney?  Your stories don’t matter as much as you think they do.

News Roundup

Brought to you by:

And the news is even worse:

that’s some funny shit, right there.

As is this (no link):

Even better:

no mention of their modern-day slaves, i.e. everyone living in Britain.

I said this would happen one day.  And the idea going to be floated here at some point in the near future.

“Bozo” Biden was unavailable for comment.

From the Dept. of Assimilation:

ah yes, that well-known tolerance of Islam.


after they applied for grade school teaching jobs, no doubt.

From the Dept. of Religion:

frankly, old cock, I think most people would agree that you should spend more time talking about the Devil, something you trained for, and much less time about all the other wokist shit you go on about.

those being:  lying, telling falsehoods, mendacity and fibbingWe’re not even going to mention the other sins of making shit up and overtly supporting the dark forces of evil (i.e. Marxism).

and Just Like That, their future career prospects shrank by 90%.

not the same:  worse.

And speaking of Depends:

what are they going to do:  imprison him?  If such a fate ever befalls me, expect a whole lot of shit like that, only much more malevolent than just mooning.  You heard it here first.

only 1.) what did you expect for 36 quid, and 2.) you need a slimmer body to carry it off, and 3.) what kind of fucking wedding dress is that in the first place?

And from the files of INSIGNIFICA:


and not a bad body for a 42-year-old Nigora:


And that’s all the “news” fit to report, embellish or invent (/New York Times ).

Before Zoom

…and I’m not talking about the Internet comm thing.  Here’s a series of pics taken with an old camera in Germany sometime in the 1930s (before the zoom lens was commercially available to the mass market):

Whoa!  I mean WHOA!  People took those kinds of pics out in public back then?

Oh.  Well, at least she looks pretty…

Aaaargh.  And this is why technology is not always horrible.

Stop It, You’re Killing Me

…and if you live in upscale areas in Los Angeles, that might be “literally“:

Crime has risen dramatically in Los Angeles, as well as in many other major cities, since the start of the pandemic and last summer’s protests against police violence resulted in the slashing of many law enforcement budgets. News stories document rising fear across LA and crime has become the major issue in both the upcoming mayor’s election and a possible recall of the district attorney. It may not be surprising that issues of race and class are driving this concern, though they have a new twist.

Wealthy and predominantly white neighborhoods have experienced the sharpest upticks in a wide array of crimes.

It shows that the richer and whiter the area, the greater the increase in both raw crime totals and percentages of total city crime. This includes a wide range of felonies, from robbery, burglary, shoplifting and car theft to aggravated assault and rape.

California voters have moved the needle on crime in recent years. Proposition 47 decriminalized a number of theft and drug charges, making them misdemeanors, as it did several “non-violent” felonies. Voters also approved Proposition 57, which allows for early release of non-violent offenders.

Imagine that:  you vote to decriminalize all sorts of crime, and those types of crime increase and the goblins goes to where da money izz (/Willie Sutton).  Read the article for the breakdowns.

Who could have seen that coming?

Well, nobody except the 70-odd million people who voted for Trump last time around.

And stop giggling like little girls, you lot;  it’s unbecoming.