
In the news:

SPRINGFIELD—All area stores have completely sold out if their supply of 9mm vaccine passports amid a nation-wide shortage.
The shortage began last year, well before rumors started circulating that President Joe Biden was going to require vaccine passports for certain activities.
Many people looking to tell the president and his minions, “I got your vaccine passport right here, Karen,” are having trouble finding them.
“It’s just a combination of things — you got millions of new vaccine passport owners buying them right when COVID hit,” said Billy Fallon, the owner of Firing Line, an indoor firing range and vaccine passport shop in Westland. “Companies shut down because of COVID, and when they started back up, they were only at a quarter-staff. And the orders kept coming in.”
Now with a likely federal mandate, the shortage could reach unprecedented levels.
“We’re short on everything but just cannot keep the 9mm or the .40 caliber vaccine passports on the shelf,” Fallon said.

Serves them right for just going with untried, untested 9mm/.40 S&W vaccine passports.  I (and many like me) prefer to go with the tried-and-tested .45 ACP and .357 Magnum vaccine passports, which deliver just the kind of results one would like them to have on the Gummint Karens.

Quote Of The Day

From some medical bloke:

“You can still get COVID, potentially [after having been vaccinated]. But if you do get it, it’s not severe at all.”

As it happens, I was just chatting with Mr. Free Market yesterday, and he informed me that he’d been diagnosed with the Delta-‘Rona.

When I asked him what it was like, the answer was:  “Rugby club hangover.  Piece of cake.”  (Translation:  you feel like utter crap for about twenty four hours, then much better on day two, and by day three you’re back to swilling Ginger Macs, just with a bit of a cough — which is where he was when I spoke to him.)

In other words:  it’s like a bronchial flu.

Carry on.

Yeah, We Know

Via Insty (link in pic):

The only time I’m going to be wearing a mask is if I decide to avail myself of the federal government’s free housing and medical care program by robbing a bank.

Other than that, they can all fuck off, especially bastards like these:

…not that I’m likely to go to either shithole, of course — but Trader Joe is especially on my watch list.

No Kidding

Via Insty:

Read my lips: We’re not going back to masks and lockdowns again

Thankfully I live in Texas, where the state government isn’t entirely run by power-hungry assholes like those in California and New York, to name but two.  Which means that this mask foolishness is unlikely to get any traction except by members of the Perpetually Fearful Set, who are concentrated in Democrat hell-holes like Austin and suburban north Dallas.   The mommies shopping at Trader Joe can wear a dozen masks at a time for all I care;  I’ll just shop in my normal manner.  (And if Trader Joe starts that “only ten people in the store at a time” nonsense, I’ll shop elsewhere until they come to their senses.)

As for lockdowns… forget it.  The boys at Meal Team Six can stay home playing Medal Of Honor or working in the JiffyLube grease pit.

So Much For Delta

…and I don’t mean the airline, either.  Try this refreshing dose of commonsense:

America’s Frontline Doctors, that brave group of physicians who have resisted the enforced party line on COVID, has published a video from Britain that takes 3 minutes to show that the appearance and rapid spread of the delta variant in England has led to a decline in hospitalizations and deaths. It is well worth watching as it methodically graphs the data on Covid there, proving that the scaremongering is deceptive propaganda.

Also in the link:  yet more proof (as if any were needed) that Fauci is a mendacious bastard.


Chatting to my Oz son-in-law over the weekend, he informed us that New South Wales has gone into a two-week lockdown because (I think) one limo driver had the Indian (“Delta”) version of the WuFlu and now everybody’s getting it.

From what I can see, the OzGov’s policy is:  EVERYBODY PANIC!!!!

Over Here. of course, the WuFlu caused the Perpetually Fearful to praise Oz’s harsh lockdown state-by-state policies last year, which policies might have made sense if only they had been followed up by a massive inoculation / vaccination drive as happened both Over Here and Over There (UK).

For no apparent reason, the OzGov never did any such thing — even though with a population numbering in the single-digit millions (or less) in most states, it should have been an easy, slam-dunk job.  But inexplicably, that never happened, so now they’re faced with a largely-unvaccinated population, no herd immunity and all the consequences that flow from that incompetence.  Hence the frantic rush now.

I invite my Oz Readers to correct my opinion on this issue, of course, but I think I have it mostly correct.