News Roundup

Starting off with some good news:

...and all he had to do was fire a bunch of government workers and close their departments.  Jealous, I am.

...”about fucking time”?  Well, I would have said that.

In Tech News:

...except when it comes to censoring conservative content and making it disappear from their search engine.

In the Lawn Order Dept.: which we play the our always-popular “Guess the Race” game.  Also keyword:  Chicago.

And in The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©: the surprise of absolutely nobody with any common sense, as we’ve noted before.

...and anywhere else, he’d be losing his mind permanently as his body temperature reaches that of the room;  but not in Britishland.

...which somehow manages to combine both The Great Cultural Assimilation Project© and Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©.

And speaking of the unspeakable:

...which would concern me if I actually gave a flying fuck about the snowflakes’ opinion of me — especially as:

...well isn’t that special.  Let’s send a few (hundred) thousand of them to live in Gaza, then.

And speaking of Unspeakable Wokism: which we play our new “Guess The Sex of the CEO” game.

From the Sports Desk: it just me, or does “German surfer” create the same cognitive dissonance as, say, “Swiss Naval Officer” or “Haitian chess player”?

In the Dept. of Redundancy Dept.:

...aren’t we glad that the U.S. doesn’t do titles?

In the Dept. of Health:

And, of course, there’s always some link-free 



And in a stroll down :

...well, let’s see what awaits the throbbing phalli of Teh Brits:

All together now:

♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ “Run Britannia!  Britannia run away!” ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

And that’s all the news anyone needs, I think.


  1. 120 in 21 days? Does she even have time to flush her cootchie out between guys? I mean, she’s not bad looking but damn, keep a water hose nearby to spray her off at least.

      1. Stop that fake news. All lies, slander and innuendo put out by her political enemies.

  2. we need more Javier Milei type policies enacted here in the US

    NIH kills someone? If only they could treat serious criminals to this free “medical” are, we could look the other way for a little while.

    Any time Google or any other woke company does the right thing, it’s certainly not by design. It is purely by accident. Even a blind squirrel finds the occasional nut. If silicon valley and Big Tech fired every woke imbecile, the computer industry would collapse inside of a week.

    Planet Fitness let mentally ill males into the women’s locker rooms and bathrooms. They earned the Bud Light treatment until they are forced to close. Speaking of Bud Light, are their sales still in the toilet? Haven’t heard much about their sales numbers or those of Disney lately.

    1. “If silicon valley and Big Tech fired every woke imbecile, the computer industry would collapse inside of a week.”

      My suspicion is it would thrive within a week. Woke assholes overestimate their own importance, as do the rest of us.

    2. Cancelled my Planet Fitness membership. Screw it, I’ll go for a walk in the neighborhood.

  3. Bravo Milei.

    I think Farage gives Clarkson a good run for the title of “Greatest living Englishman.” In fact I don’t know who comes out on top.

  4. Re: Planet Fitness new CEO: I’ll bet FirstKey Homes is glad to see the last of her and wishes her the best in her new job.

  5. Re: Slag Lane – I wouldn’t do her with a ten foot dildo. There might be plenty going on below her neck, but I don’t see anything going on behind her eyes.

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