Of Course

Which can be encapsulated by the standard liberal response:

…even though this whole episode seems to have been triggered by Lockdown Blues.

Just coincidentally, this little advert arrived in my Inbox a couple days back:

Now, leaving aside the wisdom or lack thereof in buying a gun from Century Arms at that price, this merchant of death has a lot to recommend it, i.e.:

  • regardless of ammo shortages in other calibers (e.g. 5.56mm, 7.62mm Nato), none of the online suppliers ever seems to run out of 7.62x54mmR
  • the PSL (Dragunov clone) has a great deal to recommend it:  excellent AK-type reliability and, once you’ve done the necessary trigger work, decent accuracy out to about 500 yards

So let’s ignore CanuckiPM Pantywaist (as always), and consider the merits of the PSL, in Comments.

No Thanks

Arriving in my Inbox yesterday was this breathless news:

Man, have they ever got me wrong.

In the first place, my NRA membership has long since expired — which just shows you the value of a mailing list (at least to them).

And yeah, I’m so jazzed about winning a fucking sandy-colored Glock, because that screams right there that I’m an “operator” and I really want to be regarded as such.

Even if

were to be replaced by any one of these:

…I still  wouldn’t have sent in an entry and renewed my membership.

To the NRA:  don’t hold yer breath, you clueless idiots.

The good thing about electronic mail is that it costs almost nothing to send a message.  That’s also the bad thing about e-mail.

Open Appeal

Several years ago, back when the term “disposable income” meant actual money instead of just a fond dream, I donated some money to a far-off congressman’s reelection campaign fund.


Now I’m still on the Republican National Committee’s sucker donor list, and not a day goes past when I don’t get some plea for money to help some or other hapless Republican congressman, and even to donate to billionaire Donald Trump’s 2020 reelection fund.  Here’s my appeal to the RNC:

For fuck’s sake, can you bastards quit begging for money?  Considering that I and probably millions of other Americans haven’t been able to work for nearly two months and have had zero income since then, it is the height of stupidity [ergo, the Stupid Party] to ask us to donate towards an election which isn’t due for over six months.
Frankly, when it’s hard to think how we’re going to be able to pay the rent or mortgage, car loans and utilities, health insurance and even groceries, what the fuck makes you think that we would be able to give you  money?  Even worse, we all know that after the election is over, the elected  politician is just going to pocket the unspent cash from the campaign fund, one way or the other, while we’ll still be mired in debt.

Kindly piss off and leave us alone, at least until we can get back to work.

Yours very sincerely,


I love reading Davis Thompson’s blog because he is an expert in les affaires de la Fisque, such as in this priceless piece:

After reading the news, it is time to attend to my indoor garden, to do the work of keeping my plants alive: the trimming and the watering and the fertilising. This work is meditation, a way of going on.

Yes, going on. Bravely, heroically, and despite the realisation that your preferred candidate lost an election, four years ago.

And then the defiant phrase,

My houseplant garden is a tiny national park that Donald Trump can never destroy.

By the way, today’s word is fixation.

Read the entire thing to get the full, intensive effect.

There is one small problem, though, with reading Thompson’s stuff, and that is that it exposes one to lunacy of all sorts:  Left-wing, feministical, academic and eco-freak, to name but some, and all with massive overlap between them.

Because I don’t read Slate or New Yorker, for example, I’m never exposed to such nonsense — but reading Thompson does do that, in the same way that playing with dogs, while wonderfully pleasurable, does expose one to their bad breath and fleas.

Nevertheless, go on and read such splendid pieces as the above, as well as Please Update Your Files And Lifestyles Accordingly (for extreme wokedom and snowflakery) and Land Of The Before Times (for extreme eco-hypocrisy).

Why should I be the only one exposed?

Whore Ding

I apologize for the Vox link, but this was too good to pass up:

Well, that kinda depends on what you mean by “country”, doesn’t it?  In fact, where you live, there might conceivably be a short-term stock outage of something — of something you actually need immediately, like salt or… toilet paper.

And “where you live” is the important part of the above.  It’s small comfort, when your local stores are all out of infant formula, to know that in North Dakota, Maine and Idaho, infants are well-fed and healthy while yours is starting to look like a Somali baby, and you’re starting to look at large-breasted women not with lust, but as a food source for your kids.

As for the “two to three weeks’ supply of food” canard;  oy vey.  Two or three months  is more like it (as all my Readers know full well by now), and fuck them and their “hoarding” — which is really just a euphemism for “someone’s got something that I don’t have, and I want the Gummint to take it away from them and give it to meeeee”.

Preparing for disaster is not hoarding, it’s prudence.  Of course, the Left is devoid of that quality because Marxism, deconstruction and envy.  Which brings us back to the Marxist tools at Vox.  The rest of the article is equally stupid, but unintentionally hilarious.

Wait… You Mean This Is NORMAL?

Hector Drummond (who is rapidly becoming my go-to guy in matters of Britishland Chinkflu stats) has some graphs*, and comes to this conclusion (my emphasis):

Even I am astonished by these graphs.  I was expecting to see something in the graphs by week 13, even if I wasn’t expecting anything scary.  But there’s just nothing.  And you can’t say the lockdown caused this, because the UK lockdown had only been going for four days by this time.  We’ve locked down the country for a supposed mass killer that still isn’t visible in the stats even after the lockdown was declared.  We locked the country down for something that at the time only existed in Neil Ferguson’s dodgy computer models.

Our numbers may (repeat:  may ) be better than the BritGov’s, but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that our response to the Chinkvirus has been as overblown and pointless as theirs.

*I’m not sure, but I believe that “ONS” stands for Office of National Statistics.  Maybe one of my Brit Readers can confirm.