News Roundup

With commentary short and sweet, like Kristen Bell.

“It’s time for a wealth tax in America.”
no it isn’t, you rancid, fake-Cherokee Commie tart.

actually, I can think of at least two good reasons why she was always going to make it.

Photo by Frank Trapper/Corbis Sygma

and I think that watching Christine have her daily orgasm would probably keep depression away as well:

…but that’s just me.

and I think it’s probably time to bring apartheid to the world of entertainment:  Black Oscars, Black Golden Globes, Black Pulitzers, etc.  Then we could all ignore them, just like we do the regular ones, while the winners can all feel good about being big fish in small ponds.

otherwise known as “bringing the wood”.

uttered from his position at a British university, founded in 1650 by a Zulu chieftain. [/sarc]

and Darwin pays a visit to Nashville.

I’m not so sure that this is a bad idea, but I will entertain arguments in Comments.

in his defense, I should point out that he is Russian, so she probably should have known betterAlso of interest:  Wifey is quite a babe, while Mistress is a total dog — once again, Hubby is a Russian.

never mind, it’s just the annual brainfart from the Stupidest Person In Congress, Sheila Jackson-Lee (DOA) of HoustonNote:  not a single co-sponsor, so clearly I’m not the only one who thinks this.

Finally, from the Sports Desk: 
Apparently, we should congratulate some guys from Tampa for scoring more baskets than some other guys from Kansas.  The Tampa captain or whatever is apparently some REALLY old fart, who hadn’t yet been born when I was already on my second marriage, but who is married to a Brazilian tart with a German name.

and good for him, say I.

Down With Gravity

I absolutely love it when the Left ignores not only commonsense but history.  Such as here, in (of course) California:

A new “Hero Pay” mandate in Long Beach, California has inadvertently cost some frontline grocery workers their jobs.
Ralphs and Food 4 Less, both owned by the parent company Kroger, announced Monday that they will be closing 25% of their stores in Long Beach after the city council passed an ordinance requiring companies with over 300 employees nationwide to pay employees an extra $4 per hour.

There’s nothing “inadvertent” about this, because an Economics 101 student could have seen it coming.

In an industry which runs on 2.5% net margins and where savings of 0.15% on costs can end up with a promotion to VP, adding $4/hour to an already-high California $14 makes it inevitable that management would close two stores to keep that district’s aggregate costs down.

What’s even worse is that the city council’s actions were unnecessary.  Just about everywhere, supermarket employees were raking it in during the various Chinkvirus lockdowns through overtime, as demand for product in many cases outstripped the stores’ ability to restock shelves, or else led to more frequent deliveries, which meant that shelf-packers needed to work longer hours to refill front-store real estate.  This is not just anecdotal, but hard fact, and if the Long Beach city council had had an ounce of smarts, they would have known all about it.  But no-o-o-o.  They had to make a grand gesture to “reward” the “heroic” supermarket workers, and now about five hundred of said heroes will be out of a job.  Some reward.

The common sense part is also lacking.  As any fule kno, if you drive up overhead in a part of any business, that part will either be scaled back, replaced with a cheaper option or else eliminated altogether.  It is common knowledge that in the face of “living wage” demands and impositions, the fast-food industry (which has higher margins than supermarkets) is working on replacing high-cost workers with robots.  Supermarket work is more complicated than fast food work, so robotics could only go so far (and not very, in most cases) to reduce staff costs.  Hence:  store closings.

Of course, I said “as any fule kno”, but the Left and gummint [some overlap]  are, as always, not going to let little things like commonsense and experience get in the way of Marxist principle or virtue-signaling.

The key here will be if they can repeal this stupid ordinance before Kroger closes the stores — assuming that they even want to do that and be shown up as the fucking morons they are.

Don’t hold your breath.

Too Late, She Cried

This is quite priceless:

John Kasich: GOP Will Begin to Die if It Stays a Trump Party

Hate to tell you this, John ol’ buddy, but the GOP as you know it (GOPe) is already dead.  It’s dead because we’re sick of you clueless country-club Establishment Republicans sucking up to the Left, sick of you always compromising with the Left and allowing this country to drift ever leftward towards socialism, and sick of your constant treachery towards the former President.

Here are some of what I call the Trump Principles:

  • laws, judges and a judicial system which are solidly and immovably based on original Constitutional principles, especially:
    — an unswerving support of citizen’s gun rights
    — property rights
    — and freedom of speech
  • secure national borders closed to illegal immigration, and accelerated deportation of those who sneak their way in
  • Americans having jobs before the jobs are outsourced to other countries
  • dismantling the regulatory state
  • refusing to let eco-nonsense be the driving force behind policy and regulation, and
  • an “America First” foreign policy which deals from strength not weakness, which treats Russia, China and hostile Muslim countries with guarded caution and fosters closer ties with the Anglosphere nations

During his lamentably-short time in office, President Donald Trump followed all the above to some degree (when he was allowed to) either by his own actions or through the legislature, despite having been violently opposed by the hostile Left and stabbed in the back by the GOPe and Swamp Establishment on many occasions.

IF the Republican Party of which you speak follows all the above principles faithfully, even against massive and ferocious opposition from the Left, then we can be friends.

Otherwise, rot and fade away into history.  Your time is over.

Spider’s Web

This is a long read, but well worth it if you want to understand this graphic:

I wonder if these little neo-Marxist twerps realize what would happen to them if their pet mantra of “there shouldn’t be billionaires” became a reality?

But that’s Marxism for you:  denying the importance of money against all the evidence.

Speed Bump #2,593

Once again, we have an excellent example of near-illiteracy from a newspaper (no prizes for guessing which one, although they’re all equally terrible):

A huntsman spider has been captured devouring a frog after luring it into a fake shelter made of leaves, in Madagascar, Africa. The grizzly spectacle was discovered by a team of scientists (top right) conducting a bird count in the village of Ambodiala, in Marojejy National Park in the island country’s northeast.

Excuse me, but a “grizzly spectacle” would be the sight of eight bears taking it in turns to butt-fuck Kamala Harris*.

The proper word to be used in the above report should be “grisly” — G-R-I-S-L-Y — which means gruesome or nauseating.  Not that that the above-mentioned gangbang wouldn’t be just as gruesome to watch — those poor bears — but the fact remains that there is a massive difference between grisly  and grizzly, as any fourth-grader of my generation would have been able to point out.

Grisly —–>  <—– Grizzly

Also, to pick a further nit, the spider wasn’t “captured”, it was captured on film  — another seemingly-small but important detail.

And finally, Madagascar is an independent nation located on an island off the coast of Africa.  Carrying the DM ‘s example further, it would be like saying that helium-voiced singer Kylie Minogue comes from “Australia, Southeast Asia”.

All that sloppiness in one paragraph.  Is it too early for a second gin?

*I’m not wishing violence upon our beloved Vice-President, of course;  this analogy is purely for illustrative purposes.

Old Times, Good Times

This made me expel some breakfast gin out of my nose:

German officials are being forced to convert refugee camps into the new network of Covid detention facilities, because all the really good camps are currently filled with tourists taking photos and Jews making documentaries.  It’s a lesson that every oppressive regime needs to learn:  Don’t turn your best concentration camps into museums;  you never know when they might be needed again.

Arbeit macht Krankfrei, in other words.
