Decepticon Morgan

Oh dear.  It appears that Piers “Scum” Morgan has been caught with his filthy little fingers clutching the editor’s scissors:

Audio provided by former President Donald Trump’s team to Breitbart News of the end of Trump’s interview with Piers Morgan proves that Morgan and his team deceptively edited the interview to make it appear as though it was a contentious ending when it was not.

Now why would Our Piers do that?  Of course, there’s money involved:

A 30-second promotional clip that Morgan released on Wednesday afternoon seemed to show Trump flying off the handle and walking out mid-interview as a righteous Morgan asked him tough questions about his views on the 2020 election. But the full story seems to indicate that Morgan’s team deceptively edited the clips together to make it as nasty as possible for Trump—and to drive up the ratings for Morgan’s new show.

As Britain’s Greatest Living Englishman put it:

I’m actually jealous.

Old News

Here’s a lovely one from Woke Disney:

Disney began an extensive review of its film library as it prepared to introduce the streaming service in 2019, according to a New York Times report. As part of the initiative, called Stories Matter, Disney added disclaimers to classic movies for containing “negative depictions or mistreatment of people or cultures.”

The Stories Matter team privately flagged certain characters as potentially problematic, with the findings distributed to senior Disney leaders, two current Disney executive told the Times.

One of them was Tinker Bell, who raised concern because she is “body conscious” and jealous of Peter Pan’s attention, according to the executives.  Captain Hook was another potential liability because he could expose Disney to accusations of discrimination or prejudice against individuals with disabilities because he is a villain.

Disney also flagged Ursula the Sea Witch from The Little Mermaid, saying her dark complexion could be construed as racist and her flamboyant mannerisms could come across as “queer coded,” or homophobic.

Fucking hell.  There is just no end to this bullshit.

Anyway, I don’t know about Hook and Ursula, but Tink has always been problematic for Disney, especially at the hands of the brilliant satiric (satyric?) artist Julius Zimmerman (warning:  link is so NSFW you could face termination of the extreme kind, let alone just the loss of your job or your eyesight).

Disney is whizzing beyond comedy into self-parody faster than the speed of a single cartoon cel through a projector.

And Disney?  Your stories don’t matter as much as you think they do.

Showing Off

Several years ago, Kim Kardashian was robbed in her Paris hotel room, and the popular response to this event was horrible.  It prompted this response from me on these pages, and I stand by every single statement I made back then (please go and read it before continuing).

All that said, I have to say that it makes me wince when today’s glitterati  and sports heroes show off their conspicuous wealth.  Here’s one example of some guy getting robbed of his $72,000 watch, and another example of stupid display:

That’s former Disney-girl and now-slut-extraordinaire Bella Thorne.  I can only hope that what she’s wearing on that single wrist and hand are paste, and not real jewels;  but somehow, I don’t think that’s the case.

I used to know a fabulously wealthy man who had a habit of buying his wife expensive jewellery, and paying a small fortune to have the pieces scrupulously copied in glass and gold-plate so that she could wear them in public.  I once asked him why he bothered buying the real thing at all, if all she was going to do was wear the fakes.  His reply was priceless:  “The real stuff is an investment;  the fake stuff is for her ego.”

I have no answer for any of this, by the way, because I don’t think there is one.  Criminals are always going to target the wealthy;  and if the wealthy want to wear a neon sign on their bodies that says, “I’m rich!” and goblins see the signs and act accordingly, I guess that’s just the way of the world.

As for Amir Khan:  I cannot imagine spending over seventy grand on a watch that ugly, but as we all know, wealth can’t buy you taste.


The story of the film so far:  woman puts money into a lottery machine, gets bumped by rude asshole, accidentally pushes the wrong button on the machine and gets a single (and expensive) card, different from the cheap ones she normally plays.  Okay, that kinda sucks.

Then she does the scratchy thing and discovers that her “accidental” card has just given her a $10 million payout.

Hooray, hoorah and all that.

But here’s where the story takes a nasty turn:

Edwards said she is going to use her winnings to buy a house and start a nonprofit organization.


Let’s start at the top.

  1. That $10 million turns to $5 million immediately, as the FedGov and the Golden Shower State take their respective pounds of flesh off the top;
  2. Being a Los Angeles County prisoner resident, she’s going to have to drop about $2 million if she wants to get anything more than a two-bed / one-bath bungalow;
  3. If she doesn’t invest the remaining millions properly, she won’t have enough income to afford the property taxes on that big new house, unless she wants to keep working at (rough guess) the DMV for the rest of her life;
  4. And all that’s after the res’ of da fambly — some of whom she never knowed was fambly — comes calling with their hands out (her first name is LaQuedra:  connect the dots);
  5. So much for the non-profit.

She could always start a non-profit and pay herself a decent salary as the president thereof;  but the salaries for the rest of the staff (all fambly) will drain her coffers dry within at most two years — and the IRS takes a dim view of that kind of thing, anyway.

None of this is important to me — it’s not my money and well done to her, I say — but it’s a good example of stupid people pissing away their good fortune.

Speed Bump #7,659

In an otherwise decent article,  Brandon Morse writes this howler:

“In today’s society, emotion is increasingly valued over logistical thinking.”

Really?  Emotion is placed higher than thinking about how to move stuff from one place to another?


JHC… it’s way too early to have yet another gin, but WTF.

Train Smash Women: Aintree 2022

Annnd They’re Off!

Ah yes, it’s time for the Grand National at Aintree, Liverpool. And as always, the Scouser Train Smash Brigade was much in evidence:


Amazingly, some looked halfway decent:



…by Aintree standards, that is:

And then came Ladies’ Day, oh yes it did:

Observe this one:

…and realize that she came as part of a matched pair:

Body adornment there was a-plenty:

And I think that someone thought that just dressing as a woman qualified:

  …kinda hard to tell these days. though.

And then towards evening, the booze started flowing:

  …an aria from Carmen, no doubt.


There are more, so many more… but you’ll have to follow the links above to see the complete awfulness, if you have the stomach for it.  The ones I’ve loaded are the best.

Aintree never fails us, does it?