Proper Ranking

From my friends at the Texas State Rifle Association:

Let’s just look at that for a moment:

  • Grand Prize:  an old rifle, last used in the 19th century, firing a black powder cartridge that’s mostly unavailable except to hobbyists and reloaders
  • Consolation Prize: the Mattel AR-15 Plastic Fantastic


Hey, I didn’t set the competition up, they did.

En passant:  I fired the 71/84 once, and like a most black powder shooting, it was a lot of fun, but very messy. [insert sex joke here]

Monday Funnies

Yeah, it’s Monday morning, and after a heavy Sunday night’s boozing, you just woke up next to Lizzo.

‘Nuff said.  So:

Yeah, yeah… yuk it up, assholes, as you count the eight .45 entry holes in your mid-section.

The Finnish government are as big a bunch of fucking killjoys as our own.  Who knew?

Anyway, to end this post on a positive note:

Yeah, yeah, I know:  “Never mind the chick, check out all those ammo boxes.”

And to see us out of the cornfield and into the week:

News Roundup

And speaking of the above, Out Of Africa:

...any Seffrican company that invites guests and does not provide armed security should be sued into oblivion.

From our Furrin News Desk:

...the other 25% being foreigners. be followed by a burning of the Koran outside the Saudi embassy.  No? 

...and if that doesn’t work, they’ll just beg harder.

...wait till you see which one.  Jeremy Clarkson isn’t allowed to build a car park on his own farm, but in London...

In the Political News Dept.:

...headline may have been edited a little, for reasons of clarity.

...nothing, even if she were elected, which she won’t be.  No odds are being offered.

And in the tiny Good News For A Change Dept.:

...predicted number of Texas school shootings in the future:  somewhat less than in the past.

Celebrity News:

In the Dept. Of Medicine:

...try as I may, I can find absolutely nothing wrong with this.

Then, in (link-free) INSIGNIFICA:


...isn’t that just...inflation?

...I know we’ve seen this totty before, but some things deserve more exposure, yes?


Not the worst way to end the news…

Ya Thank?

From the Redcoats Burn Down The White House! news department:

Some Republican senators are concerned that conservative populism is taking over the Republican Party — concerns which coincide with increased distrust in federal agencies and establishment media outlets.

Wow, I wonder how they managed to figure this out… so late in the game.

Clueless idiots.  Oh wait:  here might be a clue:

Distrust for basic institutions has continued to bubble throughout President Biden’s time in office, particularly in light of the Department of Justice (DOJ) targeting former President Donald Trump while seemingly allowing Biden family corruption to go relatively unaddressed.

And Congress is right on it:

Such mounting concerns led to the creation of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, which has worked to showcase the corruption of the FBI and DOJ.

A show of hands, please:  how many of you think that this subcommittee’s findings will result in anyone being fired, imprisoned or even fined for said corruption?

None of you, huh?  Me neither.

I’m a conservative, all right, but I’m nowhere close to being a populist, politically speaking.  But if we look at the scale between “Boys will be boys” at one end and “Hang every last one of them from lamp posts” at the other, with each passing day I’m finding myself sliding ever closer to the “Never mind the gallows;  we have lots of ammo”  position.

What amazes me is that “some Republican senators” are only now becoming aware of how common my position is turning, even amongst the more polite conservatives.

And when the Communists steal the 2024 election with millions of fraudulent mail-in ballots?

We’ll just have to see.