Monday Funnies

Yeah, it’s Monday morning, and after a heavy Sunday night’s boozing, you just woke up next to Lizzo.

‘Nuff said.  So:

Yeah, yeah… yuk it up, assholes, as you count the eight .45 entry holes in your mid-section.

The Finnish government are as big a bunch of fucking killjoys as our own.  Who knew?

Anyway, to end this post on a positive note:

Yeah, yeah, I know:  “Never mind the chick, check out all those ammo boxes.”

And to see us out of the cornfield and into the week:


  1. What was that book about the Mossad assassination squad who went after the Munich killers? They simply loved their .22s.

  2. I especially liked the Rhodesia picture of the mercenaries carrying the FAL rifles

    One of my fraternity brothers, who was a former Grunt in Vietnam, would go to Rhodesia as a merc in the summer while we all went back to our parents house to wait tables or work in factories

    He came back one Fall with sulfur burns from some kind of half-assed grenade one of the native Commie forces had lobbed at him

  3. Wow, Cornfield Girl is downright mesmerizing. If I were forty years younger…

    1. Y’old fart: if you were forty years younger she’d STILL be too young for you.


      1. Gentlemen: Cornfield Girl is the stuff of old men’s dreams. And while I’m dreaming, I’d love to see where the Sweet Young Thing in the little black dress conceals that semi-auto.

  4. On the issue of dual 50 cals… Several years ago, I read a book on the development of the M1 Abrams. King of the Kill Zone, I think. One section talked about weapons selection and fire control. There was a contingent of the design team that was pushing for dual 50 BMGs coax with the main gun and…be still my heart…tied into the stabilization and ranging system. Imagine being able to rain down 750 grn hate with precision out to the max effective range of a pair of those babies…while on the move over terrain.

  5. The thing I never got about the Rhodesian dudes was the extremely short shorts. And wearing shorts and cut off shirts in action is a fundamental mistake regardless of the heat. At the first contact all elbow and knee skin will be abraded away, not to mention the hassle of thorns, thistles and general hostile foliage.

    And while I’m here, the arsehole who put that little girl on the range with that big gun needs kicking. WTF is going through the heads of adults who do things like that with children?

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