News Roundup

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So let’s down it all in one long, ghastly gulp.

and it should come as absolutely no surprise that the person behind this foulness is a self-described “femme, fat, queer, magical pleasure worker, educator, and artist I’d post a picture, but I respect my Readers too much.

I know, how silly.   Now let’s talk about heavenly angels

,,,given that it’s Cardiff, Tchaikowski would probably be overjoyed.

but unless the legislation includes severe penalties for non-compliance, it will be as useful as a banana in a house fire.

ah yes, page 127 of The Communist Manifesto:  “When prices rise because of shortages, it is the greed of the corporations, and not of the government policy which caused the shortage.  And:

unless there was an actual shotgun involved in this “blasting”, I’m not really interested.

vagina museum?

Climate Changery: long as said gas guzzlers kill climate terrorists by running them over, I think we’re all cool.

travel agencies hardest hit.

And speaking of migratory species:

but as with most gun laws, it didn’t stop him.

….unless she was the granddaughter of the judge who released him, nothing will happen to him.

Train Smash Update:

if she does, it’ll be the first time she’s ever planned anything.

And now, no-link INSIGNIFICA (and you will thank me for this):


There’s gotta be pure battery acid in that thang, Bubba.

News Roundup

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So off we go:

bloody hell, if Britain is your tax haven, how bad is California?

oh shut the fuck up, you ugly tart.  You lucked into fame, a luxury lifestyle and a multi-billion dollar divorce payout, but you’re still whining and butthurt.  What more do you want?

as opposed to all those wonderful constitutions written by noble Africans of yore… oh wait:  they couldn’t write?  Never mind.

as the nation cheers.

proof that even to liberals, they look the same.

From the Dept Of Covidiocy:

dumbass Kiwis:  did they not get the memo that Covid has been replaced by Ukraine/Putin as the bogeyman du jour?

damn Catholics, mistaking “Holy fuck!” for an activity, rather than an expression.

trust me:  unity with Commies isn’t such a great prospect for us, either.

and while we’re there, let’s have the U.S. pull out of the Warsaw Pact too.  Dumb bitch. 

…say what?  To quote the late, great Dennis Farinha:  “You guys invented the language;  why don’t you fucking speak it?”

and wait till you read what else they turned into weapons.

you mean, worse than Selma, even?  This race hustler needs a swift kick to the head.



And finally:

…and yes they did, in a triumph for chubby MILFs everywhere.

However, when she was younger:


And then came the Train Smash:  booze, pills, drugs, motherhood, tattoos, etc.:

And all this happened to someone who had (and still has) a lovely singing voice, and bundles of acting talent.

Sad, really.  I preferred her about a decade ago:

Monday Funnies

First it was TGIF;  now it’s OGIM.  Proof:

So let’s just laugh sourly… with a little help from a friend:


  …and cocaine.

(an actual exchange between me and Mr. Free Market)

And some random tart I found SOTI:

Apparently, she’s a sports reporter on Romanian TV — which is probably why sport is so popular over there.