Taking A Stand

Now here’s a place I’d like to visit the next time I go Over There, because the owner seems to have the Right Stuff.

A pub boss has called last orders on customers in sportswear in a bid to drive out ‘chavs and roadmen with bumbags’ from his watering hole.
Landlord Brian Hoyle, who runs The Orange Tree in Hereford, has put a blanket ban on customers wearing hoodies, tracksuits and Stone Island clothing in his pub.
He is also barring under 21’s from the city centre pub at weekends due to youngsters being ‘unable to handle their booze’.

Needless to say, his dress code and age limit have aroused the anger of The Usual Suspects:

But the ban, which Hoyle says is aimed at making his watering hole a ‘proper’ Hereford pub again, has proved controversial among residents in the cathedral city.
Some of the residents have accused the policy of being ‘discriminatory’.

You see, this is what happens when you start ascribing motives to an ordinary word, used in its original (and correct) sense for centuries.

Let me say right now:  there’s nothing wrong with being discriminatory:  it’s a human trait that distinguishes civilized men from savages and animals, and helps us provide order in our world.

Sadly, of course, “discrimination” these days is used almost exclusively to demonize racial discrimination, which is not necessarily a Good Thing when applied purely as a measurement of skin color.  But historically, that is actually the least of the word’s many applications.  Here are a couple more.

When I say, for example, that I loathe “American” cheese (that orange paste stuff) and prefer to eat Jarlsberg, Cheddar or Emmenthaler, I am showing that I have a discriminating taste — just as is someone who would prefer to own and shoot a Colt Government over a Jennings Saturday Night Special, or prefers to own good knives made by Ken Onion over cheap brittle stuff made in China.  Nothing wrong with that.  Experience has taught you that stuff of inferior quality is not worth ownership or use.

When you prefer to invite people of your own sort to dinner parties, you’re being discriminating in your choice of friends — and once again, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

So of course, our worthy publican in the above story is setting his preferences — because over many years and much experience, he had discovered that people who dress a certain way and/or of a certain age tend to abuse his hospitality, so he wants to preclude them from coming in and, let it be known, spoiling things for people with manners, respect and proper attire.

Somebody needs to put an end to the loutish, boorish behavior of the younger generation, and he’s chosen to make a stand.

And good for him, say I.  If I were in his shoes, I would do precisely the same.

Quote Of The Day

The Trump presidency, encapsulated:

“The economy was humming, and even after the elite’s Chi Com comrades inflicted the pangolin pandemic on us, we were coming back. We were energy independent. The border was getting secure. Taxes got cut. Soleimani was a cinder and ISIS was a skid mark. We had no new wars, and the one in Afghanistan was set to end without a live production of Miss Saigon II: We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Airbases.”– Kurt Schlicter

Also:  there were no concentration camps filled with homosexuals and trannies, no right-wing death squads kicking down leftists’ doors, no bans on abortion and in general, none of the doubleplusungood things that the media socialists warned us would be the consequences of a Trump presidency.

Quote Of The Day

From Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas:

“The only proper response from America to these
dirty savage terrorists should be:
Go fuck yourself.”

…to be followed by daisycutters and MOABs.

Feeling Better

After my rather gloomy, sorry-for-myself post the other day, I must confess to feeling quite heartened at the several messages which I read both in Comments and via email from people like Reader Bruce M, who wrote in response to “Getting Tired” thus:

Me too, but there are a lot of us out that need people like you to stay focused on the world for us.
I would like you to do a bit about the politics of hate. It seems to me that there is an effort to get those of us that just want our freedom to do and think what we want, to hate each other.
The groups to hate:
Boomers, vaxxers, Jews, blacks, Hispanics, any religious group not of your exact sect or cult. The list keeps growing until no one is on our side.
Planned by the commies, maybe ?
A reader who values your thoughts.

It is indeed a topic worthy of discussion, nay even a rant.  Expect one shortly.

And from Longtime Reader John dB who, after a reminder of my long-past writings, concluded with:

Can I persuade you to cast aside your fatigue and carry on with your political commentary? What you have to say features in what I want to do and besides, the quiet ones who follow you but hardly/never comment, need you.

I am deeply touched and flattered that my fevered rants about our body politic actually mean something in people’s lives.  (He also reminded me of this essay.)

Consider the fatigue cast aside… just buckle in, because it may get kinda rough from here on.


Seems like even the lawyers are getting sick of it:

Even though he’s a lawyer, I’m on his side.

In my own case, when once threatened with punishment for contempt of court back in Seffrica, I snarled: “Contempt doesn’t even begin to cover what I feel for this court.”  The judge looked somewhat startled and my lawyer put his head in his hands;  whereupon the judge started laughing and let me off with a R50* fine — which my lawyer paid because I refused to.

Fuck all of them, black-robed assholes.

*Back then, fifty rands was almost half a month’s rent for my downtown apartment.

One Totem, One Statue

When you’ve lost the Canucks

A native totem pole was set on fire on Canada’s Vancouver Island in what is suspected to be retaliation for the destruction of a statue of Captain James Cook.
The Salish Bear Pole was seen smouldering at the summit of the Malahat Highway hours after a mob ripped down a statue of the British explorer in the provincial capital of Victoria, took off its head, and “drowned” it in the Inner Harbour.

My favorite part:

“Fresh graffiti was also located at the scene, speaking to recent events in Victoria where a statue of James Cook was pulled down and thrown in the Victoria Harbour, based on what was written, we feel the two incidences are related,” the policeman said.

Ya think?  And in the very next sentence:

The words ‘ONE TOTEM – ONE STATUE’ had been scrawled in front of the burning totem in black spray-paint.

Ordinarily, I’d be loath to copy anything the Canuckis do, but I have to tell y’all…

Oh, and of course, CanuckiPres Manboy was quick to toss some gas onto the flames:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has called the church attacks “unacceptable” but added that he “understand[s] the anger that’s out there against the federal government, against institutions like the Catholic church; it is real and it is fully understandable given the shameful history that we are all becoming more and more aware of”.

Maybe our Proud Red Ensigners should burn this asshole instead of a totem.  Just sayin’.