Spendy Property

We’re all accustomed to stories of how expensive real estate has become in the world’s major cities.  Here’s one in London that caught my eye recently:

A Notting Hill flat that is so small  [254 sq.ft] that there only appears to be a sofa available to sleep on has gone on sale on Rightmove for £350,000.

That works out to $1,872 / sq.ft [pause for recovery time]  but it does raise an interesting question.

Is it actually uninhabitable?  Well, it depends.  If a single person (forget a couple, that’s insane) bought the place as a full-time residence, it would be tight — but not impossible.  And honestly — I know the neighborhood — the kitchen would only be used in emergencies, because that area has about a jillion pubs, restaurants and takeout places pretty much within a few blocks of the place in any direction.

Its purpose, in fact, is that of a corporate flophouse;  where an executive (e.g. Mr. Free Market) has a family house / estate far outside London, but spends Monday- to Thursday nights in the city.  In these circumstances, all he needs is a bed and a bathroom, with the rest being more or less superfluous.

And the flat is quite pleasing to the eye withal, despite its shortage of area:

I could live there, by myself.  But only because it’s in London.  Anywhere else, and I’d feel like this:

Priceless Scandi

Oh yeah, baby

Finland Anti-Lockdown Convoy Hits Helsinki

Helsinki saw dozens of motor vehicles clog its streets on Friday evening, sparked by the nation’s lockdown rules, as well as the rising cost of fuel in the country.

Police initially tried to stifle the protest before it occurred, implementing a ban on heavy goods vehicles — a class which includes a wide variety of trucks — without a permit from the city centre.

That’s excellent news.  But here’s my absolute favorite part:

However, according to a report from Finnish public broadcaster Yle Uutiset, this did not stop the protest from going ahead, with dozens of vehicles, including motor homes, cars, vans, and at least one mobile sauna, streaming into the city centre for the demonstration.

A mobile sauna?   The only way this shindig could have been more Finnish was if Mika Häkonnen had been part of the parade, riding a reindeer.

Bravo, ystäväni.


Here’s a handwringing article which should make us all chuckle:

How France embraced the far right

At his rally, Eric Zemmour outlined his plans to create a political party called “Reconquest”, referring to the historic period known as the Reconquista, when Christian forces drove Muslim rulers from the Iberian peninsula.
Mr Zemmour is campaigning on a bizarre zero immigration policy and has frequently come under fire for his anti-Muslim comments.

Am I the only one who thinks that a zero-immigration policy isn’t bizarre?  (And I’m speaking as an immigrant myself.)

All I know is that somewhere in the ether, Charles Martel is smiling.

Well, That Didn’t Take Long

Ah yes… harsh reality sets in once the Great Satan has flown the last helicopter off the embassy building:

Approximately one million children in Afghanistan currently suffer from malnutrition, the country’s Ministry of Public Health said Monday, Tolo News reported.
Afghan Deputy Minister of Public Health Abdul Bari Omar revealed the figure to domestic media on November 15, adding, “700,000 Afghan women … are suffering from malnutrition along with the children.”

And right on cue, we get the old 1946 song sung again, as we are asked to implement the Marshall Plan Redux, toot sweet:

The “foreign ministry” of the Taliban urged the United States Congress in an open letter published Wednesday to unfreeze Afghan government assets to allow them to govern effectively, asserting that they are a “united, responsible and non-corrupt government.”

Three words:  GO. FUCK. YOURSELVES.

Lest we forget, these same children were used by the Taliban as human shields against U.S. and other Western troops right up until we left the place —  disposable trinkets (just like the Pals do against Israel, speaking of loathsome Muslim assholes).

Now we’re supposed to get all teary-eyed and guilty because this so-called Afghan government is suddenly overcome with care and concern about the kiddies (such care and concern notably absent when it comes to whipping “immodestly-dressed girls” in the streets, but nemmind).

Go wave your tinkly little beggar cups somewhere else, assholes.  You asked for this;  now deal with it.

Or, here’s a thought:  collect all foreign nationals still trapped in Afghanistan and ship them safely to (say) Istanbul first, and then we may talk to you.

Or not.

And by the way:  I loved Audrey Hepburn, but UNICEF can also kiss my hairy African-American ass.  They can raise money from, I dunno, other Muslim countries e.g. the Gulf States or Saudi Arabia or someone.  We know that if Christian children were starving in their millions, none of the above — and least of all Afghanistan — would lift a damn finger to help them.

F.O.A.D., the lot of you.  Enough is enough.

Sunday, Italian Style

It’s Italy Day here on this back porch of mine:

…and here are some fine Italian things.

First up, a matched pair of Rizzini shotguns:

Next up, a 1955 Fiat 8V, styled by Zagato:

…and a 1967 Fiat 2400 Dino Spider:

Speaking of fine Italian models of yore, it’s about time we looked at Sophia again:

…and her younger compatriot, Monica Bellucci:

And speaking of yummy:


Where could one buy such things?  Well, in Milan, for instance:

That’s all Italian style, folks, and it’s pretty much unbeatable.

Canuck Overview

Da Tech Guy has a funny albeit telling post about the recent elections in the Snowy North:

Basically Trudeau’s liberals stayed where they were with the most seats but not the majority that he was hoping for. Meanwhile conservatives who thought a bit ago that they might end up winning stayed right where they were.

The funny part comes at the very end, and features Mitt Romney.

I normally give Canadian election results only a cursory look, but I have to admit to being surprised that His GirlyBoyness got reelected.  Have all Canuckis gone horribly Left?  I asked myself.

Now I know how it happened.