Of Course They Are

Fresh from the CanuckiReich:

On Friday, the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) announced they are pairing with several federal intelligence agencies and other law enforcement divisions to launch “enhanced intelligence operations and investigations” that will target individuals who are participating in the Canadian Truckers For Freedom Convoy.

According to the OPS statement, the ‘enhanced investigation’ will begin targeting the key figures who are behind the organization of the convoy as part of the Canadian government’s “increased effort to identify and target protestors who are funding/supporting/enabling unlawful and harmful activity by protesters.”

Intelligence agencies will be assisting the OPS in gathering identifying information on targeted individuals, including financial records, digital history, vehicle registration, driver’s licenses, insurance status, and other personal data that can be used to criminally prosecute the convoy participants.

That’s bad.  This is worse:

US law enforcement agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS), will also assist with the crackdown by investigating “online threats that originated in the US,” despite little to no evidence or behavior that has indicated any violence is being planned.

Our local Alphabet Gestapo are no doubt using this as a training exercise for our own U.S. freedom convoys, when they occur.

As far as I can see, the only “unlawful and violent activities” being planned are those of the police.

Fuckers.  Theirs and ours.

LOL Canceled

So CNN boss Jeff Zucker has had to quit because for the past few years he’s been dipping his pen into this office inkwell:

(Personally, I don’t think that’s a good reason to have to quit — he’s the boss, let him fuck whoever will let him.  At least he didn’t weinstein the skinny tart.)

But best of all, Whoopi Goldberg (a.k.a. Caryn Johnson) has been suspended from The View.

You see, Dearest Whoopi thinks (despite her culturally-appropriated last name) that because no Blacks were incinerated at Auschwitz, that the Holocaust wasn’t based on racism.  Fucking hell, she’s so ignorant it beggars belief.

Anyway, that’s two woke media assholes down the memory hole — at least, I hope so — and this “cancellation” couldn’t have happened to two more deserving shitheads.

Quote Of The Day

From the Z Man:

“It takes special skill to make it to the Senate. It is one of the best jobs in politics.  You do very little, you get massive bribes, and you get to live outside the law.  As a result, it is a great job, which means it attracts the worst people in politics.”

H.L. Mencken and Ambrose Bierce would heartily approve.

Stop Screwing Around

You know what?  I’m getting sick of all this shit.

Never mind the “war games”, Lefties.  Why don’t you just let slip the dogs of war, and let’s see how it pans out for you.


Here’s a tip.  Each of us has already war-gamed the scenario.  All you have to do is make the first overtly hostile move.

Virginia Strikes Back

Seems like the new (Republican) regime in the Virginia has wasted no time in kicking ass and taking names.

Virginia’s New AG Fires Civil Rights Division, Will Start Prosecuting Cases Dropped By ‘Social Justice’ DAs

Jason Miyares notified around 30 staff members they’re being let go – including 17 attorneys and 13 staff members.  The attorneys include the solicitor general, Herring’s deputies, and reportedly Helen Hardiman – an assistant AG who worked on housing discrimination.

Take that, Soros, you miserable old Nazi fucker.

Nothing To See, Move Along

So late yesterday, some asswipe went into a North Texas synagogue, took four people hostage and had some demands.

…because of course it was — actually, only one of Islam’s Finest — and he wanted some other asshole (convicted) terrorist freed from jail.

What happened next?

After a ten-hour standoff, an FBI Hostage Rescue Team made entry and rescued the three remaining hostages. The FBI confirmed the suspect is dead.

My only regret is that the Feebs took the little turd out.  Shoulda just left him to a Texas Ranger.  (“Only one Ranger?”  “Only one asshole.”)  Same result, less fuss.