Open Borders, Repel Boarders

Oh yeah, about that “open border” foolishness (as espoused by the Biden Maladministration)?  Here’s a nice situation:

On Wednesday, the Richmond Police Department announced the arrests of Guatemalan nationals 52-year-old illegal alien Julio Alvardo Dubon and 38-year-old illegal alien Rolman Balacarcel Ac for allegedly plotting a mass shooting at the city’s July 4th celebration.

Note that these two criminals seem to have had absolutely no problem getting the necessary equipment:

That is when police raided Dubon’s residence to find two rifles, a handgun, and 223 rounds of ammunition.

…so let’s have MORE gun control, of course.

Never mind deportation — both are multiple border-jumpers.  Just fucking shoot them when they try to escape.

Death Wish

After Margaret Thatcher rescued the British economy from the pit the Socialists had dropped it into, and driven the Argies out of the Falklands, her position was sabotaged not by the Opposition, but from within her own party.  All the good she’d done was forgotten, and out she went.

And so it goes, again, with the man who successfully got the Brits out of the foul EU and stood up to that vile Russian thug Putin when everyone else was going all Neville Chamberlain:

Boris Johnson is a student of Shakespeare – but today he is the victim of his own Roman tragedy after being brutally knifed by pals.
Once the ultimate popular leader who defied political gravity, his premiership has been brought crashing down by his own Tory troops.
His bloody ousting is the climax of a spectacular fall from grace after storming to a huge landslide victory less than three years ago.

The only thing that may save the not-so Conservative Party is that the not-so Loyal Opposition is a bloody shambles.

I shall discuss this latest example of Perfidious Albion with Mr. Free Market over the weekend, and see what he has to say.

More Fish To Fry

I think it’s time that conservatives look at the overturning of Roe, declare victory, and move on to more important (and really vital) social topics, at the state level, rather than start making people nervous by more-invasive anti-abortion laws.

And by “people”, I mean people like me.

Yes, there will always be some state-level folly that needs to be addressed — oppressive state gun ownership “tests”, for example — but just as with the major 2A victory, let’s not push for AK-47s in Aisle 7 at Kroger because while that doesn’t make me especially nervous, it probably would most people.  Apply that concept to abortion-restrictive laws, and you’ll get my drift.

Let’s start with another state power:  our schools and the destructive policies of Critical Race Theory, anti-male indoctrination and Marxism which have all become embedded in public school curricula.

If we want a more urgent local action, let’s address another state power:  that of voting management and policy.  Without serious controls in place to guarantee that another ten million votes aren’t suddenly “found” in ballot boxes or the foul voting machines, none of the rest counts.

We’ve won the 2A battle and we’ve destroyed the Constitutional foolishness of Roe v. Wade.  It’s time to get serious about the rest of the Counterculture.

Oh, and if we want another national ailment to tackle, let’s talk about the wokeness and feminization of the Armed Forces, and their baleful effects on our ability to protect this republic.  More on that later.

Laughing His Ass Off

Via Reader Brad_in_Il comes this timely epistle from John Kass:

Ours is a culture that fills kids with pharmaceutical drugs to manage their mood swings, a culture that offers them video games to live out their most violent, murderous fantasies. We push our political anxieties and pathologies down the throats of our children, telling young men for example, that masculinity is “toxic.” And if they happen to be white and male, they’re led to believe they’re they cause of almost everything that is wrong in the world.

Read this in conjunction with yesterday’s Twitter thread from a tormented young man, and you will be deafened by the sound of Satanic laughter.

Intended Result

This little thread is actually one of the sadder things I’ve read recently.

It all started here, with a tweet from Dr. Danna Young basically smearing white middle school boys claiming if they’re not ‘pulled out’ they end up in the alt-right pipeline.

The response is pointed, heartfelt and probably fills the heart of every modern feminazi educator with joy because it signifies for them, Mission Accomplished.

And we wonder why the Armed Forces are having trouble recruiting the proper young men…


Peter Hitchens (the lesser of the two Hitchens brothers, but still better than 90% of his peers) writes a conclusion to this article:

There is no longer any point in pretending that they have not failed. And when institutions fail, the best thing to do is to replace them from top to bottom. That would be a truly special measure.

Most of what he writes is specific to the Britfuzz, of course, but certainly his sentiment and exasperation must also apply to… oh, let’s just start with the FBI, who were once a proud and effective crime-fighting organization, but who have allowed themselves over the past four or five decades to become so politicized as to be pretty much the secret police for the political elite.

Was I the only one who started oiling the rope when the Justice Department (don’t get me started on them) ordered the Fibbies to investigate and treat concerned parents as domestic terrorists?

Who pursue high-profile “wrongdoers” (step forward, Martha Stewart) but let real scumbags (Jeffrey Epstein, the Clintons, etc.) just skate away scot-free?

Or when that slimy little lizard James Comey, who after “investigating” Hillary Clinton’s private email account — which as a point of fact was completely illegal, given her position as SecState — declared to Congress that his conclusion was that her actions were not worthy of prosecution.

And I’m pretty sure that most thinking people in this country have their own example of egregious behavior (or rather misbehavior) on the part of the FBI, which alone should make a companion of Hitchens’s suggestion of complete abolition thereof a realistic, and reasonable demand.

Seriously:  how much worse off would we be without them than we are now?