From an article detailing how ex-President Token and his harridan wife are making millions, we find this little nugget:
In October 2017, Michelle Obama was a keynote speaker at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women, a non-profit that promotes education and networking. The New York-based Harry Walker Agency Inc., which books both Obamas for speaking gigs, billed the Pennsylvania Conference for Women $225,000 in 2017, according to the non-profit’s most recent tax filings.
Barack Obama currently rakes in $400,000 per speech, and earned at least $1.2 million for three talks to Wall Street firms in 2017.
But, but, but… #IncomeInequality !!!
Barack Shithead Obama earns twice as much as his Pore Wife, for doing the same job!
#ShameOnBarack #PayTheBitchMore #FairnessInSpeakingFees
Whatever all that shit means.