Medical Care Under Socialism

Apparently Bernie Sanders, socialist Senator and POTUS wannabe, had a heart attack on the campaign trail but survived after some pretty nifty (and quick) medical care — after which the Commie asshole had the nerve to bellow:  “Medicare For All!” (his campaign slogan).

As Dan Greenfield has pointed out:

While Bernie’s timetable of getting an angioplasty within a day might not sound that impressive to Americans, in the British NHS system, the median time from assessment to treatment is 55.3 days.  Mean times for treatment have been cited as being 80 days.  The maximum NHS waiting time is supposed to be 18 weeks and almost 16% of patients in the UK have to wait more than 3 months for an angioplasty.
Canada’s socialist system has angioplasty waiting times of around 11 weeks.  And that’s after you get an appointment to see a specialist.

Bernie waited a day in Vegas to get his angioplasty.  In Norway, he would have waited 39 days.
In Finland, which Bernie has also cited as an inspiration for his socialist program, he would have waited 22 days.  In Sweden, another favorite of American socialists, Bernie would have waited 42 days.

Greenfield also points out (and I paraphrase) that as President Sanders, the man who would have implemented socialized medical care, Our Bernie wouldn’t ever be subject to the same kinds of waiting periods imposed on others:  oh no.  He’d have been whipped into Bethesda Naval Hospital within the hour, and had an angioplasty a couple hours later.

Which is always the way with Communists:  the ordinary people suffer while the nomenklatura  get only the best.  And under socialism, ordinary individuals’ lives are irrelevant as long as the principle is upheld.

Well, I wish the evil old bastard had croaked, just on principle.

Headline Of The Day

Oh boy, this is priceless:

Beto Goes to Kent State, Argues Only the Government Can Be Trusted With Guns

I know the little Texas twerp is clueless;  but how clueless is that?

These socialist turds haven’t yet figured out that in America, threatening to ban a type of gun doesn’t cause us to stop buying it — on the contrary, it makes us run out and buy more  of them, in greater number and variety.  Even the ladies join in the fun:

And such is the ignorance among college students nowadays, I bet ol’ Beta-boy’s speech was rapturously applauded.  Morons.

Whole Lotta Ifs

Stay with me on this one.

If I were many years younger, and if I were not married, and if I lived in Colorado;  and if this woman wasn’t already married, and if I happened to meet her, and if she wasn’t utterly repulsed by me to the point of shooting my fat ass — if all that, then I’d give her a big kiss on the cheek.

Which woman?  This one.

And I bet I’m not the only man who thinks this.

Serious Question

Is it just me, or is every Socialist / Democrat 2020 candidates’ debate just turning into a competition to see who can go “fullest” Communist?

“We need to register all assault rifles and their owners!”
“No, we’re going to restrict sales of AR-15 assault rifles!”
“No, we’ll make them all illegal!”
“No,we’ll go from door to door and forcibly confiscate them!”
“No,we’ll summarily execute anyone who even owns one!”

(That last one hasn’t actually been said yet, but there are still several more debates to come.)

“We’re going to limit the salaries of corporate executives!”
“No, we’re going to tax corporations at 95%!”
“No, we’re going to confiscate the retirement funds of the wealthy!”
“No, we’re going to tax net wealth as well as income!”
“No, we’re going to abolish capitalism altogether!”

Or there’s the usual climate bullshit:

“We need to close all coal-burning power stations!”
“We need to convert the nation to electric cars and public transport!”
“We need to abolish private transportation altogether!”
“We need to use solar- and wind-power exclusively to generate electricity!”


“There are too many people in our jails!”
“We need to release all non-violent felons!”
“We need to release a whole bunch of Black felons so that the prison population can better resemble the racial profile of the nation!”

(No doubt, the empty jail cells would soon be filled with former owners of AR-15s and AK-47s, which would suit these assholes just fine.)

As for medical (“health”) care:

“We need to reinstate ObamaCare!”
“No, we need to make health care free to everybody who can’t afford it, including illegal immigrants undocumented visitors!”
“No, we need to abolish private medical insurance altogether!”
“No, we need to copy Britain’s National Health Service and offer free medical care to anyone who comes here!”

“We should open our borders to anyone who feels in the slightest bit oppressed in their home country!”
“We should open our borders to anyone who is poor in their home country!”
“Everyone in the world has a right to come to the United States!”

I could go on, but I think you get my drift.  No policy is too stupid, or costly, or oppressive, or unworkable that it hasn’t been enthusiastically accepted, supported and made still more  stupid, costly and oppressive by the inhabitants of the Clown Car.

An intelligent person has to be appalled at the thought of any of these ineffectual dilettantes becoming POTUS and sitting down to negotiate with the feral Communists of China, the fanatical Muslims of the Middle East or even the “soft” socialists of Europe.  Like has-been POTUS Urkel, they will probably espouse the failed diplomatic policy of America as the problem, not the solution;  and none of them will be interested in getting tough with our overseas competitors and enemies.

From their stated positions, however, it is clear that they are quite prepared to get tough with Americans.

It’s Called “Communism”, Dear

FFS, are these clowns serious?

Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang said the United States may have to eliminate private car ownership to combat climate change during MSNBC’s climate forum at Georgetown University Thursday morning.
He told MSNBC host Ali Velshi that “we might not own our own cars” by 2050 to wean the United States economy off of fossil fuels, describing private car ownership as “really inefficient and bad for the environment.” Privately owned cars would be replaced by a “constant roving fleet of electric cars.”

Ah yes, it’s all about “efficiency” (a recurring motif for totalitarians) and the environment.  And who will be the actual owner of this “constant roving fleet of electric cars”?  You bet it will be the State, either local government or similar.  (And just try to catch one of these electric Noddy cars to go to a gun show… “Forbidden destination;  please choose another.”)

You have to give it to them:  they’re going Full Lenin on this one.  No private ownership of cars, and — duh — no private ownership of guns.  And by the time they’ve implemented inflicted their third Five Year Plan on our economy, nobody* will be able to afford their own house, so we’ll all be living in State-owned apartments.

And Yang is supposed to be one of the moderate clowns?

This isn’t serious public policy;  this is middle-school daydreaming — right up until one of these socialist assholes gets his/her/xeir hands on the levers of power, when blue-sky unicorn-fart dreaming will become the law of the land.

And then the joke will be on the rest of us.

*nobody except the nomenklatura, of course — they’ll still own houses, cars (and probably guns too).


Simple Lesson

By now, everyone should be familiar with has-been-Congressman Butt-Boy O’Rourke’s promise to take away our AR-15s and AK-47s at the Socialist Clown Car Debate the other night.

Needless to say, that provoked a response from firebrand Texas State Rep. Briscoe Cain, who tweeted “My AR is ready for you Robert Francis” (echoing the sentiments of probably every AR- and AK owner in the Lone Star State).

Whereupon Beta-Boy crawled into a fetal position and whimpered, “Anytime you have somebody threatening to use violence against somebody in this country to resolve a political issue, really for any reason, that’s a matter for law enforcement!” then promptly reported Cain to the Fibbies.


There are two lessons to be drawn from this.  The first lesson is that Commiesymps like Skateboard Jesus are always going to use the KGB cops to do their dirty work for them — whether it’s “investigating a threat” (LOL) or confiscating guns from the populace.  (We already knew that, but the lesson bears repeating.)

The second lesson, though, is for ex-Congressman Fake O’Hispanic and his ilk:

When you threaten gun confiscation — that is, having the police forcibly disarm citizens — then YOU are the ones threatening violence.

And provoking violence, as we all know, often begets violence in return.  At least after all this, nobody can say that the socialists haven’t been warned.

As have we.