Not As Advertised

Apparently, UK retailer ASOS has done something good:

ASOS has won praise after unveiling a dedicated clothing collection for women with a big bust.
The British online clothing giant has unveiled a new in-house range catering for women with cup sizes from size DD to G – featuring everything from work shirts to party dresses – and shoppers have been tweeting their appreciation.

So purely in the spirit of enquiry, of course, I clicked on the link (don’t bother) to see what all the fuss was about.  Naturally, there were pics of said clothing, but the models were… shall we say less than ideal?


If the goal was to depict women who will benefit from big-breasted clothes, then the one in red was marginally acceptable, perhaps, but the other was assuredly not.

I mean, really?

For the benefit of ASOS, these are the women who would benefit from such clothing:

Yer welcome.

About the last pic:  I actually know her, through a friend.  No augmentation surgery there (don’t ask).

Beauties And Beasts – 2

Judging from my overfilled Inbox, it seems as though this series may be quite popular.  So without any further ado, here are some creations of Herr Doctor Ferdinand:

Given that I think that most Porsches are hideously ugly, it’s easy to see where I stand on which is beauty and which the beast.

As always, you may vote for your favorite (car, of course).

Beauties And Beasts 1

As Sundays at this address seem to have degenerated into discussions of beauty (with a little gratuitous leering thrown in — you animals), I had  an idea for a new series:  beautiful cars, suitably accessorized.

Here, for example, is the Ferrari thread:


Your votes in Comments.

Next week (unless y’all hate this idea):  another brand.

Artistic Gingers

As Longtime Readers know, I have a stalking obsession errr weakness okay soft spot (so to speak) for ladies of the red-haired persuasion.

Ordinarily, then, I would post pics of sundry redheads below, of wondrous pulchritude and in varying degrees of undress.

Not today.  Today we’re going all cultural and artistic and stuff.

At least one famous artist has shared my fascination for gingers, in this case Austrian Secessionist supremo Gustav Klimt.  Here are a few excerpts from various of his paintings:

Consider yourselves artistically enriched.

Oh okay, you philistines;  here’s a ginger of a more recent vintage:

I think ol’ Gustav would have approved…