Doggy Style

It’s not often that I am rendered speechless, but this story has made today one of those times.

We always make fun of Florida Man when some weird stuff happens in the Sunshine State;  I think that the subject of this article qualifies as “California Man/Woman”, for all sorts of reasons.

I accept no responsibility for what may happen when you follow that link, even though it’s quite safe for work… I think.


  1. Not too sure about this but can a girl/man/dog critter vote? What does it say on the voter registration card; likes to chase cars and chew up shoes?

  2. My first reaan ction was that I’d never thought I’d ever have use for the word ‘rebarbative’…. but then it occurred to me that there never was a better illustration of the massiveness of our wealth, than that we can have this and Barrett M82A1’s too. Truly we live in an age of gold.

  3. Sorry – if he can’t lick his own balls, then he’s a total failure as a dog.
    Identity failed; license denied.
    Southern California Dog License Authority.

  4. Hmm…I have friends who engage in “pup play,” where they put on the dog masks and the tails and pretend to be dogs, but they know it’s just pretending and they don’t actually “identify” as dogs. In at least one case, I consider it to be a good thing for the young man in question, as it’s helped him learn some good doglike qualities like loyalty and affection. Admittedly, it seemed a little strange to me at first, but I read up on it and decided it’s no weirder than some other things I’ve seen.

  5. I know we Brits are a nation of dog lovers but that’s absolutely chuffing barking! I’d rather not think of that sex toy at all, let alone it being reversed.

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