
A couple days ago I went to the supermarket to top up our supplies of various necessities (you know:  cleaning products, milk, vegetables, chocolate, etc.) and had two different experiences.

Firstly, there was Kroger, which was busy, but basically allowed one to walk in, shop around and keep a “safe” distance from other customers.

At Central Market, there was a long line outside the store, each customer standing at a “social distance” from each other, and only being allowed to enter the store at three-minute intervals.  (Thank gawd it was a cool day [45F];  had it been Dallas mid-summer broil [100F++], I wouldn’t have stayed.)

At both stores, I estimated that face masks were being worn by about 50%-60% of all customers, in both stores (I not one of them).  And I have to confess that I felt as though I should have worn one —  even though Plano’s Chinkvirus infection rate is tiny, and the death toll less than a rounding error.

So as much as I have railed against the fucking lockdown and accompanying regs, I find myself curiously conflicted by this little piece of officialdom:

All persons shall wear facial coverings before they enter any indoor facility besides their residence, any enclosed open space, or while outdoors when the person is unable to maintain a six-foot distance from another person at all times.

I have to say that of all the stupid Gummint shit that has taken place recently, and loath as I am to ascribe any kind of sense to Southern California governments in general, this regulation actually makes a great deal of sense to me.  I know that face masks are not perfectly efficient, but they do work from a logical perspective in that they prevent sneezes and coughs from spraying aerosol germs all over the damn place.  It’s not perfect, but it is also a good prophylactic device — and the old “perfection is the enemy of the good” warning definitely applies here.

So the next time I go out on a shopping trip, I’ll be wearing a face mask from my Grab ‘N Go stash, and at all times in the future.  And yes, I already carry a bunch of steri-wipes in my pocket, and clean my hands and touching-surfaces obsessively.  All that plus our already-low COVID infection rate should suffice to keep me safe.  Me, in a face mask?

I’ll have to take a lesson from one of our elected Texas politicians…

…after all, she does have a BA from Yale and a law degree from U. of Virginia.  Or I can just go for a full-face cover:

News Roundup — International Edition

No links because we Murkins don’t really care much for furriners.  I do this so you don’t need to.

and as it’s China, let’s just go with a hundred-and-eight thousand, because we all know the ChiComs lie like Clintons.  And speaking of lying, this from the BBC:

and I will give $10,000 to anyone who can provide irrefutable scientific proof that viruses can be teleported by radio waves… you fucking moron.

…good grief, the Italians can start opening up businesses, and we can’t?  And meanwhile, in the south

except they’re not Covidiots, they’re pissed-off mafiosi.  (In the old days. they’d just have sent someone round to visit the families of the chopper pilots.)

I think we need to start a Berlin Airlift-style operation in eastern Greece, only we drop machine-guns instead of coal and food.

that’s the spirit:  disarm the cops first, then riot.

and you have to know things are getting bad when the servile obedient Germans are stoning their Polizei.  But at least they’re not getting out of control, unlike elsewhere:

I think this headline should be printed out and distributed to the public at large;  and the next time some asswipe Californian cop gets all enforcey on someone taking a stroll along an empty beach, he should be given a copy.  Just as an FYI, of course.

Finally, some educational news:

and unlike what you may have heard from Hollywood:  Krakatoa is west of Java.  Now you know.

News Roundup

Short takes on mistakes.

…shut the fuck up, Meathead.  The only mentally unstable person in the room is YOU.

…and another loony heard from.  Why do we even care what this batshit celebripussy thinks?  And speaking of name-brand nobodies:

…you know, before she too went batshit on us, this one used to be quite a babe:








And speaking of ‘orrible cunts [\Bricktop]:

…such as your husband/brother?  [redundancy alert]  And:

…of course she did.  Once a Commie, always a Commie.  Now for some better news:

…trying hard to see a downside to this position;  can’t.  It’s such a Commiesymp organization anyway, might as well let the Chinks sponsor it completely so we can just ignore their bullshit in the future.

…and will she be punished as badly as the other partygoers?  Don’t make me laugh (again).

…yikes.  200,000 pounds of unused airline meals… that’s all kinds of horrible.  Now THIS is much better:

…doing what America does best.  And not a Gummint bureaucrat in sight. Oh, and why do I not see any Muslim charities doing something similar? [\rhetorical question]

…as long as when the next wildfire hits, the 9th Circuit judges are forced to pay for the damages out of their own pockets before any Fed dollars get sent.

And a late addition:

…except that all the Taiwanese stuff worked.

News Roundup

All the news that’s fit to summarize.

which worked SO well in the Middle Ages against bubonic plague, didn’t it?  And btw, the world was doing just fine until the godless Chinese started spreading yet another pandemic around the place.

into what?

meanwhile, in the real world where people have to eat

…just as long as said undocumented workers can produce a 2019 or 2020 tax return.  (FIFY)

you had me at “Mitt Joins With A Democrat”.

Coronavirus Bulldozes the 2020 Race Out of the Media Spotlight

…cloud, silver lining, etc. etc.

…oh, and Harry:  you know that $25 million yer Dad is going to send your way each year?  You get to pay U.S. taxes on it, when you eventually do have to get your green card in order to stay here full-time.  Welcome to America.

…told ya.

…and only a few dozen million of them were put together or handled by people infected with the virus.  Prove me wrong.

And finally:  

…and I didn’t see a single one.


When the downfall of Western Civilization is chronicled in centuries to come, and historians say of us as we say now of the Roman Empire:  “How did such a thing happen?”, I would suggest that they first examine things like this, and the society which gave birth to them:

Belching Beaver Brewery’s ‘Viva La Beaver’ Mexican Chocolate Peanut Butter Stout

It is difficult, even for me, to enunciate just how much Wrong is inside one simple line of text.

Time for some restorative measures to take the taste out of my mouth… and it’s not even 7am CDT.