Now Everybody’s Getting Involved

Where the hell were all you bastards when I was getting death threats and such back then?

Except that this take gives me an immediate Red Cloud Of Blood:

America’s feminized culture is the topic of Stephen Baskerville’s article, “Real Men Missing,” in the January issue of Chronicles Magazine. Over the years men have refused to step up to the plate and do the hard tasks that are often associated with masculinity. These include holding the line on moral issues such as illicit sexuality, profanity, and dishonesty, and showing true leadership in the family, workplace, and community. “American conservative men are now harvesting the fruits of [their] passivity,” Baskerville writes, as women have stepped in to fill the places of power that they have abdicated out of cowardice or indifference.

Baskerville, you cockless little dipshit.  “Conservative men” were not passive in the face of the appalling slide towards the liberal abyss — but when any of us did try to stem the tide, we were vilified, our families threatened with violence and ostracized until it became almost impossible for us to live.

Ask me;  I was fucking there, when academics like you were in the forefront of all the shit piled on us.  I lost not one but two jobs because of what I’d written on the topic, and a little help from so-called conservative academics might have helped a bit.  Oh wait, I forgot:  there aren’t any conservative academics, because you gutless fucks were the very first to submit to the wokist left-wing brownshirts in our colleges and universities.

By the way, I note that this Baskerville guy currently teaches  in Poland — I’m sorry, he’s “Professor of State Studies at the Collegium Intermarium” — probably because he had to flee the United States to a more conservative country which would allow him to write works like (deep breath) A Gentleman’s Guide to  Manners, Sex and How to Rule the World:  How to Survive as a Man in an Age of Misandry — and Do It with Grace.

I hate to tell you this, Prof. Baskerville, but the time for manners and grace has long since passed away.  Gentility is fine, but it’s not much good when you’re faced with a lunatic holding a Molotov cocktail over your child’s head.

Anyone who wants to see the reaction of the Left to someone even vaguely critical of their precious dogma should just see the hatred and opprobrium heaped on Tucker Carlson, surely the most genteel and polite of the conservative commentators.  I just wish that The View  would get someone like Bill Whittle or Larry Correia to debate them.  (Forget about me;  the whole show would be full of bleeps.)

I need to stop now before I get really angry.  I encourage everybody to read Baskerville’s essay in Chronicle  (as linked above).  He speaks some truths, to be sure, but he’s way off the mark in some of his other assertions.

Fuck all that.  The time for gentlemanly, mannered discussion and debate is over, O-V-E-R.  We’re going to debate like the Canadian truckers, gawd love ’em, or still more vigorously (TBD).  The Wimmyns and Girlymen are not going to enjoy the encounter.

Train Smash Down Under

It’s very tempting for me to disqualify all Australian women from Train Smashdom because, well, because Australian.

However, then we’d not be able to feast our eyes on displays such as this year’s Australia Day celebrations:

Of course, this being the modern era, people found something to complain about the event, and they looked pretty much as you’d expect them to look:

…but who cares?  Not these folks:

Which just goes to show that not all women Down Under are Train Smash Women.

Happy Australia Day, Over There!!!

Speed Bump

In an article talking about some woman getting ditched by her fiance just before the wedding boo hoo, we find this:

“And still to this day, she claims that she has not heard from him. He completely ghosted her and vanished out of thin air.”

OUT of thin air, instead of INTO thin air?

Definitely an ETL (English as third language) moment.


Update:  From the same rag:

…that would be “SLAIN“… you illiterate asswipes.

No Kidding

One of my favorite movie (and life) lines comes from A League of their Own :  “There’s no crying in baseball!”

Here’s something we all know about.

Facts be damned: Rising use of emotional language like ‘feel’ and ‘believe’ has helped displace rational thought in ‘post-truth era’

A new study suggests we are living in the post-truth era where ‘feelings trump facts,’ as language has become less rational and more emotional over the past 40 years.

A team of scientists found words like ‘determine’ and ‘conclusion’ that were popular from 1850 through 1980 have been since been replaced with human experience such as ‘feel’ and ‘believe.’

The team also identified another major shift around 2007 with the birth of social media, when the use of emotion-laden language surged and fact-related words dropped.

Although the drivers behind the shift cannot be determined, the researchers suggest it could be a rapid development in science and technology or tensions that came about from changes in economic polices in the early 1980s.

Reason #2,465 why I could never work in a modern office.

Coming from a business background where every single proposition or proposal had to be justified with fact, research, real-world experience and (lastly) common sense, the very thought of going through the same process where any suggestion of same might “trigger” some kind of emotional response at best makes me want to reach for the gin bottle. (At worst, it makes my trigger finger itch.)

In fact, an emotional response to criticism would have made my time’s audience suspicious:  Why are they getting upset?  What are they hiding?   Why should we take them seriously when they are such weak people that criticism upsets them?

Nowadays, of course, all the above responses would result in Stern Words from HR (or even, gawd help us, from your own Management, so pussywhipped has the business world become).

No wonder Socialism has become so popular:  because while the eventual goal of Socialism is complete societal control, the way it is introduced is through emotional appeal:  “It’s not fair that…”  or “We need to end [whatever supposed evil]”, without any fact-based foundation but with plenty of anecdotal or emotionally-based evidence.

Small wonder too that the entire Green Movement is based not only on emotion, but a pack of easily-disproved lies (“Climate is cooling I mean warming I mean changing, and we’re all gonna diiiieeeee if we don’t do something!!!”)

Facts don’t need to be propped up by emotion;  they stand proudly on their own.  In fact, it’s probably true to say that the greater the hysteria generated by about some supposed catastrophe, the more likely it is to be complete bullshit.

Dr. Fauci, call your office.