Friends & Family

One of the first things that lottery winners learn is that they suddenly discover all sorts of friends and family members that they never knew they had.

I’m not one of those people.  In the event that I were to win a lottery, I know exactly who my close friends and family members are (they number fewer than twenty), and if there were any money that was available to be shared, they’d get 80% of it (after my off-the-top 20%, depending on the size of the pot — the smaller the pot, the larger my percentage).  But even that’s not the end of it.  Because — and this is made quite clear in all the rules and literature about this kind of thing — any lottery winnings are the sole possession of the individual whose name is on the winning ticket.  Nobody else is “owed” anything.

And here’s the little tale of avarice and entitlement that made me think about this in the first place:

Alex Robertson was one of a dozen bus drivers from Corby, Northants., to scoop a share of £38million on the EuroMillions.  Mr Robertson’s share, which he won a decade ago, was worth £3.1million – but it sparked a feud between him and his sons, who claimed he refused to share any of the cash with them.

…which was his right.  £3.1million was back then the equivalent of about $4.7 million — hardly what we would call “screw you” money — so apart from the legal issue, he was perfectly within his rights not to share the money with anyone else.  Just to make the point even clearer:  his sons were in their early 30s when he won the lottery, and so not his dependent children, by any stretch.

And here’s where the fun begins.  His bratty kids started to go after him:

Alex Jnr admitted: “We ended up taking hammers to his two new 4x4s. We walked up his driveway at 11 o’clock at night and put two claw hammers through the windows of the car.  We then reported ourselves to the police.”

William was later charged with harassing his Lotto-winning dad by sending him threatening text messages.

And the whining:

Alex Jr. told The Sun at the time: “This lottery win was the worst thing that ever happened to us — it ripped our families apart.”

No, you self-entitled, unspeakable little shit:  you ripped the families apart by somehow thinking that your hardworking bus driver of a dad had to share his good fortune with you.  Did you ever buy your own lottery tickets?  (Doubt it, and even so, it’s irrelevant.)

Anyway, all’s well that ends well.  Robinson Sr. lives in Spain, far away from his toxic offspring, and I just hope that he’s willed the remainder of his estate to a worthwhile charity, and not to the Fuckhead Twins.


Death Of A City

Here’s something to watch:  Seattle Is Dying

Yeah, it’s long — an hour or so — but it’s a classic case study in how misguided crime policies can corrupt a city, and cause it to fall.  I knew things were bad out there, what with all the Antifa and BLM riots, and what have you.  But this is everyday civic rot and degeneracy.

And of course, the answers are simple, and will work. Rhode Island, as you will see in the video, has come up with a workable solution.

But the elected politicians in Seattle refuse to change, and laugh when confronted by civic anger and resistance.

This is what the Soros prosecutors and Democrat politicians have in mind for every city and town in the United States.

Same Medicine

For some reason, Republicans are always loath to bite back at Democrats after the latter bunch of socialists hack away at them.

This is but one reason why they’re known as the Stupid Party.

But as Chris Bedford at The Federalist explains, the time for such forbearance is over.

The only way to fight back is to make the kinds of people who’ve weaponized and undermined the American state suffer for their actions. They’ve arrested their enemies, revived obscure rules as pretexts for partisan attacks, and raided their opponents’ homes, and they won’t be sorry until they’ve felt the same pain.

Yup.  Let’s start with prosecuting Hillary Clinton, who actually did what Trump has been (falsely) accused of doing;  then we can go on to McCabe, Strzok and Brennan, who all lied under oath.

Give me another five minutes, and I can think of at least a dozen others.

I hope that the Republican “leadership” has a list of people they should target — not as retaliation, but because these people committed crimes (always a good reason for going after someone, regardless of motive).

I’m not expecting much, but that doesn’t mean that I and other conservatives are going to accept flabby, ineffectual actions by a future Republican Congress.

Snowflake Warning


One of Thomas Hardy’s most popular novels now comes with a trigger warning after students were told it contains ‘upsetting scenes’ about the ‘cruelty of nature’ and ‘rural life’.
‘Far from the Madding Crowd’, which depicts the brutal reality of Victorian rural life, has been slapped with a content warning by the University of Warwick.

Erm, I hate to break it to you, but pretty much Hardy’s entire opus  was dedicated to exposing the above cruelty of nature and rural life.  His main target, however, was the stifling effect of Victorian Britain’s rigid class structure on the human spirit, made all the worse by rural life — there was no escape for the “low-born”, and they were condemned to a hopeless and brutal existence (e.g. The Woodlanders).

And Madding and Woodlanders are far from the worst;  wait till these snowflakes get to The Mayor of Casterbridge, where they’ll see the horrifying consequences of a single immoral action.

I think I’ll go and re-read the above three, just for fun.


Oy.  When you’re going to try to assassinate someone for the first time, perhaps you shouldn’t ask Google for help:

Nicholas Roske searched on Google for the “quietest semi auto rifle” and the “most effective place to stab someone” before he arrived outside Kavanaugh’s home in June.

I don’t know much about stabbing (okay, I do, but not as much as I know about semi-auto rifles), but “quietest semi auto rifle” ?  How about, NONE, you fucking moron.

Okay, a little .22 semi like a Ruger or Marlin wouldn’t be as loud as, say, an AR-15 or even a Remington 7400;  but if we’re talking serious man-killer chamberings, I think I’m safe in saying that they’re all pretty fucking loud.

In a way, though, I’m glad the little prick was so stupid.  Had he been a serious shooter, Kavanaugh might have been in trouble.

Even better, though, was this:

The 26-year-old also said in an online chat forum he was going to “remove some people from the supreme court” to “stop roe v wade from being overturned.”
“I could get at least one, which would change the votes for decades to come,” Roske said, “and I am shooting for 3.”  [sic]

Uh huh.

By the way, isn’t that Rem 7400 a cutie?  And it’s in the manly .30-06 Springfield, which I doubt that our Gen Z wannabe-killer would be able to handle anyway.