
I may have said it first, but Steve Sailer says it with data and stuff:

Fortunately, in the current global outbreak only three people outside Africa have died so far, none in the U.S. Hopefully, there’s something different between African monkeypox and Western gay monkeypox.

Of course, monkeypox in America and Europe is overwhelmingly being spread by gay men to gay men.

For example, in New York City, none of its 336 victims so far have been women, in comparison to seven who are listed as “TGNCNB,” an acronym new to me that stands for “Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Non-Binary.” Similarly, in Washington, D.C., which has the highest per-capita infection rate in the country, not one of the 122 patients is a woman.

Of course, one cannot mention the unthinkable:

“It’s unclear if this version of monkeypox spreads sexually or through more general skin-on-skin contact, or, most likely, both. It might also transmit through the air, but, at the moment, it appears to usually take a gay bacchanal to strew it far and wide.”

…lest one is accused of homophooohhhbia, but let’s be honest and at least acknowledge that in this case at least, there’s an ironclad correlation between buttsex and homopox.


Longtime Reader and Total Hottie Mrs. Sorenson is upset by this development:

When Megan Thompson feels unwell while on her period, she can take time off. The 23-year-old can adjust her hours or work flexibly to help cope with severe cramps, migraines and fatigue. But if her period pain gets too bad, the finance company she works for allows her to take additional leave.

“It’s so refreshing being able to say to my manager ‘I’m on my period’ and she knows instantly to offer support,” said Megan. “And they actually offer me time off instead of me having to ask for it.”

Mrs. Sor asks (and I paraphrase somewhat, to spare my Readers’ tender sensibilities):

“WTF is all this nonsense?  Whatever happened to just gritting it out?  Ditto menopause.”

It should come as no surprise that Mrs. Sor is of the old-school Tough Broad type, who takes no guff from anyone — and in fact is pretty much the same as most women of my era and vintage.  New Wife’s opinions on this are absolutely identical to hers, as are my sister’s and, I suspect, all of them.  Several of them say things like “That’s why Midol was invented” and “Suck it up, sister” when confronted by today’s weepy feministicals.

Add to this factors such as long (and often mandatory) pregnancy leave demanded of employers, demands for on-workplace childcare facilities and so on, and you end up with the very reasons why in the not-so recent past women were often not hired by employers:  they’re just not as productive as men are.

And productivity, lest we forget, is the Holy Grail of any commercial enterprise.

But none of that is important, say the wimmyns, because equality.

Well, if equality means “no special treatment for men”, then I should remind everyone that it cuts both ways — except that’s not how they want it to work, is it?

…because that’s the productivity reality he faces.

When The Economy Falls Into The Ditch

How Sri Lanka fell into the pit.

Executive Summary:  Debt.

An object lesson for all governments, not the least ours.  The only good thing about this debacle is that the ChiComs are going to take it between the cheeks.

Footnote:  the World Bank gave all sorts of accolades to Sri Lanka for its economic growth, even though the economy was built on foreign loans which the country had no chance of ever repaying.  So much for the banking system…



Here’s the background to this story.

A town put on a carnival, which featured a parade of bands, floats, and so on.  The usual.

A bunch of pranksters decided to pull a fast one, and entered their own (and unapproved) float.

The float featured a sign declaring: ‘Of course we’re women, we sit down to pee’ and ‘Olympics 2024 woman’s 100m final’ – referencing the recent decision from FINA, world swimming’s governing body, who recently adopted a new policy to prohibit transgender women from competing in women’s races.

Three men ran behind the float, which was not officially entered into the carnival and secretly joined the procession on the day of the event, dressed in sports-bras and Speedos while wearing comedy wigs.

They were joined by five women running alongside them, who laughed as they followed the homemade float, which featured a toilet and a man standing in a white coat – appearing to pose as an official referee.

Funny as hell.

All went well until — you guessed it — a passing tranny saw the float, and of course took offense:

Trans stand-up comedian Donna Landy attended the Great Torrington Mayfair and Carnival in Devon back in May and blasted a float for being ‘offensive’ and highlighting a backwards’ viewpoint on transgender issues.

I thought being a comedian required having a sense of humor, but clearly not.  Anyway:

‘I was going to the Torrington Carnival to see my daughters, who were in the parade. I got there a bit late and was just catching up with the procession when I came across this float, the last one in the parade, and was a bit puzzled.

‘When I caught up with the float and read the sign my heart sank, it was clearly mocking trans athletes in sport and by extension all trans people, really.’

Ms Landy said she was worried she ‘could get attacked’ at the event because people could have began ‘mocking her’.

Of course:  afraid for your life, you were, what with Great Torrington being internationally renowned for being a hotbed of tranny oppression.

Needless to say, the carnival issued a groveling apology — despite the float being a “non-approved” entry.  Whatever.

My question for our frightened tranny comedian is quite simple:

Do your daughters call you “Mom” or “Dad”?

I’m guessing “Mom”, as you clearly have no balls.

Wrong Target

We all know that the eco-loons are bereft of wit (in the old fashioned sense — i.e. they’re clueless), but this little game surely takes the Golden Moron Award of 2022 (amidst, it should be said, strong competition from the Biden Maladministration):

The 10th stage of the Tour de France was halted for 10 minutes on Tuesday after half a dozen climate activists tried to stop riders on the road before being pulled out by police and a senior organisers’ official.

Look, I don’t agree with anything these fuckwits are doing, but at least I can see the logic behind blocking a motorway, if you are all about stopping Big Oil or whatever.

But blocking a bicycle race?  Where’s the eco-harm in that?

I know, I know;  it’s all about the publicity and has nothing to so with logic.

What I want to know is:  what’s going to happen in 989 days?

Actually, never mind.  Whatever they say will happen then, won’t.  Especially if they’re relying on climate “models” for their Doomsday prediction.

By Lawyers, For Lawyers

I swear, there should be a warning in the masthead at Volokh Conspiracy which states:  “If you are not a lawyer, most of what follows will be incomprehensible.”

As is their latest post (via Insty, who is also a lawyer and therefore unaware of the consequences of links to this website). Will Chevron Get the Lemon Treatment?  talks about SCOTUS judgements called Lemon and Chevron  without any explanation (however brief [sic] ) of what those judgements were or what they mean to our society or polity.

Even a link to each would have sufficed, but no doubt m’learned friend was too busy to supply one.

Well, I did a quick search, so here’s the Lemon Test and here’s Chevron.

No need to thank me, it’s all part of the service.  Even knowing the facts, Adler’s post is just barely readable.  Fucking High Priests need a reality check.