Bite Me

I hit a link at some website, and encountered this:

Simple response:  Never mind “No thanks” — it’s “fuck off and die” , because I don’t pay for bullshit.  I last went to the National Review Online website independently (as opposed to following a link) back in, I think, 2009 (before they fired the brilliant John Derbyshire).  They’re a bunch of pantywaist wannabe-conservative NeverTrumpers, and with the possible exception of the late Charles Krauthammer, I wouldn’t shake hands with any of them if I were being paid to do so.  William F. Buckley would have thrown the lot of them out in the 1970s, when NR was a magazine worth reading.  At least the magazine had a little edge when Ann Coulter and John Derbyshire were staff writers, but with their firings, NRO soon turned into a soggy vanilla pudding laced with diarrhea.

The poxy fucking rag needs to fold up its tents and disappear, and the sooner the better.

The King Is Dead

One wonders what King Gillette would think of his company’s current manifestation of anti-masculinity:

A new short film released by the shaving brand dedicates itself to tackling toxic masculinity in a video that relies more on berating men for not living up to the standards of feminists than selling razors.

Knowing but a little of what King Gillette was like, and knowing how many years of toil and financial hardship he endured to get his disposable razor blade to the market, I think he’d probably burn the whole fucking thing to the ground, and I’d be handing him the cans of gasoline.

In the grand scheme of things, I’d be one of the men refusing to buy Gillette products in protest at their foolishness.  But the truth of the matter is that I haven’t used a Gillette product in well over a quarter of a century, simply because I refuse to spend about $5 for a blade which lasts me less than a week*.  (Good old safety singles or bargain-priced Trac II blades for me;  and if I run out, I use a straight, or “cutthroat” razor without a qualm.)

As for Gillette’s parent company, Proctor & Gamble:  I have suffered untold toiletry privations at their hands, the miserable Cincinnati MFCS bastards:  brand “extensions” which end up replacing much-loved products, only to see said extensions later withdrawn, meaning that I have to find replacements for products I’ve used sometimes for decades.  Try to find, in supermarkets or drugstores anywhere, Old Spice Original Fresh Stick deodorant with the the light blue label — not the anti-perspirant variant, which smells like cat piss.  I’ve been using Old Spice Fresh sticks for well over fifty years, and now I’m forced to buy them online in packs of 24 because they are nowhere to be found otherwise.  And if that supply dries up, I’ll stop using deodorant altogether, because every other male deodorant on the market nowadays smells like an attractant for homosexual prostitutes during Fleet Week.)

To use Gillette’s line on P&G:  50 years of unswerving loyalty is “the best a man can get”, you incompetent fuckers.  Too bad it means nothing to you.

A pox on all of them.  I can’t wait for “woke” to become “choke”, and may they burn in the fires of toiletry hell.

*En passant:  I once tried one of those 5-blade things — a disposable — just for the hell of it, and it felt like someone was dragging the hair out of my face with sandpaper.

Texas Hold-Outs

I’m not quite sure what to make of this situation:

The federal government has started surveying land along the border in Texas and announced plans to start construction next month.  Rather than surrender their land, some property owners are digging in, vowing to reject buyout offers and preparing to fight the administration in court.

Now of course this is an Associated Press report (motto:  we put the “Ass” into “Press”) so I don’t know how much credence to put into the word “some”, as written above.  How many, exactly, is “some”?  Five?  Twenty?  Five hundred?

If it’s just a few, then fuckem.  The need for a secure border is greater than their need for a couple hundred acres of (largely) semi-desert.  And if it is a small number, I’d have no problem with the wall being built right up to the property line, and have those property owners have to deal with the funneled hordes of illegals trying to gatecrash our party.  (Suggestion:  the very first time they appeal for help from, say, ICE or the Border Patrol, they get told to shut the fuck up and live with the problem they caused for themselves.)

If, however, that “some” means “lots and lots” then there’ll have to be serious negotiations.  I suspect, however, that this threat of lawsuits is simply a negotiating position (for some of them, anyway) so that Uncle Sam can pay them an inflated sum for that valuable land.

I’m often skeptical about the Gummint’s use of “eminent domain” to take private property away from the owners, but if ever there are good reasons for its use, a secure border would probably rank near the top of the list.  Lest we forget:

Building in the region is a top priority for the Department of Homeland Security because it’s the busiest area for illegal border crossings.  More than 23,000 parents and children were caught illegally crossing the border in the Rio Grande Valley in November — more than triple the number from a year earlier.

Myself, I’d hire the selfsame wall-building companies that enabled Israel to keep the hordes of Arabs from flooding their country;  that, or thousands of “smart” landmines coupled with robotic machine-gun towers.  But that’s just me.


You’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh hysterically (as I did) at this report:

Footage released by the hunt saboteurs shows several people standing in front of a van, blocking it from leaving.
A man wearing a baseball cap appears to threaten the occupants with a pool cue, as they shout: ‘Oi, you’re on camera.’
A woman in a red hoodie jabs her finger at the sabs and says: ‘Dirty f****** scum, you’re not going nowhere.’
A man inside the van can be heard desperately calling police for help and tells the operator they are being boxed in by hunt supporters wielding pool cues.

Lemme see: when hunt saboteurs (“sabs” — how cute) break the law, trespass on private property, try to pull hunters from their horses and scatter pepper in the noses of the dogs, it’s all “right to protest” / “save the animals” etc.  But when their violence results in violence against them in retaliation, they’re all “Oh please, P.C. Plod, please please please  come and rescue us!”

The woman in the red hoodie had it right:  they’re dirty fucking scum.


I know, unless you followed the link to Ben Shapiro’s article from Insty’s place last week, you’d be as much in the dark right now as I was then.  It’s worth a read, if for no other reason than to rejoice in statements such as this:

We’re told that if we fail to rewrite biology to suggest there are more than two sexes, or if we don’t use preferred pronouns rather than biological ones, we will inevitably create emotional and mental instability among certain vulnerable groups.

My answer to the above is twofold:

  1.  I think that those “certain vulnerable groups” already exhibit a great deal of emotional and mental instability; and
  2.  I happen to love the idea of driving these fucking nutcases crazier still, just by rejecting their premises and terminology (unless it’s to mock xem and xeir foolishness, that is).

But here’s where Shapiro shows his youth and naivete:

And while the Wokescolds may win temporary victories, those victories will surely be Pyrrhic:  As it turns out, we tend to like our biology, language, politics, religion, romantic relationships, art and comedy.  The Wokescolds will certainly lose.  But not before they destroy a lot of people and fray the social fabric nearly beyond repair.

Ben, bubeleh :  that is precisely what these fuckheads are trying to do.  The inferior always try to drag others down to their own level and destroy the game by deflating the ball.  This is just its latest manifestation.

Good Advice

I remember the brouhaha when Insty suggested that motorists, when faced with rioters blocking roads, simply “Run. Them. Down.”

And what should We The People do, when violent rioters and activists start threatening our food supply?

Farms, abattoirs and factories have been subjected to vandalism, and owners and staff sent death threats during an alarming increase in incidents.
But a minority of vegan campaigners want the UK to become a meat-free society and are going to extreme lengths to achieve their goal.
The National Pig Association and the British Poultry Council are among the organisations being advised by specialist police.
Leading food writer William Sitwell recently described the vitriol he faced after making a flippant comment about vegans.
“There were threats to rape my wife, tie her up and cut off her genitals,” he told this newspaper.
According to an investigation by Channel 4 Dispatches, Jewish workers were branded Nazis when members of vegan group SAVE began protesting outside kosher Kedassia abattoir in East London two years ago.
Some broke in and daubed the walls of the abattoir with anti-Semitic slogans, according to the programme, and one protester yelled: ‘It’s a holocaust. You Nazis!’
SAVE admitted on Facebook it was responsible for daubing Holocaust images, initially suggesting the use of the term was justified, but it later apologised.

Big of them.  Over Here, I’m trying to think what I’d do if I was faced with this situation at Kroger:

I’m thinking polite requests to let me through at first.  Then trying to force my through.  (This bunch of skinny malnourished twerps would not be able to offer much resistance, methinks.)

However, if they were to turn violent, or even threaten violence?  Maybe I’m over-imagining things, mind you, because I don’t see this nonsense getting much traction in the United States, and certainly not in Texas except (maybe) in Austin, where I’m willing to bet that the vegan infestation is six times that of anywhere else in the state.  And I don’t shop for food in Austin, ever.  (Hell, I hardly even visit  the place except when I’m visiting Longtime Friend Trevor.)

It strikes me that these fucking headcases are quick to threaten violence to get their own way.  Perhaps they need a quick lesson or two in real violence, just to keep them in their place in the social pecking order.

I’m not thinking of going to the guns, of course:  this situation doesn’t even come close to that course of action.  However, I do think I need to invest in a can or two of decent pepper spray.  Anyone have recommendations as to brands and / or strengths?