What’s The Fuss?

Possibly because my Sensitivity Antenna isn’t dialed up to 11, I actually don’t think this cartoon is So Bad It Causes Cancer:

When I first saw it, I saw an attempt to paint the (blind) Trump being guided (in his foreign policy) by Israel’s Netanyahu.  I thought the cartoon was stupid, but not especially offensive.  Stupid because it paints Trump as a Jooo — or a Joooo-sympathizer — by wearing a yarmulke*, when he isn’t Jewish at all — and because it uses a dachshund to represent a guide dog.  (Why a dachshund?  Oh yeah, a Lab / Alsatian is a big dog, and we can’t have Israel represented by big, powerful dog, can we?)  Like I said, it’s stupid, and it’s also kinda simplistic.

It’s also not true.  But that’s unimportant.  If truth was important to cartoonists, then Ted Rall would be mopping floors at the Hollywood YMCA.

Is it inflammatory?  Of course it is:  that’s generally the whole purpose of political cartoons.  Is it anti-Semitic?  Maybe if you’re ultra-sensitive to anti-Semitism — which, by the way, I usually am — but to my eyes, the cartoon is clumsy, the cardinal sin of cartooning.

And OMG!  the cartoonist had a Jew represented by a DOG! (Shades of Julius Streicher everywhere! ) — well, what other animal could he have used?  Last time I looked, there was a distinct shortage of guide-cats, guide-bears, guide-pigs (now that  might actually have been anti-Semitic) and seeing-eye squirrels around.

Was it a sin for the poxy New York Times  International Edition to publish the thing?  No more than it was sinful for the Danish Jyllends-Posten to publish their Mohammed cartoon.

And we all know who got so bent out of shape about that.

Here’s my First Amendment take on the whole episode:  the more a media outlet publishes bullshit (anti-Semitic, anti-Black, anti-male whatever), the more it can be identified for the disgusting piece of shit that it is.  In this case, the New York  fucking Times stands exposed for being horribly anti-Israel (Zion) and anti-Semitic (the two are not  the same, although Anti-Zionism is generally the camouflage behind which anti-Semites lurk).  And the fact that it published the cartoon in its international edition simply shows me how anti-Semitic the Europeans continue to be (Europe accounts for a large proportion of its sales), and is very much of a piece with all the shit their editorial pages contain on a daily basis.  (Today, Jews;  tomorrow, Christians;  the day after, gun owners… and the band plays on and on.)

What’s delicious about this is that the oh-so politically-correct NYT  (which, by the way, has more than a few Jews working for it, and was once even owned  by Joooos) is being crucified [sic]  at the altar of its own political correctness.  It is, as my kids say, to LOL.

I don’t buy for one moment that the stupid cartoon is going to fuel the fires of anti-Semitism, or give cover to anti-Semites to perpetrate atrocities towards Jews, any more than the Mohammed cartoons would cause the same among anti-Muslims.  All this is a classic case of ultra-sensitivity in the Snowflake Age, where everyone is triggered by someone saying “nigger”, “rag-head”, “fag”, “cunt”, “lesbo”, “trannie” or even “snowflake”, and the minute one says anything outside the P.C. canon, one will immediately be labeled a Nazi or [shudder]  a “hater”.

I’m more upset that the P.C. “priesthood” seems to have tossed anti-Semitism out of its canon.  (Does this make them  Nazis?  Discuss. )

But hey, sooner or later (and I suspect sooner), everything we say or think will be streng verboten… which is what the totalitarian mental midgets in government, academia and the mainstream- and entertainment media are aiming for anyway.  Otherwise, how else can they control us?

Here’s my opinion of the whole stinking outrage:

I’m so sick of the Perpetually-Outraged, of whatever persuasion, deciding what can and can’t be said.  They’re children, the whole fucking lot of them.

*to me, “kippah” (the way I pronounce “kipper”) means kippered herrings, such as what one has for breakfast

I grew up calling the Jewish skullcap thingy a “yarmulke”, and that’s what I’m going to continue to call it.  Otherwise I’m going to think of observant Jews wearing a smoked fish on their heads, and giggle.

Economists Confused

…because they’re fucking idiots.  From Sundance:

The professional financial punditry can’t explain it. Flummoxed academics run around bumping into walls amid economic numbers that continue to defy expectations. All caused by a simple return to common sense ‘America First’ MAGAnomics.
Low unemployment (3.8%); wages growing (+3.2%); inflation stable (1.6%). These measures all have a cumulative impact on paycheck-to-paycheck Americans. Prices for durable goods are stable and wage growth is exceeding inflation. That means more disposable income in the middle-class…DUH. Which, when combined with the increased pay from lower middle-class tax rates, is exactly the intended outcome of MAGAnomics.

One more time:  come the reign of Emperor Kim, economists will all be forced to wear wizards’ hats in public.  To put it even more simply (for those of the economist persuasion):

The U.S. is where the growth is. We are in the period where exporting U.S. wealth (globalist policies) has been slowed/halted. We are confronting protectionist tariffs abroad which impede our exports, and simultaneously applying reciprocal tariffs toward those who want access to our U.S. market. As a consequence, capital investment is returning to Main Street USA (nationalist policy).
This is the heart of MAGAnomic policy.

Hatin’ On Them People

Wow.  How about this for a headline?

Keynote speaker at Bob Jones University diversity conference says Muslims should be ‘locked up’

Just kidding.  Here’s the actual headline:

Keynote speaker at Harvard diversity conference says Christians should be ‘locked up’

Read the rest, if you feel like it.  Then load up yer favorite gun and a couple hundred rounds of ammo, and head out to the range.  That’s what I’m going to do, later.

Fuck ’em.

Suicidal Decision

Perhaps she’s been worn down by all the Brexit negotiations with the Eurotools, or perhaps she just wants to stick it in the eye of the nation which seemingly wants her out of office (or both), but this piece of work by BritPM Theresa May is otherwise inexplicable:

Theresa May has today been accused of showing ‘very poor judgement’ and risking the special relationship with the US by allowing Huawei to help build Britain’s new 5G network.

I can think of a better term than “poor judgement”, but I still have some vestiges of the gentleman in me.  Try this deluded asshole, though:

But Cabinet minister David Lidington today defended Huawei’s potential involvement, insisting the company was privately run and not linked to the ruling Communist Party.

Uh huh… and when the SHTF and China possesses every last piece of information coming out of Britain, this Lidington guy can sit back and sneer, from the deck chair on the patio of his beach cottage in the Maldives:

…which of course he could afford on a politician’s salary [eyeroll].

Needless to say, this foolishness has not passed by without a reaction from our POTUS:

And Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in February: ‘If a country adopts [Huawei] and puts it in some of their critical information systems, we won’t be able to share information with them, we won’t be able to work alongside them. We won’t even be able to co-locate American resources, an American embassy, an American military outpost’.

Which, by the way, is yet another in a long line of reasons why it was a good thing that Trump kept Hillary Bitch Clinton’s enormous ass out of the Oval Office in 2016 — or else we’d have to be learning Mandarin to communicate with the telecoms by now.

Speaking of which:  where were our  telecom folks in all this?  Were Verizon or AT&T taking a nap when the 5G bids were put in?  (Don’t answer that, it’s too depressing).

Sheesh, it’s bad enough that we have to spend untold millions to keep the fucking Chinese from taking over our systems with their army of hackers, without so-called allies just handing over the keys to the kingdom for nothing.

Unless, of course, a similar Chinese-sponsored condo in the Maldives is part of May’s retirement plan.  Which would not surprise me either, come to think of it.


Strange Agreement

Okay, mark today on your calendars, because I happen to agree with NYFC’s Commie Mayor:

Mayor de Blasio: ‘We Are Going to Ban’ Glass and Steel Skyscrapers

Okay, my reasons for agreement are not the same as his reasons for this policy.  He wants to ban glass and steel skyscrapers because of oh-so-fashionable Green reasons, while I want to ban them because they’re cold and fugly.

Long ago, I used to work across the road from this  Helmut Jahn-designed monstrosity:

…and I just loved  those afternoons when my office was turned into a combination sauna / tanning salon.  The company had to invest in smoked-glass office windows and blinds for an entire floor because of this bullshit.

They’re also a menace:  try driving in a city at dawn or sunset, turning a corner and being utterly blinded by the sunlight’s reflection off some architect’s wet dream.

One of my favorite scenes in a movie was the last few seconds of Fight Club, where a whole bunch of glass skyscrapers are blown up.

I have an alibi.

Different Solution

I spoke last week about one solution to this problem (i.e., throwing the filthy scum off Waterloo Bridge).  However, as a couple of observant Readers told me, there’s a problem:  shit floats, and so there won’t be an adequate mortality rate.

So let’s ratchet the thing up a tad, shall we?  And will anyone be surprised that my next solution to the scum-in-the-streets issue comes from yesteryear?  Oh yes, it does:

It’s called the Sherman “Crab”, from WWII, and here’s what it looks like in action:

Imagine a few of these bad boys employed against this lot:

Try not to giggle like a little girl.

Next week, we’ll be looking at the Angry Bee Solution (developed by Your Humble Host).