Them Vs. Me

Here’s a little graphic comparison (note the right-hand column, i.e.  my situation):

I trust this answers any questions.

Oh, and for Reichsgesundheitsabteilungführer  Fauci, yet again:


Can’t Go, Might Go, Won’t Go

Via Insty:

Dallas International Guitar Festival (DIGF) is back at Dallas Market Hall April 30-May 2. The world’s largest and oldest guitar show is excited to emerge from their cocoon after a year-long quarantine caused by the pandemic.

Fantastic.  I wasn’t going to be able to go because I would have been at Boomershoot;  but subsequent events made it possible for me to go this year.


Dallas Market Hall will still have a mask mandate in place during the event. Masks, along with social distancing, will be a requirement.

Fuck you.  I’ve been vaccinated, I’m sick of people telling me to do stupid shit when it’s all unwarranted, and I refuse to wear a face condom anymore, anywhere.  Maybe next year, then.  Or not.

As for this:

“[All this nonsense] will help on-site attendees and exhibitors feel more safe and comfortable attending the Dallas International Guitar Festival this year.”

And fuck their paranoia and need for a security blanket, too.

Acting Regal

There are times when I wish that modern royalty would act like earlier kings and queens, especially when nonsense like this gets put about:

A Buckingham Palace spokesperson said tonight: ‘We have made it very clear that the [Duke’s funeral] service will be Covid compliant.’
It was revealed that the Queen may have to wear a mask at Prince Philip’s funeral due to the current Covid restrictions.
The Queen may also have to sit on her own at the funeral due to rules which mean those attending services must remain separated from other households.
Royals could be banned from singing hymns due to Covid restrictions.

And what if she doesn’t want to do any of that?  Are the Filth going to act like they usually do when faced with disobedience?

Wouldn’t you love it if some Dickless Tracy tried to interfere with the funeral service brandishing a pair of handcuffs, and Her Majesty just whipped out a sabre and beheaded her?

Sorry, I went off to a warm and happy place there for a moment… Edward The First would approve.