Quote Of The Day

This follows on from the post above.

In responding to a question about whether he had gone too far with respect to imposing a curfew (avoiding the question of why a curfew was needed when no other state had one), Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews replied: ‘It is not about human rights. It is about human life.’

Just a quick question, O Fascist Motherfucker:  What kind of human life exists without rights?

Oh yeah, silly me:  it’s called “slavery”, and Australian government is forcing its citizens in that direction at a rate of knots.

Of Course It Was

As Insty puts it:



Of course, the bank lied when the shit hit the fan and covered them 6″ deep, saying oh noes, they were talking about Flynn’s wife’s cards… like that makes any difference.

Fucking woke scumbags.  The State of Texas should ban government departments from doing business with Chase in Texas, and force them to close their fucking massive office in Plano and move to California.  Or maybe we the citizens should just…

Either way, they lose.  Assholes.

Note to Chase:  doing shit like this does more harm to your so-called “reputation” than anything your cardholders might do.

Quote Of The Day

“Fascism is the organized attempt to introduce socialist planning with the consent of big business.” – Edward Conze (1934)

So, on the Fascist scale of 0 (September 17, 1787) to 10 (Nazi Germany, 1940), where do you think we stand today?

I’d put us at 7, maybe 8.

That’s Not The Point

At Breitbart News, Paul Bois talks about whether the foul Taliban will be able to use all the weaponry and materiel left behind by our incompetent military.

Frankly, that’s not the point.  Nobody cares if the Turbans can use the stuff, what’s really worth discussing is why the military didn’t destroy all of it before they left?

I mean, we’re all chuckling ho ho ho as we watch videos of the Taliban trying to fly a chopper and not being able to get it off the ground;  what’s not so funny is that the Iranians, Chinese and all the other assholes of the world are probably lining up to buy it all so that they can hack into the high-tech stuff, where that knowledge can be used against us in the future.

It is a monumental fuck-up, and every senior officer who allowed the equipment to be just left behind without destroying it should be court-martialed.  Ditto their superiors who made no provision for doing so in their evacuation orders.  But they were probably too busy making plans for Covid vaccinations of the troops and scheduling CRT lectures to bother, is my guess.

I have to quit now because blood pressure.

Adding Words

I think that other than when talking about new technology (for which no word) exists, the English language can do without any wholesale addition of new words, especially the conversion of nouns to verbs (“verbing”) and using industry-specific terminology (e.g. cops “surveilling” a suspect, don’t even get me started on lawyers), and so on.

Yes, I am fully aware that one of English’s greatest strengths is its ability to borrow, purloin or outright steal words from other languages, but that’s not the point of this discussion.

Two new words have come to my notice, both have to do with political elimination of either rivals or embarrassments, and I love them.

The first (and most obvious) word is the new noun/verb to “Epstein” someone, i.e. to kill or have someone killed in such a manner as to make it appear like suicide, even though it’s manifestly impossible for that to have happened without some kind of conspiracy.  Other than the eponymous source, one could easily apply the term to the erstwhile Clinton associate Vince Foster, Republican operative Pete Smith or reporter Chris Sign.  (That all the above were involved with the Clintons is purely coincidental [eyecross]. )

The second new word is the verbing of the word “pillow”, i.e. to murder someone more discreetly than by the usual shooting or stabbing, for example.  The Z-Man provides an example in his fine analysis of the two (Biden vs. Clinton) wings in the Democrat Party, which concludes thus:

The Biden people are not without their options. The one important card they have is that Harris is a weird blend of stupidity and offensiveness. She had all the resources one could want in the primary and managed to drive her own popularity down to zero by simply being herself. Having a dementia patient in the White House is manageable but a bitter ingrate with a chip on her shoulder is a problem. Putting Angry DMV Lady in the Oval Office could turn out to be a bigger disaster than Afghanistan.
Of course, the other option is to find a way to remove Harris first and replace her with someone the party can trust. Then they can pillow Biden before the midterm and run the sympathy script they have ready.

That pillowing is likewise related to the Clintons is purely coincidental.  Of course.