…Then We’ll Ban These, Too

Fresh on the heels of the outrage above, we have this horror:

A group of yobs allegedly tortured and killed a duck with a catapult in the latest incident in a disturbing spate of attacks.
Concerned locals saw the youngsters – believed to be aged between 11 and 15 — firing off at a duck before kicking it and throwing it against a wall.

With the inevitable response (because Britishland):

Disgusted locals are now calling for a ban on the catapults after a spate of incidents targeting animals across the county.

There’s a better idea — catch the amoral little scrotes and give them a vicious public flogging in the town square (pour encourager les autres, so to speak) — but no doubt some people will have a problem with this solution because Krool & Hartless.

The unfortunate duck was unavailable for comment.

Yeah Well, Duh

No prizes for guessing my vote on this one:

Lessons are tightly scripted to the clock to squeeze in as much learning as possible. Teachers, rather than students, move through the shiny, clean hallways from classroom to classroom during the day because it takes less time and creates less commotion. Kids change rooms for classes like physical education.

Culture-building begins immediately at the start of each year. In the first three days of school, called “culture camp,” students learn the rules of behavior, such as keeping their eyes on the teacher and a pencil at the ready, and why those rules are key to meeting the high academic standards. Then they practice these skills, like how to show respect to teachers and peers, before they open a textbook.

Of course, the Left (i.e. the Education Establishment) are going to indulge in a frenzy of pearl-clutching and fiery hair at this kind of approach, but it’s clear that their little (?) experiment on turning public schools into a Lord Of The Flies environment has failed utterly.

And of course, the very idea of returning to basic principles is contrary to “progressive” dogma, so “Doubleplusungoodness!” will be the response.

Yeah, well fuck you.  You tried, it failed (like so much of Socialism), and kids deserve better, much better than the drivel you’ve been pushing on them.

The alternative is homeschooling — a total withdrawal from the public education system.

Once again, having homeschooled all three of my own kids into respectable and responsible adulthood, there will be no prizes for guessing my preference.

Quote Of The Day

From CanuckiPM Justin Castreau:

“We have seen around the world a rise of populist right-wing forces in just about every democracy that we’ve seen. And it is of concern to see political parties choosing to instrumentalize anger, fear, division, anxiety.”

Sucks when it happens to you, dunnit?  You fucking Commie asshole.

The Race Is On

Saw this tragic news at Kenny’s place, and while the comments were just terrible [snork], the first thought that occurred to me was:

“Without Sheila Jackson-Lee, who’s next in line for the title of Stupidest Politician in D.C.?”

I know, I know… the competition is strong, especially when you’ve got that oaf who thought Guam was going to capsize, and there’s always Ole Fayful, Maxine Green.  But the clear favorite has to be Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

…but I’ll entertain suggestions in Comments if anyone can think of a bigger moron than she is (gawd help us).

N.B.  I said “stupid” not “evil”, although it’s possible to have both in one person (e.g. Swalwell or Kinzler).

Passing Thought

Did anyone notice that after the disgraceful conviction of Donald Trump, there were no street protests, burning of buildings and howling mobs besieging the home of the awful judge who caused the conviction?

I guess all those right-wing domestic terrorists and Christian Nationalists the FBI warned us about were still asleep or at breakfast or something.

New Technology, Same Old Government

Here’s some “interesting” news about driving in the Eeeew and Britishland:

UK drivers have been issued a four-week warning of motoring laws being tightened in an attempt to crackdown on the number of speeding fines and accidents.

From July, the UK could see EU speed limiters being installed in cars. All showroom vehicles will be required to come equipped with Intelligent Speed Assist (ISA) technology. Cars that have already been manufactured but have yet to be sold will also have to adhere to the new rules.

“The new rules,” a spokesperson for Motor Match said, “introduce ‘mandatory’ speed limiters, changing how we drive on roads.”

Question:  when is Brexit not Brexit?  When the BritGov slavishly follows an EU diktat. And note that the foul ISA thing is labeled (Orwellian style) as “Assist” and not “Control” (which is its true function).

Of course, that could never happen in Murka, you might say.  Well, technically, Kalifornia isn’t really part of the republic, so:

California could soon join the European Union in requiring all new cars to alert drivers when they break the speed limit, a proposal aimed at reducing traffic deaths that would likely impact drivers across the country should it become law.

The federal government sets safety standards for vehicles nationwide, which is why most cars now beep at drivers if their seat belt isn’t fastened. A bill in the California Legislature — which passed its first vote in the state Senate on Tuesday — would go further by requiring all new cars sold in the state by 2032 to beep at drivers when they exceed the speed limit by at least 10 mph.

Of course, the Golden Shower state’s little exercise in statist nannyism is just an “advisory” device…

I leave the rest to your imagination.