Just Visitors

The other night I re-watched the brilliant Matt Damon movie The Good Shepherd, and as I’d forgotten a great deal of the dialogue, this little exchange between Damon and Joe Pesci hit me hard:

It is a brutal yet honest summary of our American society.  (And no doubt, the Usual Suspects will indulge themselves in their typical Fainting Goat hysterical response to anything brutal yet honest.)  Here’s what Wilson is saying:  at the heart of our American society and way of life lie the bedrock principles of our Anglo-Saxon heritage, as embodied by the Mayflower settlers, their behavior and government.  Much later, of course, these principles evolved into the still-better bedrock of our nation:  the Constitution.

Another of those principles was that of the family.  Yes, in reading the above script, we can say that family per se  is not at all the sole provenance of White Anglo-Saxon heritage, as witnessed by the gangster Palmi’s little aside about the Italians.  But think about what Palmi’s “family” has been twisted and perverted into:  the Mafia — hardly the stuff of the White Anglo-Saxon concept of family, is it?

Consider the picture I posted on Thanksgiving a couple days ago:

And likewise, the very epitome of American life is the institution of Thanksgiving — a holiday unlike any other in the world (although often copied), it can truly be called the most sacrosanct of our social institutions.

But let me differ from one aspect of Wilson’s little statement above:  Thanksgiving is not the sole preserve of of White Anglo-Saxons, although the tradition was certainly begun by them.  All kinds of people celebrate Thanksgiving:  Blacks, Jews, Italians (just to mention the groups mentioned above) as well as most of the rest of this vast patchwork of peoples that this wonderful country encompasses.

Now let’s look at the people in America who don’t celebrate Thanksgiving.  Who are they?

They don’t believe in the freedom of speech, unless it’s speech they (and by extension, the State) approve of.  Everything else is lies or fake news and / or dangerous because individuals can’t be trusted.  Recognize the Constitutional Amendment this involves?

They don’t want the public to be armed — only the State and its minions — because individuals can’t be trusted to possess firearms.  Don’t let that silly outdated Constitutional Amendment tell you otherwise.

In fact, go right down the Bill of Rights, and the chances are that they want to abolish every single amendment — because of course that irrelevant old document is a brake on State power, so of course they want no part of it.

These are people for whom the very concept of Thanksgiving is rooted in wrongdoing:  the colonization of America, the “stealing” of the land from the peoples whom they call “Native” (but whose only claim to the land is that they arrived here earlier than the Pilgrims), and you know the rest of the dreary diatribe because it’s screamed at us constantly by these people every year at this time.

But it’s not just that.  Unsurprisingly, when you follow a socio-political system that posits that the State is everything — more important than family, than friendship and all the ties that bind a society together — and actively work to institute that horrible system here in the United States, anything that embodies tradition and family is fair game for destruction.

Think I’m exaggerating?  Try this one:

”A Yale psychiatrist suggested that leftists ditch Thanksgiving and the holidays with family members who voted for Trump — and members of my generation are buying into this nonsense. They can’t stand to be around their Trump-supporting family members. I don’t know, the turkey’s not vegan, Grandma’s house isn’t a safe space — so Gen Z is saying that they’re ditching it.”

My only quibble is that I’m pretty sure that it’s not just Gen Z;  given the depth of the hysteria from the Left, it’s a multi-generational thing.  In other words, Thanksgiving is just another political instrument for them to show their frustration and childish rage, and not a beloved institution.

And this is what Edward Wilson is talking about when he talks about “just visiting”:  these people have no roots in our society, and they’re trying to undermine those of the rest of us who do.

It’s not a group of “Italians, Jews and niggers”;  in fact it has nothing to do with race or ethnicity at all:  it’s a pathological segment of our society who are “just visiting”, a segment that is linked not by race or heritage, but by their failed, broken ideology.

It is they, and not we, who are on the wrong side of history (as they so often scream at us).

They’re not Americans.  Just visitors.


If this doesn’t make you chortle, nothing will:

Executives at Ford Motor Company, General Motors (GM), and Stellantis are begging President-elect Donald Trump to keep in place President Joe Biden’s Electric Vehicle (EV) mandates. The plea comes as automakers have invested billions in EVs that have failed to turn a profit.

Aw diddums.  How my heart bleeds for your lost profits, you chiseling bastards.

What’s the old expression?  Oh yeah:  lie down with the dogs, get up with fleas.

Well, you kowtowed to the government stupidity, always forgetting the other old dictum:  what the government giveth, the government may take away.

Had there not been so much virtue-signaling from the auto manufacturers as they glommed onto those subsidies (#Jaguar #Volvo #etc), I might have had a little sympathy.  As it is, however, I don’t give a rat’s ass.

And I know the followup threat:  “Without subsidies, we’re going to have to close factories and lay off workers!”

Here’s a thought:  take all the executive bonuses you were going to pay your management — yeah, right down to junior levels — and pay those billions (and it is billions) into an independent investment fund, i.e. a fund that’s managed by a financial institution so that you can’t raid it whenever you feel like it (#PensionPlans), and let the interest payments go to the workers you’re going to lay off.

It won’t be enough, but it sure as hell is better than the alternative, which is continuing to make a product that nobody wants, partially (or mostly) funded by taxpayers.

You should have done your research before sinking to your knees — anyone with a brain could have told you that the whole eco-electrical boondoggle was doomed to failure, especially if it was going to be dependent on government building the charging-station infrastructure (and which we’ve already seen has been a catastrophic failure).

The best lessons are those which come through suffering;  so suffer, and learn.

You idiots.

Fitting End

This headline was supposed to horrify me:

Executed murderer’s shocking final words before he was gassed to death as he gasped & thrashed in 19-minute ordeal

…but it had the opposite effect.  Why?

In 1994, he and three teenage friends killed and later mutilated Vickie DeBlieux, 37, as she hitchhiked through the state on the way to her mother’s home in Louisiana. His victim was hitchhiking from Chattanooga, Tennessee, to her mother’s home in West Monroe, when Grayson and his three pals offered her a ride.
Prosecutors said at the time the four teens took her into the woods where they attacked her and beat her to death. They later revisited the scene to cut her body 180 times, cutting off her fingers and removing a portion of her lung. Her beaten body was found at the bottom of a bluff near Odenville, Alabama on February 26.
A medical examiner testified that Vickie’s face was so fractured she was identified by an earlier X-ray of her spine.

I have only two regrets about this:  it took 30 years before this bastard was finally executed;  and his three psycho buddies inexplicably had their death sentences commuted to life imprisonment in 2005.  This should have been a four-of-a-kind grand slam.

Feel free to explain to me why justice should have been tempered by mercy.  It’s not going to work.

Disappearing Products

I read this story about the redoubtable Martha Stewart with some interest:

Homemaking mogul Martha Stewart recently revealed that she’s been using the same exact container of liquid eyeliner for 15 to 20 years – and some experts are sounding the alarm over the practice.

In a new makeup tutorial, which she demonstrated for Allure, the 83-year-old admitted that she rotates through five tubes of the discontinued T. LeClerc liquid eyeliners.

In order to keep them looking good, Stewart shared that she just adds water to them, and they haven’t dried out – yet.

Let’s just ignore the usual panic-mongering of “experts” because fuck ’em:  Our Martha doesn’t seem to be suffering any harm, and she’s 83 years old, so she can do whatever the hell she wants.

I am more interested in the fact that T. LeClerc (whoever they are) discontinued the lady’s favorite makeup, despite her ringing endorsement thereof.  And if the star power of Martha Stewart can’t stop a beloved brand from disappearing of the shelves, what chance do we mere mortals have when it comes to our favorite products disappearing into the ether?  Why, none at all.

Here’s my own tale of woe.

I have been using the same brand of deodorant ever since I was old enough to start needing it, i.e. early adolescence (70 minus 13 equals 57 years of continuous, unbroken use).  This is it:

…taken from my purchase history at Amazon in 2021, when I last purchased a case of the stuff — because it had completely disappeared from all supermarket- and drugstore shelves.  I suspected it was going to be problematic to reorder it, hence my large purchase.

And of course, my gloomy prediction has indeed come to pass, because when I searched for it recently, I got this foul note:

Well, it won’t.  I’ve searched high and low, and it’s gone.

Some brief history of the brand is in order, before I continue.

Old Spice is one of those flagship brands, once manufactured by Shulton, and subsequently purchased by the loathsome Procter & Gamble company (may their little Cincinnati nostrils rot).  Old Spice is a remnant of the “heritage” brands;  almost uniquely among male toiletries, the research showed that it was the brand most likely to be purchased by young men adopting their father’s favorite.  Indeed, the Old Spice Classic deodorant and aftershave (the latter in that distinctive little white bottle with the gray press-in top) can still be found in stores, and it was my Dad’s aftershave, the only one I can remember him using — hence when it came time to buy deodorant and aftershave, it was the brand I first sampled.

Unfortunately, the Classic didn’t work for me — it was too pungent, and it didn’t smell the same on me as it did on my Dad (#DifferentPhysiology).  Even my Mom noticed the difference.  So I did the next thing:  I tried a variant — at the time the only variant — of Old Spice, and discovered the “Fresh” label.

It fit me like a glove:  smelled great, worked well (even with the dreaded Teenage Hormones) and — if I may be indiscreet for a moment — it played no small part in my youthful seductions.  I smelled good, always, and still do.

That may not last, however, because with the Classic Fresh having disappeared, I now have to try to find its replacement.  And to date, I can’t.

I must have tried every Old Spice variant — and there are now fucking dozens of them — on the market.

Fucking hell, what a shit show.

I’ve tried them all, but none smell good, in fact the reverse.  And for those Alert Readers who spotted the “Fresh” variant at the end of the second pic, it may actually be the worst of the lot:  oily, pungent and just foul.  They changed the formulation.

In its own small way, this is just a replica of the Coke / New Coke / Classic Coke marketing fuckup of the 1980s, except that P&G (may their armpits rot) are never going to reissue the Fresh variant in its original formula because #P&GAreAssholes.

And I’ve also tried some Brands Not Old Spice, with horrifying results.  Yeccchhh.  And this experimentation is expensive because of Bidenflation, where instead of just paying a few bucks for a stick of deodorant, nowadays one has to get a credit check first.

I know that in the grand scheme of things, the travails of some Elderly White Guy trying to find a decent replacement deodorant are indeed small potatoes.  But it still gets up my nose — literally, in many cases — that after over five decades of loyal use, some cunt in Marketing (aided and abetted by some cunt in Finance) has decided that my beloved product is no longer viable, and has tossed it into the trashcan of history, and me along with it.

I need to get to the range.

Burning Down The Climate Change Thicket

Here are some very constructive ideas about how to unlock and/or break the raft of stupid eco-fascist laws and regulations.  I especially like this one:

Obama joined Paris Climate Agreement by executive action. Trump exited by the same method. And Biden rejoined, again by executive action, right on January 20, 2021.

Trump could follow the previous method and just quit again. But my preferred suggestion would be to submit the Agreement to the Senate as a treaty. There is zero chance that the Senate would ratify. That would kill this thing much more securely than the other method.

And this would be the time to submit it, while the Stupid Party controls the Senate.

I know, the Paris Climate whatever is pretty much a paper tiger and waste of time.  Don’t care about it?  Then try this one:

“Regulations” are different from mere Executive Orders and actions, in that in order to be adopted they have gone through some complex and time-consuming processes prescribed by the Administrative Procedure Act. The processes are designed to give these “regulations” some purported legitimacy and heft, to make them hard to undo, and to distract the gullible public from the fact that they have not gone through the only process that counts under the Constitution for valid legislative action, namely passage by both houses of Congress and signature by the President. The result of all the procedural rigamarole is that — if you buy the legitimacy of enactment of massive substantive regulations by administrative agencies in the first place — then the processes to eliminate the regulations are the same complex and time-consuming mess that it previously took to adopt them.

Do the Trump people really need to go through the same labyrinth to rescind these Rules? Here’s an approach I would take: First, announce that the legal opinion of the administration is that the Rules are invalid under Supreme Court precedent (i.e., the “major questions doctrine” of West Virginia v. EPA), and therefore they will not be enforced. Next, announce that permitting on power plant and other fossil fuel projects will take place as if these Rules did not exist. Finally, switch sides in the litigation, and join the red states and other plaintiffs seeking to have the Rules invalidated.

Here’s what I really, really like about this initiative:  it would also nullify, ipso facto, all the horrible regulations foisted on us by other Gummint agencies — such as the fucking ATF, for starters, and [add your favorite agency’s name here].

So when you follow the link above to see all the other Good Ideas, don’t just look at those suggestions as part of the destruction of the “climate change” myth, good as they are;  apply those principles to all areas of our life that the bureaucracy have (un-Constitutionally and illegally) affected over the years.

Roll on January 2025.

Two Things

1 — The entire Left has come to the decision that “The future of the United States is MAGA now”.

No shit, fuckwits.  Lest we forget, the acronym stands for:  Make America Great Again.  I know you assholes tried to turn it into an epithet or insult, but you failed — as a recent election may have showed you.  Most citizens want America to be great again;  why do you not?

2 — Still to the Left:  yeah, it was during an election campaign and rhetoric tends to heat up when that’s happening.  But the election is over and sanity has returned — or should have, anyway.

But just an FYI:  the “garbage” schtick is well past its sell-by date;  so if any of you assholes refer to me by that epithet from this point, I’m going to punch you right in the fucking face.

I hope I’ve made myself clear.