Malcontents, Inc.

It appears that some Afghanis are bored with post-jihad life:

It is less than 18 months since jubilant Taliban fighters swept back to power and overran Afghanistan’s capital as Joe Biden withdrew his troops in a retreat that shook the world.

But it seems the exhilaration of seizing control of the war-torn country has worn off for moaning militants – with many now missing the battlefield and bored of the 9-5 grind of running the impoverished nation.

After decades of war, the bloodthirsty fighters have spoken of their disdain for office life and are reminiscing about the Taliban’s past and their lives which they claim to be ‘free of restrictions’.

Hey, assholes:  just say the word, and we could always make your day-to-day lives a little less boring:

Ah Yes, Philosophers

It’s not often I’m left absolutely speechless with rage and fury, but this is one of those times.  Why?  Oh, let’s just say the spirit of Dr. Josef Mengele is alive and well, and living in… Norway.

Should brain dead women be used as surrogates?  That’s the outrageously controversial concept floated by one philosopher.

The move — which the Norwegian writer herself admits is ‘undoubtedly disturbing’ — would help ‘prospective parents who wish to have children but cannot’, such as gay and infertile couples.

At least The Matrix  (which was fiction) used artificial wombs to gestate babies.  If this foul bitch is to be believed, actual humans could be used as baby-incubators — of course without their consent because they’re brain-dead.

Here’s my problem with all of this.  Let’s be honest and say that this activity is not just “disturbing”, but so evil, so soulless and so inhuman that it’s unthinkable and unspeakable.

Well, guess what?  Someone has thought about it, and said it.  Which means that at some point it’s going to be discussed — in a purely scholarly manner and setting, of course — which means that at some point further on, this action will be just one step closer to reality.

I am not interested in the philosophy, nor of their right to speak, nor even to speak of uncomfortable topics.  This is not an “uncomfortable” topic, it is horrifying and diabolically evil.

One of the most ghastly discoveries made during the trial of Adolf Eichmann was not that he looked like the Devil, but that he looked like some ordinary bureaucratic functionary — which is exactly what he was.  To him, moving hundreds of thousands of people from several points A to final point B was just a logistical issue:  how many rail cars, how to schedule the deliveries, how many locomotives could the war effort spare, what was the capacity of the stations and switching points en route, and so on.

That this was a job of moving human beings to slaughterhouses was not even part of his mental equation, because he just couldn’t care:  that wasn’t his job.

Eichmann was hanged.  Now, about this Anna Smajdor…

Quote Of The Day

From Rick Manning at ALG:

“America has seen what the FBI does when they’re serious, with 6 a.m. raids on targets of investigations if they’re in the wrong political party and kid gloves for the Democrats who have apparently become the official party of the government.”

Fire them all, burn down their buildings (especially that totalitarian concrete block in D.C.), salt the earth they stood on — and then we can get serious.

Oh, That’s Okay Then

I am truly heartened that no less luminary than Nicholas Fuckface Kristof of the NYFT  has promised, cross his little Commie heart, that Gun Confiscators Inc. has no intention of messing with my sporting activities.

Thus we should reassure gun owners that we’re not going to come after their deer rifles or bird guns. That makes it politically easier to build a consensus on steps to keep dangerous people from lethal weapons like 9-millimeter handguns.

Ummm no, sorry.  And let’s not be sidetracked by the “dangerous people” trope, because only he (or the “authorities”) will get to define what constitutes “dangerous”.  If he means “criminals”, well, that’s already illegal (for all the good it does in stopping criminals from getting hold of guns).

No, let’s be in no doubt that his (and no doubt the Gummint’s) definition of “dangerous” will, with absolute certainty, include people like me, with our “dangerous” views on Second Amendment rights.

Not that I care — at least in the 9-millimeter sense — because I prefer the manly .45 ACP and .357 Mag calibers over the Europellet anyway but even in jest, let’s not give him and his kind the benefit of the doubt on this, because we know they’re all fucking liars, and they consider any cartridge objectionable.

Kristof, if you think that your transparent little platitude is going to win over the “only hunters” group (a.k.a. the “Fudds”, as we call them), you could not possibly be more wrong, and your efforts to confiscate / ban guns of any description will never be “politically easier”.

So fuck off and die, because we’re not ever going to compromise on the gun issue — 20,000+ existing gun laws means that we’ve already (over-) compromised — and your job from here on is going to be progressively [sic]  more difficult, actually impossible.

That’s our promise to you.

Missed A Couple

The bad 170, according to Fatboi Pritzker’s Illannoy.

This is just going to drive up the prices of Garands, M1 Carbines, ordinary SKS rifle, and so on.

That said:  it’s not gonna stop there.

The list of about 170 different semi-automatic guns now banned in Illinois could change with state police granted the authority to update the list “as needed.”

Possession of guns legally purchased before Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the measure Tuesday are grandfathered in, but owners must eventually register each weapon’s serial number. Illinois State Police are to develop the registry with gun owners required to comply by Jan. 1, 2024. Violations could be a Class 2 felony.
