Missing The Point, Somewhat?

You see, I always thought that wind vanes were supposed to generate power.  Silly me:

Scotland’s green-obsessed left-separatist government has been left with egg on its face by revelations that dozens of gigantic onshore wind turbines are having to be hooked up to diesel generators, leaking thousands of litres of hydraulic oil into the countryside.

All this because — and I know this will come as a shock to many — Scotland is fucking cold during winter, and the turbines can’t function despite the fact that Scotland is also fucking windy (all the time), as attested to by Combat Controller and Doc Russia during a fall hunt in the Cairngorms.

I think that to be fair, it should have been mandated that fall-back protections for the turbines had to be powered not by diesel engines but by solar energy (something that Scotland does not have a lot of, at any time of year).

The only way we’re ever going to eliminate all this Green bullshit is if we constantly rub the Greens’ noses in the shit every single time their policies fail, and make them live with the consequences.

So Much For The “Working Class Hero”

How are the mighty fallen:

A leading Bruce Springsteen fanzine has announced it will cease publication after 43 years because the artist’s fanbase became disillusioned by unaffordable concert tickets.

Backstreets magazine said both its editorial staff and fans had become ‘dispirited’ and ‘downhearted’ after prices for some tickets to the artist’s 2023 arena tour reached $4,000 each last year.

‘These are concerts that we can hardly afford; that many of our readers cannot afford; and that a good portion of our readership has lost interest in as a result.’


Springsteen’s humble beginnings in New Jersey and the relatability of his music once earned him the reputation of being ‘the voice of the working man’.

In his early years, Springsteen played at any bar in which he could make money. He earned the nickname the Boss because he would collect and distribute gig money among band members, Andrew Delahunty, the author of the Oxford Dictionary of Nicknames, told the BBC in 2009.

Mark Kemp of Rolling Stone magazine once described Springsteen as ‘a working-class hero: a plainspoken visionary and a sincere romantic whose insights into everyday lives – especially in America’s small-town heartland – have earned comparisons to John Steinbeck and Woody Guthrie.’

Yeah, well now he’s just a woke dollar-chasing asshole, like so many of his ilk.

I never cared for his tuneless bellow anyway, so I have no dog in this fight.  But these people need to be brought back down to earth by the people who were actually responsible for their success.  Nowadays, their success seems to be driven by those bloodless fucks at TicketMaster, and a pox on them too.


Via Insty, I see that our Stasi have grandiose plans:

The federal government is proceeding with plans to build a new FBI headquarters complex twice the size of the Pentagon building. 

Riveted into the colossal new project are woke regulations to ensure that the FBI center will comply with diversity, equity, LGBTQ+, and climate change political goals. 

The plan, unveiled last September, has received little attention. For years the FBI has sought to vacate its present headquarters, a brutalist concrete bunker on stilts and occupying two city blocks between the White House and the Capitol. 

Plans for the new FBI headquarters specify that it will be built on one of three sites in suburban Virginia and Maryland. Those sites are large parcels of 58, 61, and 80 acres.

You motherfuckers.  You can’t even do the job you’re supposed to do — but now we have to pay for a gargantuan edifice to house all your un-American activities (spying on angry parents, scanning social media to track down people who make “hurtful” comments, etc.)?  A pox on you all.

To our elected Republican representatives in Congress:  fund this bullshit, and expect voter fury.  And if you do decide to risk your political futures and fund this gross example of bureaucratic overreach, make sure that it’s located not on expensive real estate in Virginia and Maryland, but on inexpensive land in, say, northeastern Wyoming, eastern Montana or central North- or South Dakota — split across three states so that the states are not suddenly faced with a massive influx of undesirable Democrat-bureaucrat voters, and powered only by a wind farm and rooftop solar panels located on the property itself (because climate change).

I’m still in favor of the no-fund option, because fuck knows how we’re going to find the money to pay for this extravagance.

And fuck the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in case someone has any doubt of my utter loathing for this bastard bureaucracy.

Dragging Kiddies

Let’s hear it for Plano-based Pizza Hut:

BOOK IT! is a reading program, sponsored by the pizza chain, directed towards children from pre-school to sixth grade, or ages four to twelve. It awards a free one-topping pizza if they are able to meet a monthly reading goal. Big Wig was promoted in the summer reading program Camp BOOK IT!

The book Big Wig is a “wonderful read-aloud [that] celebrates the universal childhood experience of dressing up and the confidence that comes with putting on a costume,” the reading program states on its website.

Yeah, it’s just about “putting on a costume”, of course.

Fucking groomers.

Here’s a thought:  we have lots of corporate headquarters here in Plano, and others are lining up to come here.  It would serve Pizza Hut right if the city, backed by the state*, revoked their business license — I bet that if publicized, a large majority of Plano parents would support the action.

*If this were Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis would be all over this idea.