Only Just Good Enough

My only quibble with this story is that the goblin wasn’t dead at the end of it.

An employee of a gas station in the 200 block of West Camp Wisdom Road, near the border with Duncanville, alerted the mother about 10 p.m. that a man was trying to get into her SUV.
She jumped into the vehicle. When the man didn’t stop, she pulled a gun from the glove box and shot him in the head, police said.
The vehicle then crashed into a utility pole.

So far, so good.  But the goblin didn’t croak, because:

“I should have just have emptied the whole clip but I didn’t. I didn’t. I just wanted to give him a warning shot that was it.”

I can’t criticize Our Heroine too much, because she stopped the danger to her kids, and that’s all that matters.  However, I just hope that the thing ends here, with the choirboy in jail for a long time — too long to come after the woman when he gets out, or too old to try this again with someone else.

Sometimes, you see, it’s better to end the thing properly, even if you aren’t a killer.

Dept Of Righteous Shootings

Also Quote Of The Day:

“I had my own personal AK-47.”

Here’s the summary:  man comes home, finds two (!) choirboys ransacking his house.  They see him, start to pull guns on him, whereupon Our Hero grabs his “personal AK-47” from a closet and ventilates both said choirboys until they are dead.

Now go and read the luscious details, including the part where the DA doesn’t press charges on Our Hero.

Afterthought:  He seems apprehensive that the choirboys’ acquaintances may attempt some sort of revenge.  My suggestion:  buy a couple spare AK mags.  Bet they don’t; would you try and whack a guy who’s prepared to kill people over a TV set?  It is, as they say, to laugh.

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

By now, everybody will have learned of the latest Righteous Shooting in Washington state — unless, of course, you depend on the gun-hating mainstream media for you news, in which case you would be completely in the dark about it because a Good Guy whacking a goblin doesn’t comport well with Teh Narrative (which states that all guns are eeeevil and gun owners are Literally Hitler).

Anyway, the story goes that goblin causes deadly mayhem in a WalMart, Hero Gun Owner shoots his worthless ass dead, the end.

Ordinarily, that would be sufficient cause for a Happy Dance, but this one has some Extra-Special Gunny Goodness about it.  Allow an eyewitness to explain:

Megan Chadwick said her husband saw the civilian take down the shooter. “He said he watched him (the shooter) take his last breath,” Chadwick said. “There were three civilians going after him (the shooter) to shoot him and two of them had their guns up — and then the third guy shot him through the window of the car.”
Chadwick said her husband was armed as well.

So by my count, that makes four law-abiding gun owners on hand in the WalMart parking lot, basically lining up to send the goblin to an early grave?

Now we can begin the Happy Dance…

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

Some dickhead walks into a restaurant and for reasons that will be forever unknown (see below) starts shooting indiscriminately into the patrons, wounding several.

Whereupon another patron takes umbrage at this foolishness, draws his own handgun and shoots Mr. Dickhead dead on the spot.  Because this happened in Oklahoma and not Massachusetts, California or New York, no charges will be filed against Our Hero.

[pause to let cheering and applause die down]

Of course, some people are going to be wondering Why This Man Did Such An Evil Thing, and What Are The Root Causes Of Such Behavior, and all that crap.  Me, I don’t care.  The asshole is dead, nobody else died, and all because a law-abiding gun owner was able to deal with the situation before the cops arrived, over five minutes later.

Predictably, the International Gun Control Set (IGCS) didn’t see it the way I do, arguing that if all eeeevil guns were banned, then there’d be no need for the law-abiding to carry guns of their own — based on the assumption that criminals are going to obey the law which bans guns.  Then the IGCS went off and had a meal of tasty pixie dust pie, washed down with a cool drink of unicorn tears on the rocks.

This evening, I’ll just take care of my own 1911, which will need cleaning after the Friday afternoon range session.

Then I’ll raise my glass of single malt to salute Our Hero, who did what had to be done.  Feel free to join me.

P.S.  If newspapers were truly interested in informing the public, they’d find out what gun Our Hero used, what caliber it was chambered in, what boolets he used, and where he shot the asshole.  But nooo… that would be akin to a public service, and we can’t have that.

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings — International Division

So this choirboy in São Paulo decides to indulge in a little impromptu income redistribution by pulling a gun and trying to rob some mommies waiting to pick up their kids outside a school.

Whereupon one of the mommies pulls a gun and pops said choirboy three times in the chest, killing his worthless ass.

[pause to let the cheering and applause die down]

Turns out that Our Heroine was an off-duty cop, but that’s irrelevant because she could have been any mommy packing a piece for self-defense, couldn’t she?  (Of course, this would have been impossible anywhere there’s one of those stupid laws banning guns within x yards of a school, but let’s not quibble about that for a moment.)

Even better, from our perspective, is that the entire incident was caught on surveillance video.  (Note how Our Heroine treats the soon-to-be dead choirboy while he’s still alive and lying on the ground: that alone should cause another round of applause.)

And one final note of good cheer:  Our Heroine’s bosses in the police have commended her on her actions instead of treating her like the criminal.  Good for them.

Dept. Of Righteous Killings

This from Britishland:

Police were called in the early hours of Wednesday morning after reports of a burglary in progress and a man injured at an address in Hither Green.
Mr Osborn-Brooks, who was at home with his disabled wife Maureen, had found two men inside the address and a struggle ensued between him and the men.
It is believed that one of the suspects had a screwdriver and threatened the homeowner with it.
Vincent, from Kent, was found collapsed on the street and had suffered a stab wound to the upper body. He was taken by the London Ambulance Service to a central London hospital where he was pronounced dead at 3.37am.

So far, so good. To summarize: violent career criminal (it turns out) invades home, threatens elderly homeowner and gets killed for his efforts. [pause to let applause and cheering die down]

But of course, this is not-so-Great Britain, where criminals may not face consequences for their criminal actions — especially at the hands of the public, no matter what the cause. So Our Hero faced the wrath of the Fuzz:

He was arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm and further arrested on suspicion of murder. He was taken to a south London police before being bailed.

[pause to let howls of outrage subside]

However, there is a happy ending:

[He] has now been told that no action will be taken following discussions between the Met Police and Crown Prosecution Service.

Needless to say, the air is full of relatives (most of them career criminals as well) wailing about how the dead goblin had a heart of gold (a perforated heart of gold, as it turns out) and He Didn’t Deserve To Die because he was just trying to support his family (I’m not making this up; it was in an earlier report).

But this being Britain, there’s a sting in the tale [sic]:

On Friday, [Our Hero’s] house was being boarded up and metal shutters were placed over windows amid security fears. Two vans, one with a cherry picker on the back, arrived this afternoon to secure the empty house. Heavy duty security grills were also fitted around all the windows.

So in defending himself from two murderous intruders, he now has to live his life cowering behind boarded-up windows, in fear of reprisal from the dead asshole’s relatives; because while the Britcops are very efficient in arresting the law-abiding, they’re completely incompetent when it comes to protecting them. And of course, there is no way in hell Our Hero is ever going to be allowed to own a shotgun to protect himself.

This is not going to end well. You read it here first.

So when our local would-be gun controllers confiscators talk about “reasonable U.K.-style gun laws”, please note that this would be one of the outcomes for us law-abiding folks.

And now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the range.