Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

Choirboy saunters up to a young woman on street corner, shows her a weapon and attempts a little involuntary financial redistribution, whereupon Our Heroine pulls her gun and shoots the little asshole in the neck, said wound eventually sending him to join Hell’s Chorus.

[pause to allow cheers and applause to die down]

This incident would be fairly unremarkable except that it happened on Chicago’s South Side, and the young lady in question had an Illinois carry permit (!!!), which as any fule kno is of hen’s teeth scarcity.  [Note to the gun confiscators:  this is how you reduce violent crime; not by disallowing law-abiding citizens to carry guns.]

Note too that this is an incident of gun violence (duh), but as any right-thinking person would agree, the right kind of gun violence.

(Thanks to Reader Brad_In_IL for the heartwarming report.)

Dept. Of Righteous Stabbings

When three men are raping your daughter and the police don’t give a damn, what’s a mother to do?

Grab a kitchen knife, set off after the bastards and stab the shit out of them, killing one and seriously injuring the others, is what.

Had this happened in Texas, the “Lion Mama” would have got a loud Attagirl!  from the police;  instead, she was charged with murder and two counts of attempted murder.  Happily, the prosecutor saw sense (but only after a national outcry of furious hatred), and dropped the charges against her.  The wounded assholes got twenty-five years each.

One wonders what she could have achieved had she been allowed to own a gun…

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

Escaped convict tries to break into a house (to steal food, cash, car keys etc. and/or to improve his prison love life with a little rapery), whereupon he learns, too late, that the lone housewife isn’t going to let him do any of that:

Bruce McLaughlin Jr., 30, was shot in the head by the woman after he kicked in her back door on Tuesday, according to Pickens County authorities.
After he entered the home, McLaughlin grabbed a knife sharpening tool from the kitchen and headed toward the woman’s bedroom around 3 a.m.

Of course, I don’t know whether the choirboy was going to do all that stuff, and now nobody will — which unsolved mystery is just fine by me.  (I do wish the report would give us the good info:  gun, chambering, type of cartridge etc. but let me not quibble over details.)

My favorite part of the story, however, is this:

 Sheriff Rick Clark said the woman was home alone and had undergone concealed weapons training at some point prior to the incident.
“This was a big guy. If she hadn’t had a weapon there’s no telling what would have happened,” the sheriff said. “I gave her a big hug. I told her how proud I was of her.”
Clark said the incident was “a shining example” of why owning and knowing how to properly use a gun is important.

Can I hear a round of applause for both the Lady Shooter (HEAD SHOT!) and Sheriff Clark?

Helping Hand

Well that doesn’t quite fit The Narrative, does it?

A man with a concealed-carry license was commended for coming to the aid of Cicero police who were engaged in a shootout with a man who shot and wounded an officer near the Stevenson Expressway Thursday, authorities said.
Cicero Police Officer Luis Duarte, 31, was shot four times during the encounter near the 4200 block of South Cicero Avenue during the evening rush hour, but it might have been worse if the armed citizen hadn’t stepped in, officials said.
“We were lucky enough to have a citizen on the street there who’s a concealed-carry holder, and he also engaged in gunfire,” Cicero Police Supt. Jerry Chlada Jr. said outside Mount Sinai Hospital, where Duarte was undergoing surgery Thursday night.

And in Chicago, even.  No cries yet about “vigilante justice” from The Usual Suspects, but no doubt they’ll be coming soon.

Stopping Violence With Violence

This happened in Florida recently:

A man involved in a fight with another person at Isaac Campbell Park left the scene and returned several minutes later, around 5:20 p.m., with a gun and opened fire on the crowd.
A bystander, who was licensed to carry a firearm, shot the suspect and waited for authorities to arrive. [emphasis added]
The gunman, whose firearm was recovered from the scene, was airlifted to a hospital with life-threatening injuries.

Pardon me for being bloodthirsty, but I hope the fucker dies.

[waits for applause and hoots of approval to die down]

Yeah, let’s hear it for the fools who think that only the cops should be carrying guns.  And the media fails, as usual, by not informing the public what Our Hero used to shoot the choirboy: the gun, the bullet caliber / type, single shot or double tap — you know, the useful stuff.  Idiots.

Only Just Good Enough

My only quibble with this story is that the goblin wasn’t dead at the end of it.

An employee of a gas station in the 200 block of West Camp Wisdom Road, near the border with Duncanville, alerted the mother about 10 p.m. that a man was trying to get into her SUV.
She jumped into the vehicle. When the man didn’t stop, she pulled a gun from the glove box and shot him in the head, police said.
The vehicle then crashed into a utility pole.

So far, so good.  But the goblin didn’t croak, because:

“I should have just have emptied the whole clip but I didn’t. I didn’t. I just wanted to give him a warning shot that was it.”

I can’t criticize Our Heroine too much, because she stopped the danger to her kids, and that’s all that matters.  However, I just hope that the thing ends here, with the choirboy in jail for a long time — too long to come after the woman when he gets out, or too old to try this again with someone else.

Sometimes, you see, it’s better to end the thing properly, even if you aren’t a killer.