Practice, Practice

Someone (JQ?) asked me about gun practice posts, so let me just do a quick recap of some of the ones I’ve posted in the past:

Torture Test

Point And Shoot

Useful Stuff

Too Smart

Range Report 1

By the way, if ever you want to read about a topic (i.e. my rants thereon, and/or my often-flawed analysis likewise), just type it into the box which appears under the masthead:

And ye shall find.  Or not.



One comment

  1. Thank you for posting some drills! I’ll add these to my collection to try

    I printed some pistol drills out and put them in a three ring binder to take to the range. I’m always interested in learning more drills to practice prudently.

    Dot torture is humbling and works on several skills by using a box of fifty cartridges.

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