Missed It By THIS Much

Apparently, yesterday was International Orgasm Day or something equally stupid.

Needless to say, I missed it, just as I’ve missed so many of its namesakes.

Nowadays, of course, I’m more likely to have a Supreme Moment by looking at pictures of things like this: 

…or this:

…rather than this:

In truth, though, what would really get the old juices running would be… ummmm… how can I put this delicately, or in a manner which wouldn’t cause the fuzz to show up at my door…

A deep pit full of dead Socialists?

Something like that.


Remember when I said that conservatives (and the few conservative Republicans) should declare victory, and not start overreaching and going crazy?

This is what I meant by going crazy:

The delegates of the Republican Party of Texas voted overwhelmingly to add a plank to the party platform calling for a statewide vote for returning to an independent nation. Texas GOP officials told Breitbart Texas the plank received approximately 80 percent of the delegate votes cast at the June state convention.

You fucking morons.  The Great State of Texas can’t even manage its electricity delivery properly (whether it’s too cold or too hot), and now you want to be an independent country?

You know, we do not call them the Stupid Party for nothing — they earn the sobriquet just about every election cycle.

Just keep on walking in that direction, why don’tcha.

Oh and by the way:  I myself — one of the most conservative Republican voters you’ll ever meet — will vote against the measure.

More Fish To Fry

I think it’s time that conservatives look at the overturning of Roe, declare victory, and move on to more important (and really vital) social topics, at the state level, rather than start making people nervous by more-invasive anti-abortion laws.

And by “people”, I mean people like me.

Yes, there will always be some state-level folly that needs to be addressed — oppressive state gun ownership “tests”, for example — but just as with the major 2A victory, let’s not push for AK-47s in Aisle 7 at Kroger because while that doesn’t make me especially nervous, it probably would most people.  Apply that concept to abortion-restrictive laws, and you’ll get my drift.

Let’s start with another state power:  our schools and the destructive policies of Critical Race Theory, anti-male indoctrination and Marxism which have all become embedded in public school curricula.

If we want a more urgent local action, let’s address another state power:  that of voting management and policy.  Without serious controls in place to guarantee that another ten million votes aren’t suddenly “found” in ballot boxes or the foul voting machines, none of the rest counts.

We’ve won the 2A battle and we’ve destroyed the Constitutional foolishness of Roe v. Wade.  It’s time to get serious about the rest of the Counterculture.

Oh, and if we want another national ailment to tackle, let’s talk about the wokeness and feminization of the Armed Forces, and their baleful effects on our ability to protect this republic.  More on that later.

Sticking It To The Greens

In West Virginia:


West Virginia all by itself can only exert nominal influence on BlackRock and the big banks. But if you get a coalition of states – including Texas, Arizona, and Missouri – to threaten to cut off the mega-banks because of their anti-energy political activism, then there is a critical mass of influence.

And see where he goes from there.  I like his thinking.

Oh, Really?

From our worthy Texas Senator:

Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) brushed off NRA opposition to his gun control package Wednesday, noting that the gun rights group cannot be allowed to “veto good public policy.”
The bill expands background checks for some gun buyers, uses taxpayer money incentivize red flag laws, and broadens the NICS prohibited purchasers’ list (by using domestic violence statutes to cover dating relationships).

My suggestion to Cornyn:  start exploring your post-Senate career opportunities, because we will not forget this when your reelection time comes.

Also:  the NRA doesn’t mean spit in this state;  it’s the gun owners that matter.

As you will find out, you fucking squish.

Paul Revere, Part Deux: The Calis Are Coming!

Now here’s a cause for alarm:

Musk’s electric car company wasn’t the only Silicon Valley giant to make the move and is unlikely to be the last. Bloomberg reports that Hewlett Packard made the shift after citing the difference in real estate expenses between the Golden and Lone Star states, with Oracle Corp also making the move. If other major companies also make the decision to leave Silicon Valley, it could spell disaster for the area — especially given how income and employee numbers are split. If just Google, Apple, Meta, Amazon, and Cisco left Silicon Valley would lose 20% of its employees and billions of dollars in GDP. High taxes and living costs may soon drive companies and workers away from Silicon Valley, and towards cheaper states with Texas a regular target.

Frankly… no.

I have no desire to have those woke asshole corporations come to my beloved Texas, and change our way of life — already in some danger thanks to their predecessors — into something that more resembles California’s.  And change it they will, make no mistake, because they will come with shitloads of money:  money that will buy them politicians and local government officials, and their wokist, Green attitudes will gain a foothold — or, I should say, a stronger foothold — when in fact few Texans outside Austin want that crap to change their lives.

Here’s a little warning to liberal Californians:  EVERYBODY HATES YOU.  I mean really, really hates you.  Your insufferable liberal smugness and superiority, your ability to drive up affordable local real estate values fueled by the proceeds of your bloated California property prices,  your liberal mindset and your insistence that everywhere you move must change into what you just left behind — all that and more does not endear you to the locals.  So do not act surprised when your appearance is not only not welcomed, but treated with dismay or even outright hostility.

I remember chatting to a guy in small-town Idaho who had moved there to escape all the expat Californians in Colorado (seriously), and was horrified to learn that said insects were now starting to infest his new home town.  When I asked him why they would move there when there was absolutely no real industry to attract them, he just snorted and said, “Retirees.”

I wish you could have seen the expression of loathing on his face and heard the utter hatred in his voice.

It may come as some surprise to Californians, but most people don’t actually care if in their little towns there are no vegan restaurants, cute little gourmet bistros that sell kiddie portions at adult prices, yoga studios, Lululemon outlets and all the unnecessary shit that Californians seem to regard as critical to their precious “lifestyle”.  And by the way:  there aren’t going to be a lot of charging outlets for your precious Priuses and Teslas, so don’t complain about that when it can all be solved by leaving that shit behind and buying a Ford F-150.  In fact, that’s a perfect analogy for the changes that you have to make if you want to be accepted:  ditch the attitude and go native, because nobody cares how you did things in California, even if you feel that it’s so much better and can’t stop telling people that.

And by the way:  if you do move out of California and relocate to America, one of your first actions should be to buy a fucking gun (preferably several) and a truckload of ammo.  And if that course of action causes you to recoil or feel uncomfortable, then you may want to just keep on driving through Arizona, Texas and Tennessee until you get to Massachusetts or New York, where they feel the same way about those icky guns as you do.

Bloody hell, just the thought of Google moving to Plano makes me want to start looking at real estate in east Tennessee or rural Idaho.

I think I’ll go to the range.