Pushing Back

Yesterday, I expressed my consternation at this little event — which took place not a mile from where I am right now, and where I drive through all the time:

In the incident, which occurred last week, BLM marchers illegally blocked a public street, trapping motorists. Such situations have happened across the nation over the past year, often resulting in violence. In the Plano video, one man emerges from his car and yells at the BLM protesters to clear the street. They not only do not clear the street, one of them also brandishes a weapon of some sort at the man. A Plano police officer looks on, does nothing to clear the street, and instead seems to side against the motorist — who is legally in the right.

Looks as though the Plano Police Chief has landed himself in the doodoo with TXAG Paxton: After reviewing the incident, our First Lawyer had this to say:

Reckon it’s time someone got fired — and I’m not talking about Paxton.

Frankly, I don’t care if you think you have to “negotiate with these people” when in fact they are breaking the fucking law.  If I’d parked my car across the intersection and refused to move it, how long do you think it would have taken for the Plano PD to have me in cuffs?  Or, if there were four of us White boys blocking the road with our cars protesting (say) the stolen election of 2020, the fuzz would have descended on us like Genghis Khan, only with better weaponry.  And if one of us had pointed something that looked like a gun — I don’t care whether it was a pepper gun, taser or toy pistol — the cops would have shot his ass dead.

And all of Plano would probably have applauded.

Let me get this straight.  While Plano is more conservative than Dallas, it’s not as conservative as the rest of Texas (thanks to the huge influx of New Yorkers, Californians, Chinese, Indians and Pakistanis into the area as we’ve become some kind of Mecca [sic]  for the Big Business flight away from, duh, California and the Northeast).  We have a Black mayor, a Black police chief, several Blacks, Chinese and Indians on the city council and school district board, and all the rest of the stuff that has allowed the hallowed “diversity” to flourish, only without any fanfare or box-ticking.

Nevertheless, Plano is still reliably conservative, and up until now, the Police Department has been too, with a strong law-and-order attitude which we citizens of Plano have supported to the hilt.

And now?  A police chief who bleats about “having to negotiate” with violent criminals?  I don’t care if the police are “caught in the middle”;  that’s their fucking job.  They are supposed to be the “thin blue line” between law-abiding citizens and criminal bandits.

Like I said, someone needs to be fired, or else the shit is really going to hit the fan.  Next time, the guy who jumps out of his car and, all by himself, shouts at protesters to clear the street, may well be carrying a handgun, or more.  (There’s a very good reason that our local gun store shelves are empty of both guns and ammunition.)  And if the cop on the scene — or his boss — aligns himself with the criminals, don’t be surprised if he’s treated like one of them, because it’s no less than he deserves.

And if the city cops are unable or unwilling to do their job, Paxton has only to unleash the state police and, gawd help us, the Texas Rangers.  We’re cool with that, I think.

This bullshit has to stop, nipped in the bud right now.  Let’s hope that Paxton gets it done, or there’s going to be a serious shit show.  Plano is not fucking Los Angeles or Chicago or New York;  we’re not even fucking Austin.  And without serious action, the powers that be are going to find that out, big time.

Neighborhood Reindeer Games

Several people have sent me accounts (like this one) of the latest BLM “protest” which happened in Plano (!!!) last week.

Several thoughts come to mind, especially as I’ve had some dealings with the Plano PD over the past couple weeks, as every fule kno, and I came away very impressed with their attitude.

What I also learned, in chatting with our local guy while CIS was dusting for prints etc. was that the attitude of people all over (not just in Plano, but all over north Texas) has been changing for the worse, in that people getting involved with the police are being a lot more aggressive — and not just with the police, either.

Back in June last year, there was a traffic accident at a corner not three hundred yards from my old house.  I know the corner well (Legacy and Independence), and as it happened, when the accident occurred there was a Plano uniformed cop filling up at the gas station on that very corner.  So the cop walked over — no need to drive, it’s twenty yards away — only to see that the female driver of the one car was leaning into the other driver’s window, and punching her out.  So he grabbed her to restrain her, whereupon he made the unfortunate discovery that she wasn’t punching the other woman, but stabbing her.  And when he tried to restrain this bitch, she stabbed him four times.  Luckily, three of the blows were deflected by his vest, but the fourth got him a good one in the upper left arm, and he started to bleed like a stuck pig.

The situation did not end there.

The stabbist then ran around the front of the car and wrenched the passenger-side door open, so as to continue with the stabbing.

Fortunately, the officer was not massively incapacitated from his stab wound — apparently, he would faint a little later from blood loss while waiting for the paramedics — but he was still able to pull his gun and shoot the bitch four times, whereupon she lost all interest in the proceedings, assumed the proper position on the ground, and very shortly thereafter achieved room temperature.

[pause to let the cheering and hollering die down]

Just in passing, both the cop and the stabbee survived the fun and games.  He was a twenty-five-year veteran of the Plano PD and was something like six months from retirement.  (Here’s the official report of the incident.  There’s a telling detail that I didn’t mention;  see if you can spot it.)

The cop who told me this story said that this change in attitude began during the Obama administration, and had only got worse and worse since.  (I note too that the Plano PD Chief has been spotted marching in an earlier BLM protest, and that is an issue to be addressed on another day.)

After Election Day 2020 I took the AK out of the car, figuring that now that the nation’s scum had got their wish and had Communists, wokists and BLM supporters in positions of power, they’d simmer down.  Clearly, this is not the case.

So tomorrow I’ll be off to Doc Russia’s to pick up the AK and return it to its proper position in the car.  I should have done it after dinner with him last week, but that was a couple days before the BLM incident on Plano’s east side, and who knew?  But times change, and I guess we have to change with them.

Let me say right now that I will not start anything should I personally encounter a situation like last Friday’s.  I won’t even get out of my car.  Unless things get really out of control — the video of the event shows that at least one BLM supporter had a handgun out and pointed at the “counter-protester” —  in which case things might get a little more interesting.  I certainly don’t take kindly to people pointing guns at me, no matter how much they believe they are “justified” in so doing;  and any attempt to bring violence on me will meet with some resistance.

And that’s a promise.

Good grief.  If shit like this can happen in Plano, it can happen anywhere in the United States.  Be on your guard and stay safe.  Or at least get a good group.


Oh yeah, this will work out well.  From the Museum of Absolute Fucking Lunacy (California Hall) comes this fine example:

California is set to release at least 63,000 inmates convicted of violent crimes in an effort to create “safer prisons.”

Safer prisons, unsafer cities.  Here’s the reasoning (if you can even call it that):

The goal is to increase incentives for the incarcerated population to practice good behavior and follow the rules while serving their time and participate in rehabilitative and educational programs, which will lead to safer prisons,” Dana Simas, a state Office of Administrative Law spokeswoman, said in a statement about the mass release of prisoners in the Golden State.  “Additionally, these changes would help to reduce the prison population by allowing incarcerated persons to earn their way home sooner,” she added.

So who are the lucky releasees?  All non-violent people in jail for forgery, tax fraud or embezzlement?  Right… not:

Of those who are set to be released, nearly 20,000 are serving life sentences.

Not everyone is happy about this news:

A number of Republican lawmakers in the state have opposed the move and criticized Gov. Gavin Newsom for acting “on his own authority, instead of the will of the people.”

I didn’t know California had any “Republican lawmakers” left — I thought they were 100% Socialist over there in the Golden Shower State.

I foresee murders.  Unfortunately, those murders won’t be of the people who are behind this foolishness.

New Day, Same Problem, Different Group

So let’s take a look at this new warning from the .dotgov.  Here’s the summary:

The Acting Secretary of Homeland Security has issued a National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin due to a heightened threat environment across the United States, which DHS believes will persist in the weeks following the successful Presidential Inauguration.  Information suggests that some ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence.

What interests me about this diktat  is not that it’s spurious bullshit (it is), but in terms of this language it could have been equally applicable after Trump was elected President.  Let’s parse the thing, to get the parallels to 2017.

  • “Some ideologically-motivated violent extremists”  — Antifa?  Most definitely.
  • “Objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition” — Anyone remember the Washington D.C. riots during and after Trump’s inauguration?
  • “Other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives” — that would be the completely false Russian “involvement” of 2017.

All these and more could have been good reasons for Trump to invoke this very kind of action, back in early 2017.

But he didn’t.

Yet because a couple hundred idiots invaded the Capitol, walked off with Nancy Pelosi’s lectern and sat behind her desk, now it’s Defcon-3 and BOLOs for “terrorists”?  Just a reminder:  the “insurgents” who broke into the Capitol weren’t carrying weapons, didn’t throw Molotov cocktails around in the streets or public places, didn’t burn and pillage shops and office buildings, and didn’t beat up innocent people in the streets.  Even the ones arrested were released within hours, and if any effort was made to identify and charge the instigators of said riots, I don’t remember it and nothing ever came of it if there was such an effort.

Also, I don’t recall any of the 2021 “ringleaders” actually saying things like Black Lives Matter’s co-founder Patrisse Cullors, who said in 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists”.

So which group is more likely to want to violently overthrow our republican form of government:  the “Proud Boys” / Trumpist conservatives or BLM / Antifa?

Anyone who suggests the conservatives, I would suggest, is the enemy of the United States and should be the ones targeted by the National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin of January 27, 2021 — because if ever there is a “false narrative”, it’s the one contained in the bulletin’s summary at the top of this post.

It’s an age-old tactic of the Left:  accuse your opponents of doing what you’re doing, or plan to do.

Don’t Care

O woe is Minneapolis:

If you want to know what the real-time self-destruction of a city looks like, Minneapolis offers the perfect model. This is no Detroit-esque collapse prompted by the degeneration of an industry-dependent metropolis. This is the willful push down the path of ruin of a city burgeoning with opportunity and rife with promises of the American Dream. It is suicide.

Instead of looking to successful policies used to counter that crime wave—increasing the number and presence of law enforcement officers for several months—the Minneapolis City Council wants to do the exact opposite.

For a far-left Minneapolis City Council at war with its police force and local citizens yet maintaining control due to leftist activism and special interests, the answer may be in the blind devotion to the radical belief of constantly burning and building into the unattainable utopia they so hubristically believe they can create.

Let the whole place lie in deserted ruins after riots, mayhem and fires have destroyed it;  they voted for it, they supported it, and now they’re going to get it — in Mencken terms — good and hard.

So much for “Minnesota nice”;  “Minnesota idiocy” would be more appropriate.  They don’t deserve our sympathy, our support or our best wishes, especially when you see this, and  bullshit like this happens.  I’d say “Fuck ’em”, but they’ve fucked themselves already.