Monday Funnies

What happens on Mondays, doesn’t necessarily stay on Mondays.

In similar vein, let’s look at some likely disaster scenarios in the near future:

My confident prediction:  never in recorded history will so many guns have been lost in boating accidents, fires or similar catastrophes as during a Biden/Harris/Beto Administration.

Then again:

I should stop now…

Get some practice in.  I know I will.

Monday Funnies

Monday?  Yeah it is… so, time to get busy.

And for today’s Monday salute, we’re going to go with !!!!!SEX!!!! as the theme.

This isn’t sexy, but it’s funnier than hell (click on the pic):

And here’s some beauty to help guard against the week’s upcoming bullshit:

Monday Funnies

Yeah, Monday.

But before we get to the funny stuff, a little catharsis:

Go ahead:  prove me wrong, I dare ya.

Okay, now we can try to find some funny shit to giggle about.

May as well post some of these before it becomes illegal:


For some beauty, this is someone named Rachel Hard  Hurd Wood:

And one last reminder for the Commies:

…and last week you defrauded us of our vote.

3 Inexplicable Things About Modern U.S. Elections

As observed in November 2020:

  • At least half of the population seems to be okay with living under a socialist government.
  • It doesn’t matter if you hold huge rallies for thousands of exuberant followers;  unless their pickup trucks are also loaded with thousands of fraudulent ballots, you’re still going to lose.
  • Some conservatives still vote for the Libertarian Party, proving that the Left doesn’t have a monopoly on stupid ivory-tower idealists with an impractical, doomed-to-fail  ideology.

Feel free to add the things you’ve learned, in Comments.

Monday Funnies

The only good thing about this Monday is… ummm… wait… nope, sorry, I got nothin’.

So before you go out to start draining the streets, take a moment for a chuckle or two.

And seeing it’s the day before Election Day 2020: 


And now it’s time to get on yer bike, like Monica: