Via Insty, I see this:
A signature issue for Trump, the removal of illegal immigrants from the U.S. is expected to take priority. U.S. Customs and Border Protection has reported more than 10 million immigrant encounters under the Biden administration. Media outlets regularly cited an 11 million illegal immigrant figure prior to Trump’s first term and that the current number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. may exceed 20 million.
“On day one, I will launch the largest deportation program of criminals in American history,” Trump declared during a recent rally in Reading, Pa. “We’re going to get them out.”
Well, that’s all well and good, and Trump has apparently set things up to use the military to handle this effort — and that’s a good start. Using the military to remove criminals from the country and send them back to their several shithole points of origin is clearly within their remit.
But as Americans, we shouldn’t be leaving everything to the federal government, especially on so important an issue, and let’s be honest that just as with disaster relief, it’s going to take some time to get the wheels turning and off the ground.
So I think it’s time for loyal Americans to set up an “emergency” system (as we did with the hurricane destruction relief in Florida and especially the Carolinas) and have private enterprise kick things off, so to speak.

Maybe we could come up with a more appropriate name for this umbrella organization, but that’s not important here. The advantages of private enterprise handling the opening stages of the new and improved “Operation Wetback*” is that unlike the military, who’ll have to fly people all the way over to Latin America, the Middle East and even China, the private air wing will only have to fly a couple dozen miles out to sea, unload their cargo, and fly back to reload. Not only that, but criminal aliens ferried out by the Air Force might find their way back — it’s happened often before — whereas criminals taken out, so to speak, by our private air transportation system will never make their way back unless they’re really good swimmers.
It’s all very efficient and cost-effective, and if there’s one thing that American private enterprise does well when not encumbered with red tape, it’s being efficient and economical.
And because it’s a volunteer effort, it requires no action from government other than to step aside and let the market handle the situation.
I realize that things done in haste can often cause mistakes to happen. But I think that if instead of just illegal aliens, a few U.S. citizen criminals are mistakenly loaded onto the choppers for their one-way ticket, we’ll just have to accept that mistakes do happen.
As the Communists are so fond of saying, “You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.” And if those eggs happen to have names like names like Clinton, Obama, Soros and Fauci, that’s just too bad.
If the name “Operation Wetback” creates an adverse reaction from the Fainting Goats Of The Left, we can just call it “Operation Wentback” instead.