News Roundup

Just popping over for a little of the old in-out, darling. [/Clockwork Orange]

which will make it a little difficult to manage the Commie louts in my preferred manner, but oh well.

I was going to rant about filthy foreigners and their horrible dietary choices, but then I remembered things like refried beans, squid ink, black pudding and White Castle sliders.

yup, keep in prodding the rattlesnake, Governor Witless.  And the media reaction:

actually, the stormtroopers would be the state police agents that the governor is using to enforce her insane lockdown policy.

so not much has changed, then.

actually, we already hate you, you Communist motherfuckers.  Trump’s just reminding us why.

and Harvard professor Bartholet uses incident as further reason for banning homeschooling.

as the BritPolice’s fearless war on victimless crime continues.

I guess it all depends on how you define “spiritual wellbeing”.

Which reminds me:  I need to stop off at Goody Goody later today for a case of Sipsmiths.

News Roundup

In and out in ninety seconds, just like a teenage boy’s first sexual encounter.

a rough guess as to why would be that the banks will have zero chance of getting any money back from the airlines, and it’s easier to stiff millions of individuals than try to sue a few airlines.

which would piss me off, if I ever used the bloated and stupid MS Word for anything.

wait:  China’s been lying?  Excuse me while I go and borrow Sarah Hoyt’s shocked face.

except that the MexGov, unlike China, wasn’t lying;  they’re just stupidly inefficient.

serve her right, the little cock-teaser.

and in other news, the Japs Asians just bombed Pearl Harbor.

see “Pearl Harbor”, above.  Gotta hand it to the DHS:  always a day late and a billion dollars short.  Also, I’m hanging onto Sarah’s shocked face for a while, because

you mean Politico isn’t a dependable source for news, and is just like all the other China-asskissing media?


ooohh, he is going to be in SO much trouble for flouting the “social distancing” regulations so egregiously.

News Roundup

Short takes and outtakes:

…[sigh] they grow up so quickly, these days.


…next, they’ll be saying the same thing about a situation going “tits up” and a mistake being called a “cock-up”.

tyrannical judge says do this, cops say fuck you.  In Houston.

…it’s still the most dangerous place on Earth, only now it’s because of Muslims and not airborne cobras.

and yet, he wasn’t executed on the spot.  Because California.

I think that should read “COSMETICS” watchdog.

Coronavirus: Calls for price controls dismissed as ‘economically illiterate’
which of course they are.  Read the article to remind yourselves, if you’ve forgotten the arguments.

and absolutely NO PRIZES will be awarded for correctly guessing the ethnicity or national origins of the rioters.

News Roundup

News commentary, as written by Hemingway.  Links in the pics.

From Britishland:

…yeah, welcome to OUR Deep State world, Bubba.

as all Amazon and Wal-Mart customers know, Chinese quality control is legendary.  And speaking of which:

ordinarily I’d be worried, except that none of them will work.  Also, we need things to shoot at while we’re cooped up in our houses(Pro tip: 00 buckshot)

(unspoken:) Give Us More Money.  However, if you look at the map, the famine would likely have struck even without the Chinkvirus.  In other words:  carry on, nothing to see here.

…they’re all gonna die.  When Gummint is optimistic, it’s time to head for the bunkers.

52-year-old single mother of four (all by different fathers) needs sex.  Quite a prospect.

all well and good, except it’s almost impossible to monitor abusive behavior during a lockdown.  But hey, let’s throw money at it:  that always works.  Stupid Seffrican tart.

looks like I may have to be cooped up for a while yet.  Shit.

And finally:

I report, you decide:


I never fell for that “counter-culture” trope of referring to all police as “pigs” because I thought it was unfair.  An old Dave Berg cartoon in MAD  Magazine encapsulated my opinion perfectly:

Protesting hippies:  “Off the Pigs!”  “Pigs Off Campus!”  etc. etc., all screaming at a tubby police officer standing in front of them.  Suddenly, a bunch of hard-hat construction workers dive into the group and start kicking the shit out of them.
Hippies:  “Help!  Police!”
Policeman (smiling):  “Ain’t nobody here but us pigs…”

However, it is an undeniable fact that under this lockdown insanity, many police forces have let their enforcement mandate get out of control (arresting lone paddleboarders, snooping into people’s shopping bags for evidence of “non-essential” purchases, and so on).  Then we have bullshit like this:

The New Jersey woman who helped organize and film a protest in the state capitol of Trenton against Governor Phil Murphy’s stay-at-home orders was charged by the state police with violating the emergency decrees.

…not to mention this little injustice:

Artur Pawlowski was feeding homeless people in downtown Calgary when over half a dozen police officers surrounded him and issued him a cool $1,200 fine.
Apparently this gathering was in contravention of new coronavirus lockdown laws, but there were more police officers attending this “crime” than there were alleged offenders.

…not to mention this excellent use of state resources:

A skate park in San Clemente, CA, was filled with 37 tons of sand by local authorities to block skaters from using it during the coronavirus outbreak.

I would go on and on, but as Insty would put it, I’d probably need a bigger blog.

What worries me most about all this is not just that the (mostly Democrat) state governors are going apeshit over this golden opportunity to oppress and control the people who voted them into power.  That’s what socialists do, all the time.

What depresses me is that so many police forces are jumping right in and enforcing — in many cases over-stringently — the stupid and ineffective regulations.  Even stories like this depress me rather than inspire me:

Wisconsin’s Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling indicated in a statement on Friday he will not enforce the state’s stay-at-home order, which Gov. Tony Evers (D) extended through May 26.

While Wisconsin law gives both the governor and Wisconsin DHS “the authority to develop emergency measures and enforce rules and order to protect the public during a health crisis,” Schmaling emphasized that state law “does not have the power to supersede or suspend the Constitutional rights of American citizens.”

Good for him, say I;  what saddens me is that every  sheriff should be saying and doing this kind of thing, but most aren’t.

So to all my law enforcement friends out there:  take your foot off the gas pedal, because at some point you’re going to start encountering increasing backlash from the people you’re supposed to be protecting — and nobody  wants that to happen.

Nobody, that is, except the socialist politicians who will respond, as statist authoritarians always do, by increasing  the level of oppression (e.g. by trying to pass more gun-control laws and imposing curfews) instead of ameliorating it.

Don’t make us start thinking of calling you “pigs”.

News Roundup

OMG and WTF?

…because you can’t be trusted to control your throttle, peasants.  (see yesterday’s rant about Porsche;  add Volvo to list of Cars I’m Never Going To Buy)

well, considering that the Coronavirus originated in a ChiCom bioweapons lab anyway, the primitive fuckers may as well go back to eating lizard testicles, bat ears and tiger hearts.

no;  genocide is creating a toxic virus in a bio-weapons lab, then allowing it to escape and spread around the world, you bat-eating motherfuckers.

and my efforts to import some of those stoney Krauts to California continue apace.

in the reign of Emperor Kim, morons like this will face summary execution because they’re just wasting oxygen.  They’ll be standing in the execution line right after people who drive slowly in the fast lane, unlicensed Mexican drivers and Piers Morgan.

I have only one thing to say:

oh wait;  Brits aren’t “allowed” to own that much ammo because their politicians have a “Volvo” mindset.  Oh well.  Bye bye, red squirrels.

which means that the hapless Brits are now paying only three times as much as they should.

yet another import market for stone-throwing, iron bar-wielding Germans.

and no doubt some British, Australian and California police are looking on enviously.

finally, some good news.  Although my instinct is to encourage these filthy hippies to congregate in massive numbers — for the good of the planet.