Permanence And Instability

Over at Intellectual Takeout, Walker Larson has some sobering thoughts about the difference between civilization and barbarism:

A true civilization produces architecture, art, artifacts, customs, heritage, and traditions that are meant to last. A barbaric culture may invent some crude forms of these things, but their purpose, and the mindset that generates them, remains fundamentally different, and thus the results are different, too. While civilization engenders a consistent set of customs—a coherent and unifying way of looking at the world rooted in time and tradition—the barbarian is unmoored from any such stable pillars.

His argument is peculiarly appropriate for the times we find ourselves in, and I urge you to read the whole article.


  1. Unmoored.
    That sounds like Leftist culture of modern art and cardboard box-style architecture.

    1. Around here, the landscape blight is a step up from cardboard boxes. They look like great anthills of stacked up used shipping containers, and what windows they have resemble pissholes in the snow.
      I pray for an earthquake to tumble them.

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