3 Modern Things

…that would have caused my old Dad’s brow to furrow with amazement:

1.) Bottled water.
“WTF?”  Selling ordinary water?  In bottles?  And charging how much?”  That’s not to say he was unfamiliar with the concept — he’d been to France, and after getting the runs from drinking Parisian tap water, he did what the Frogs did and drank Perrier.
But the idea of a society which did have clean and potable water out of the tap (e.g. the U.S. and the U.K.), but still sold bottled water would have been as alien to him as people not being able to drive a stick shift.  So:

2.) All auto, all the time.
Back when I were a yoot and my old man was still alive (early 1970s), you couldn’t take your driving test in a car with automatic transmission.  Which meant you had to know how to take off on an incline without rolling backwards, as well as being able to row through the gears when parallel parking (another required activity).  Once again, he was perfectly comfortable driving his various Mercedes (all auto), he just wouldn’t now be able to understand why almost nobody in the current generation can’t perform so simple an activity.  Of course, that’s not all the modern yoot can’t handle:

3.) No manners, no discipline and no beatings.
The lack of manners in today’s society and the indiscipline not just in kids but in everyone would have driven him crazy.  Tardiness, ingratitude, disrespect not just for one’s elders but for everyone… all this makes me want to reach for the sjambok.  My dad would have been worse.  And all this is because children’s (okay, boys’) backsides have somehow become sacred objects that one may no longer use as a disciplinary receptacle for the above whip.  As I always say, it’s not the punishment  per se  but the fear of punishment that keeps youthful psychopaths on the straight and narrow.  And all this has disappeared from homes, the schools and the court system because OMG the chiiiiildren!  And the children have responded in true Lord Of The Flies fashion, and we are shocked and saddened by all of it because we are morons and can’t understand the root causes of the above.

What a load of bollocks.  All of it.

Not Alone

Seems as though I’m not the only one out there who is looking askance at the current “dressing down” (or as I refer to it, “prole drift”) of society.  The redoubtable Laura Perrins of TCW* Magazine has an even more jaundiced view than I:

Never trust a politician without a tie

I’d post an excerpt, but her entire article is just too delightful for words, so go there now.

And while she uses Oily Little Shit Tony Blair as her exemplar of the Untrustworthy Politician genre, there are several Over Here, too.  Like this fucking asshole:


*stands for The Conservative Woman — and has nothing to do with the Brits’ version of our Stupid Party.

Permanence And Instability

Over at Intellectual Takeout, Walker Larson has some sobering thoughts about the difference between civilization and barbarism:

A true civilization produces architecture, art, artifacts, customs, heritage, and traditions that are meant to last. A barbaric culture may invent some crude forms of these things, but their purpose, and the mindset that generates them, remains fundamentally different, and thus the results are different, too. While civilization engenders a consistent set of customs—a coherent and unifying way of looking at the world rooted in time and tradition—the barbarian is unmoored from any such stable pillars.

His argument is peculiarly appropriate for the times we find ourselves in, and I urge you to read the whole article.


From Reader Sean F. comes this latest bit of insanity:

I have to say that I’m loving this.  The more Trannie Set tries to perpetuate their insanity on society, the better things look for our side.

And by the way:  for our side, accusing us of “transphobia” is really just going to elicit shrugs of indifference, coupled with a “Yeah… so what?” response.

How To Kill Off Women’s ________ Competitions

It’s really simple:  just open them up to men, or men masquerading as women.  We’ve seen it happen in women’s sporting events, and now:  beauty pageants?

A transgender woman has been crowned Miss Netherlands for the first time in the beauty pageant’s history and is now set to compete for the Miss Universe crown. 

Rikkie Valerie Kolle, 22, made history after she won the competition in the Dutch country on Sunday.  The new Miss Netherlands wore a red gown as she was overcome by emotion while receiving her crown from her predecessor Ona Moody and reigning Miss Universe R’Bonney Gabriel from the USA.

Of course, it had to be the Dutch — they, or the Canadians — who went Full Kneebend to the LGBTOSTFU crowd.  (No pics because ugh.)

So hey, to all those feministicals who wanted to ban beauty pageants because Oppressing Womynz or whatever, you’ve got your wish, because now that girly-boys are bona fide  entrants, few men are going to watch the poxy events (because who else watches this stuff?).

Few men = tiny viewing audience (WNBA, etc.) = no advertising interest = no revenue = eventual demise.

I’ve always thought beauty pageants were a load of bullshit, ever since they stopped making them about, well, beauty and started judging entrants by how well they played the violin or how well they understood world politics or similar irrelevancies, instead of how well they filled a bikini.

Let ’em all collapse into the trash dump of history:  nobody cares.

It sucks for the girls, though:  beauty pageants have always been a way for young women to get college scholarships, or modeling contracts or even movie roles.  But if that avenue dies off, well… there ya go.

Never Mind Your 5-Year-Old

…it appears that even a raven can do what Jackson Pollock did:

It’s Jackdaw Pollock! Odin the raven paints just like the American artist whose work is worth millions

A creative raven has the art world in a flap after producing a stunning range of experimental paintings – with her beak.

Eleven-year-old Odin uses an array of vivid animal-safe paints and food colourings to make her amazing abstract works, which are flying off the shelves…

My favorite part:

for up to £15.

…which is about what people should be paying for Pollock’s stupid splashes and daubings, instead of millions.