
Of course, it had to be a German:

While appearing on “The Morning Show,” Dr. Rissland was asked about whether or not drinking alcohol could kill any viruses a person may have ingested. “Yes, of course, that’s true,” Dr. Rissland responded. “And the higher the percentage of alcohol, the better it is. For example, if you are a whisky lover, then that certainly isn’t a bad idea,” he continued, while offering this bit of sage advice to pace yourself:  “But of course you need to bear in mind that you can’t do that every 15 minutes, that is something else to consider.”

Speak for yourself, mein medisches freund.  Actually, I think a half-mouthful of Scotch every quarter-hour is a little slow — to judge by the normal spirits-intake rate of several of my friends (Mr. Free Market, Doc Russia and Mrs. Sorenson, to name but three), and mine certainly doesn’t rank far behind.

I think the good doctor shouldn’t confine himself to just whisky / whiskey;  he needs to publish a list of high-alcohol beverages, as a public service, of course.

Needless to say, the fuckheads at the WHO disagree strongly with his considered medical opinion.  But I ask you, O My Readers:  whose opinion would you rather trust:  a conscientious, methodical German doctor, or the idiots who brought you too-late-breaking news of the Chinkvirus?  I don’t think it requires that much thought, really.

The only question remains:  Scotch, rum or brandy?

Next Year…

To all my Tribe Readers:  have a safe and joyous Pesach, in whatever form you choose to have it in these troubled times.

And bedehr gesocht, once this insanity is over, we can meet next year in Jerusalem or (more likely) at Boomershoot.

Auction Time: Choice #4

While I stated in the Comments to the original post that New Wife only liked a few of the British sports cars available, my husband’s sense of responsibility wouldn’t allow it, simply because I’d soon get sick of phone calls telling me that the MG/Healey/Triumph had broken down again, and what was I going to do about it?  Clearly, we would need a more reliable alternative, so the 1969 Mercedes-Benz 280 SL pretty much picks itself.

Like me, New Wife prefers a stick shift, so here we go:

While Mercedes has made many good-looking sports cars over the decades (the 1950s 300 Gullwing and 1960s 190 SL come to mind), I still think that the 230/250/280 SL pagoda-tops were the prettiest  of them all, to this day, and it would be a perfect car for her.

News Roundup

Short takes on mistakes.

…shut the fuck up, Meathead.  The only mentally unstable person in the room is YOU.

…and another loony heard from.  Why do we even care what this batshit celebripussy thinks?  And speaking of name-brand nobodies:

…you know, before she too went batshit on us, this one used to be quite a babe:








And speaking of ‘orrible cunts [\Bricktop]:

…such as your husband/brother?  [redundancy alert]  And:

…of course she did.  Once a Commie, always a Commie.  Now for some better news:

…trying hard to see a downside to this position;  can’t.  It’s such a Commiesymp organization anyway, might as well let the Chinks sponsor it completely so we can just ignore their bullshit in the future.

…and will she be punished as badly as the other partygoers?  Don’t make me laugh (again).

…yikes.  200,000 pounds of unused airline meals… that’s all kinds of horrible.  Now THIS is much better:

…doing what America does best.  And not a Gummint bureaucrat in sight. Oh, and why do I not see any Muslim charities doing something similar? [\rhetorical question]

…as long as when the next wildfire hits, the 9th Circuit judges are forced to pay for the damages out of their own pockets before any Fed dollars get sent.

And a late addition:

…except that all the Taiwanese stuff worked.

Auction Time: Choice #3

If I were a Rich Phartte and thus able to visit this auction, I would already have purchased a beach house (because New Wife loves the sea more than I do), probably somewhere in Maine.  Accordingly, said beach house would have to have a car in residence, to be disconnected and left there during the winter.  It wouldn’t have to be much, its duties pretty much relegated to trips to the supermarket, into town or for short sight-seeing trips along the coast and so on.  Which makes my third choice simple:  the 1966 Austin Mini Moke.

Longtime Friend Knal N. Domp (from the old website) had one of these, and many’s the night we were to be found driving it around Johannesburg at breakneck speed during the late 1960s and early 70s.

And as for simplicity, try this:

Just so you know how badly I want one of these, it was nearly my #1 choice.

There are a couple of competitors — the Renault Jolly comes to mind:

…but I’d only get that one if the beach house was in the south of France.

Not Grasshoppers

From Shooting Times:

Between private conversations with firearm, ammunition and optic manufacturers over the past two weeks, along with public information disseminated by major gunmakers, I am fairly certain a major disruption in the supply chain for those products and likely many more is coming, and coming soon.

Read the whole thing.

And this, my children (he explained for the thousandth time), is why we gun owners need to have not only a plentiful supply of ammo, but also of guns.

Ant and Grasshopper story (executive summary):  buy and lay in stocks during Times Of Plenty, so that when the Lean Times come busting in through the front door, you don’t have to beg for anything from anyone.

This is as true (or more so) for guns as it is for any other household product.