News Roundup

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From the Dept. of Dirty Mimsies:

...just as Hillary Clinton said in 2016.

...I wonder how many other women in the world would swap teams for a billion smackers?  Depressing, innit?

...oh FFS, kill me now.

From the Dept. of Health:

...influenza and head colds were not available for comment.

And in the Education Dept:

...and not just in monetary terms, either.

...forget it, Jake.  It’s Hymietown.

In Furrin News:

...sometimes, even the Italians are worth emulating — and I am loving EyetiePM Meloni a little more each day.

...Dream, meet Reality as BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen and Porsche workers face layoffsBelgian auto industry would be untouched. doubt, they’ll still be killing each other for centuries over this one. [/Balkans] about a no-brainer.

Back Home: that’s ever going to happenAnd when Garland & Co are led to the killing pits on the Glorious Day, they’ll wail plaintively, “But what did we do to deserve this?”

...which reminds me, I need to get some more ammo en route to the range today.

...or not.  Most likely not.  It’s not Disney, after all.

...ah yes:  Captain Nobody, striving for relevancy as always.

...#1:  upright, at the checkout register at Tiffany’s, holding his Amex Black Card.  Multiple City.


...algorithms strike again.


…and that’s all the news you can bare.

News Roundup

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Let’s pour that stuff on our hotdogs… wait, did I say wieners?

West Hollywood and Greenwich Village are on lockdown, just in case.

they’re gonna need them all when Russia invades their country, you see.’s not the wangers that will offend them, but the hurricane of farts.

thus making German street signs doubleplus unreadable, e.g.:

Still in Euroland:

...sometimes, I envy the French.

...ah, for the proper treatment of these woke asshole lawyers, see the next item:

...looks like Britishland might as well import these Muslim customs, seeing as they’re allowing all the others.

...”urging”:  no;  “scourging”:  oh hell yes.  We could start that process Over Here, if the Brits need any guidelines.

From the Dept. of Global Warming Climate Cooling Change:

...hell, New Yorkers can’t even use garbage disposal units.  Gas stoves are nothing. whistling, got it.  Straight to rape, then?

And INSIGNIFICA reports:


...which is all very well — until Lizzo wears them at her next concertAssuming, that is, that there’s enough denim in the world.


...I think the legal term for this is “asking for trouble”.

I was going to post pics of the above event, but no.  Just… no.  Instead, here’s a pic of Shania Twain, who’s never going to have oral sex on stage:

And that’s all the news worth summarizing… sheesh.

News Roundup

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From the Dept. of Global Cooling Climate Warming Change:

...thus proving once and for all that climate alarmism is a religion, not science.

...and all because he wants to raise the retirement age in France from 62 to… 64.

...go on social media and call someone a nigger, however, and you’ll soon find out that the London fuzz’s “hate detection rate” is close to 100%.

...keyword:  Australia (where else?)

...Belt And Road Initiative, say hello to Africa.

...following in Her Filthiness’s bloodstained footsteps.

...well, it’s difficult to recognize a face when a Covid Cop’s boot is on your neck

From the Dept. of Work-From-Home Non-Workers (no links, just accept):

...sheesh.  They didn’t call him the “Dirty Digger” for nothing.

And speaking of stupid people:

...except that technically she wasn’t his wife, and the legal fees are going to eat up whatever he scores from this lawsuitSic semper idiota.

...can you say “Cherry 2000”, children?  I knew you could.

From the INSIGNIFICA Files:


...and who can honestly say they’ve never wanted to shit on near a Clinton?

Finally, our Paige 3 Report:

And in other Paige News:

But back to golf:

And that’s all the news fit to summarize.