Here We Go Again

only this time with feeling:

Guns are white supremacy’s deadliest weapon. We must disarm hate.

Oh, really.  And who are these “white supremacists”, and who gets to identify them?  Well, the answer to the first is easy:  that would be “anyone who disagrees with my opinions” — uttered by any politician of the Socialist persuasion — and such disagreement is ipso facto  a definition of a white supremacist.

Got that?  Now read on to discover the primary identifier:

This deadly connection between white supremacy and guns runs throughout our history. In 1866, armed Confederate loyalists stormed the Louisiana Constitutional Convention, murdering 34 Black Americans in an attempt to block suffrage for freed slaves. In 1898, an armed White mob in Wilmington, N.C., proclaimed a “White Declaration of Independence,” then killed at least 60 residents before replacing the multiracial local government with white supremacists. In 1921, mobs of armed White residents of Tulsa attacked the Black neighborhood of Greenwood, murdering as many as 300 Tulsans for the crime of being Black and successful.

The commonality of all the above?   Why, it should be obvious:

That’s right:  all white supremacists have BOOBS !!!!!

(I’m just trying to follow this reporter’s logic, here.)

Okay, maybe that’s not what she was talking about.  What could she be talking about?  From the article itself:

Oh, okay.

So in the interest of racial comity, I’m calling on all women to throw off their Confederate bikinis.  Pics (or preferably videos) can be sent to me for verification.

Just One

I don’t want anyone to read something sinister in what follows;  it’s simply a thought exercise.

A couple of days ago I read this article:

Two FBI special agents were fatally shot Tuesday morning while serving a warrant in Sunrise, the agency confirmed, calling it “a very dark day for the FBI.”

The agents, it turns out, were serving said warrant on some scrote who is a child molester and who did the right thing by offing himself after whacking the two feds, thus saving us all the hassle of a trial.  He’s not important to the story, so forget all about him.

The article’s headline is what caught my attention, because what it showed was just how easy it is to ambush law enforcement officers;  and what it reminded me of is a story of a WWII British fighter pilot who, during the dark days of 1940 when the Nazis had overrun Western Europe and were seemingly poised to invade Britain as well, went home for a brief bit of leave/furlough.  Sitting chatting with his father about the state of the world, he was surprised when his father asked him if he could get him a pistol or revolver.  When the pilot asked why, his father simply said:

“So I can get my one.”
“One what?”

The old man, who’d fought in WWI, explained that he was too old to join a military unit, but he was determined to “do his bit” for the war effort, and had decided that if he and thousands of others could all just kill a single German each, the task of occupying Britain would be impossible.  The fact that he would almost certainly be killed in return didn’t bother him at all, because his death would be part of a greater good.  “After all,” he concluded, “if Britain is going to ask its young men like you to sacrifice themselves in this war, why shouldn’t we all be prepared to make the same sacrifice?  We’re all in this together, after all.”

What makes this subject so current is all the threats being oh-so cavalierly thrown our way by the Left, whether by loony Leftist politicians or by their equally-loony acolytes in the Press and academe, with talk of “deprogramming”, “universal gun confiscation” and the like — in other words, compelling those who disagree with their politics (the “seditionists” or “Trumpists”) to change their philosophy and/or behavior and be forced to show support for and comply with their ghastly policies and governance.

There sure is a lot of compulsion being talked about, isn’t there?  But none of that is possible in the face of a mass of people who, like the pilot’s father, are prepared to “get their one”.  That’s what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was lamenting when he wrote these words:

What would things been like [in Russia] if during periods of mass arrests people had not simply sat there, paling with terror at every bang on the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but understood they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people?

Nowadays, of course, there’s a problem with Solzhenitsyn’s proposition in that the modern State knows so much about people that a concerted effort at resistance — even by half a dozen people — might well be anticipated and probably doomed to failure.  Efforts to create a “militia” or any kind of ur-Maquis French Resistance are going to be compromised by infiltration by law enforcement and subsequent destruction.

But if the above stories from Florida and WWII Britain tell us anything, it’s that properly-motivated individuals acting alone are quite capable of deadly resistance, even when facing the nigh-certain consequence of death for themselves.

It’s an interesting hypothesis, isn’t it?

Spider’s Web

This is a long read, but well worth it if you want to understand this graphic:

I wonder if these little neo-Marxist twerps realize what would happen to them if their pet mantra of “there shouldn’t be billionaires” became a reality?

But that’s Marxism for you:  denying the importance of money against all the evidence.

Ideal Outcome

From Insty, yesterday:

I dunno.  Speaking for myself, whenever I see the words “Democrat” and “short squeeze”, my mind goes in one direction only:

No doubt, though, someone’s going to have a problem with this.


From Chris Muir, an excerpt:

So, because I’m a law-abiding type, I won’t use the term “China virus” — I’ll just carry on referring to it as the Chink virus, as I always have.

And when they ban that, I’ll ignore them.  My respect for the law only goes so far, i.e. when the law runs afoul of the Constitution.  As it has, here.

Just for the record:  regardless of any executive order, law or regulation which says otherwise, I’ll call the Chinese-originated Covid-19 “Wuhan” virus whatever the fuck I want.

Not Quite True

Here’s an interesting situation:

Former congressional candidate Laura Loomer revealed that she was banned from owning a firearm.  Loomer has gained notoriety for being subject to some of the most brazen forms of Big Tech censorship over the past two years.
Her firm nationalist views have made her an easy target for Silicon Valley censors.  She has been banned from social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  In addition, her ability to do business has been greatly stymied after she was banned from GoFundMe, PayPal, and Venmo.  Chase shut down her ability to do online banking.  To make matters worse, Comcast prevented her campaign from sending texts and emails to voters, while the company donated to her opponent, Lois Frankel in Florida’s 21st congressional district.
This is only the tip of the iceberg as far as the private sector crusade against Loomer goes.  The conservative activist was kicked off Uber and Lyft, on top of being prohibited from using UberEats.

But here’s the fun part:

Despite having no felony or domestic violence convictions and never been declared to be mentally unfit by a judge, Loomer’s name has allegedly been placed in a secret Federal “no buy” list that the FBI keeps. This list is part of the federal government’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

Of course, that doesn’t mean she can’t own a gun — just that she can’t buy a gun through “regular” channels that require the NICS check before she can take possession.

Here in Texas, by the way, any Concealed Handgun License (CHL) holder can buy a gun through said channels without going through the NICS check, because the state of Texas has already run all the background checks necessary and as far as they’re concerned, that’s that.  If the feds have a beef with the individual that isn’t part of the standard background check, it’s up to them to inform the state.  I don’t know if Floriduh has a similar setup — they should — but my FL Readers will no doubt tell me.

It’s one of the main reasons I got my CHL when I moved to Texas.  I know all the arguments against having a “permit” to enjoy one of my principal Constitutional freedoms, but the way I saw it back then, if it kept the fucking Feddle Gummint out of the process, it was worth it.  And subsequent events have proved me right.

In any event, Miss Loomer doesn’t seem to be a criminal;  her greatest “crime” seems to have been uncovering malfeasance through Project Veritas, and as there’s no actual legal reason not to possess a gun — criminal record, mental incapacitation, etc. — there’s no reason why some friendly citizen of Florida can’t sell or give her a gun for her own protection.

Just sayin’.