Hatchet Job

From Indefatigable Reader Mike L. comes this sorry tale:

A Florida man was arrested for attempted murder after a woman was transported to the hospital with a hatchet protruding from her head.
According to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, deputies had responded Tuesday at around 10:30 a.m. to an attempted murder.
Deputies located the woman, 56, with a hatchet protruding from her head. She was rushed to the hospital with life-threatening injuries.
The wannabe-axe murderer had fled the scene of the attack before deputies arrived. Detectives found his vehicle later that day in Gainesville, Florida.
And just before 3 a.m. on Thursday, the scumbag was pulled over by an Alachua County Sheriff’s Office deputy and taken into custody. He was then transported to the Alachua County Jail, where he was tied to a chair so that the deputies could play Whack-A-Mole on his head with their night sticks for a few hours.

Okay, parts of that report may have been ummm  embellished a little.  But I know y’all would have wanted it to end that way.



I am accepting nominations in Comments for this unlucky billionaire exemplar, but whoever you decide should be eaten, he’ll have to work hard to beat George Soros.

Call it a variation of the “One Shot” game we’ve played here before.

*seen on the Internet OR someone/somewhere on the Internet.

Nazzo Fast, Guida

Then we have this lunacy:

The goal is to “reimagine” the traditional family beyond fatherhood and motherhood with such roles being replaced, in a “more universal sense,” where children are not “property” of their parents, but “raised by society as a whole.” 

“I suppose that I’m called to the challenge of thinking about these really difficult questions of how those intimate spheres are affected by capitalism and how they are political.

“The left needs to get a little bit braver also at challenging the rhetoric of motherhood. Because a lot of the people who do mothering, I call them mother-ers to just ram home the point, that we can mother one another after the abolition of the family, this is what will hopefully be lifted up.

“To abolish the family is not to destroy relationships of care and nurturance, but on the contrary, to expand and proliferate them. Reflecting on the conditions of possibility for such universally xenofamilial — that is to say, comradely — kin relations … argues for utopia(nism) in feminist kinship studies.”

Nurturance?  Xenofamilial?  Seriously?

The author of this Marxist lunacy is named Sophie Lewis:


Nah, I’m kidding — that’s another Sophie Lewis altogether.  This is the expert on “feminist, trans and queer politics and philosophy”, who looks exactly as you’d suspect she would:

There’s never a ducking-stool at hand when you need one, is there?

I don’t know what Sophie #1’s opinion on child-rearing is, but I’ll take hers ahead of the Marxist’s, sight unseen.

Will Of The People

So Oregon’s prospective gun owners are going to get it in the shorts:

Gun sales more than doubled in Oregon with Ballot Measure 114 (BM 114) pending, and Oregon State Police are struggling to keep up with the demand for background checks.

KDRV reports that BM 114 passed by a margin of 50.9 percent to 49.1 percent, and will take effect December 8, 2022.  The measure requires a permit, which costs $65, to purchase a gun. It also bans “high capacity” magazines and requires law enforcement to maintain a database of gun permit applicants, among other things.  The process for getting a gun permit under BM 114 includes submitting fingerprints and passing a gun safety course.

And for all those Oregon gun owners who couldn’t be bothered to go out and vote on Nov 8:  you have only yourselves to blame.

Ahhh that democracy thing… although I bet that if this “initiative” ever makes it to the Supreme Court, it will get revoked.  Keyword:  “if”.

Do Your Duty

…and now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the voting booth.  I’ve been looking forward to this day for TWO YEARS.

And from Reader Termite, a timely reminder:

…just to be on the safe side, of course.