Random Totty

Apparently there exists one of those Internet-famous things named Naomi Brockwell, of whom I know nothing because I don’t even dip my toes into those waters, let alone swim in them.  Still, having discovered her, I think she’s worth a look, for obvious reasons:

Apparently, she made John Stossel look like an idiot when she discovered that his smartphone was basically a conduit for scam artists or something.  And now you know as much about her as I do.

Quite toothsome, however.

Old-Time Favorites (1)

While going through my laptop’s hard drive, trying to organize it into something which could be transferred to New Computer without too much loss of life, I stumbled across a sub-folder named “Favorites” in my “Movies” photo database.

Here’s a selection of the black & white pics.  Some I may have posted before, so forgive me;  but I can’t remember that far back…

Adrienne Ames

Anita Ekberg

Ashley Greene

Robyn Lawley (I think, or else Candice Huffine)

Carole Landis

Dawn French

Delia [Somebody]

Jane Russell

Joan Bennett



Suzanne Pleshette

Veronica Lake

I think it’s rather obvious as to why they ended up in a “Favorites” folder.  Next week, I’ll pick some more, this time in living color.

Classic Beauties: Mistresses (5)

Let’s start with England’s James II:

Arabella Churchill


Dorothy Sedley

…then on to France’s Napoleon Bonaparte:

Maria Walewska

…and his nephew, Napoleon III:

Harriet Howard

Rachel Félix

Virginie Castiglione

Back across the Channel, we have England’s William IV:

Dorothea Jordan

And finally, across the Atlantic, the mistress of yet another William:

Monica Lewinsky

The Right Kind Of Karren

…and not “Karen”, as we know the bitch-genre of today.  Karren Brady is altogether the right sort of woman (see here for the details, which include the fact that she’s Conservative, as opposed to being a Limo-Labourite).

All very impressive, but not as impressive as the lady (okay, Baroness) is in person:

Of course, she’s no longer an ingenue business wizard;  in fact, she has a daughter who could be regarded as equally toothsome:

Quite the genetic lineage, there… but to the surprise of not a single Reader, I prefer Mommy.

Classic Beauty: Stephanie Beacham

Although she was made famous to American audiences in Dynasty, Stephanie Beacham had already had quite a career beforehand.  But who cares?  Today, she’s in her sizzling seventies, and looks as good as she always did.  Proof? you say?  In more-or-less chronological order, then:

As we all remember her in Dynasty — with the big hair:

And nowadays…

(click to embiggen — and note the freckled cleavage!!!!)

Beautiful back then, stunning now.