Classic Beauties: Mistresses (5)

Let’s start with England’s James II:

Arabella Churchill


Dorothy Sedley

…then on to France’s Napoleon Bonaparte:

Maria Walewska

…and his nephew, Napoleon III:

Harriet Howard

Rachel Félix

Virginie Castiglione

Back across the Channel, we have England’s William IV:

Dorothea Jordan

And finally, across the Atlantic, the mistress of yet another William:

Monica Lewinsky


  1. She likes them blue dresses doesn’t she?

    It’s said she has a whole closet full of them, all properly “autographed”.

    1. Lewinsky recently conducted a speaking engagement in Frederick, Maryland. Rumor has it that she was selling merch that included signed lobster bibs. She’s in good company though. Another celebrity-for-all-the-wrong-reasons, James Comey, will be speaking at the same venue next month and when it comes to servicing Democrats, he leaves Lewinsky in the dust.

      1. “she was selling merch that included signed lobster bibs”

        I love a woman with a sense of humor.

  2. I interviewed Monica Lewinsky’s brother at Carnegie Mellon University for a job at a defunct company I “retired” from. This was after the impeachment. It was a very interesting interview.

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