News Roundup

Slim pickings for today, as the news is all about the same old boring shit.  However, in the public interest…

that’s not quite true:  he referred to your country as a “shithole” (which it is), but considering that assholes and shitholes are inextricably linked, maybe you have a point, there.

Black Watch Matters?  Not, it appears, to the BritGov.

of course you’re sorry, Christiane.  And speaking of all that “healing” stuff:

I know, she’s a brainless Hollywood harlot actress, but I wish I could load all these fuckwits in a time machine  and take them back  to 1939 Germany, just so they could see what real Nazism looks like(And yes, of course I’d leave them there.)

I’m a little confused, here, Congresswoman Rancid African Bitch:  was that the “chaos” of the largest economic growth period in U.S. history, or all that actual chaos caused by BLM/Pantifa-inspired riots and looting in Republican-controlled cities?  But then there’s this:

yeah, by all means let’s end our imperialistic military adventure in Omar’s home country.  (I think I just peed in my pants, a little.)

distressingly, this report contains not a single mention of public scourging I should also add that as this happened in Wales, the word “brainless” is superfluous.

no he doesn’t, any more than I feel pressure to have a negative attitude about gun control, which I hate as much as the Commie cocksucker hates America.

just wait till these same braindead CEOs have to deal with Biden’s new Labor Secretary, Bernie Sanders.

hey, as long as Salma Hayek is cast in the lead role, I’m cool.

Making Celebrities Out Of Scum

Here’s (yet another) reason why I believe in the death penalty:

I always have arguments about this issue with people (e.g. Reader Quentin) who state that the problem with the death penalty is that occasionally (actually, hardly ever) the wrong people are executed for a crime they didn’t commit.


On the other hand, you have situations like the above Yorkshire Ripper’s imprisonment, which basically turned into some kind of grotesque holiday camp which, I think we all agree, is appalling for everyone except the fucking murdering bastard.

So can I make a wee suggestion, here?  If we aren’t going to execute assholes like this (and I still support that), can we at least make sure that their lives behind bars are a living hell?  I’m thinking of solitary confinement as practiced in Pelican Bay:  no visitors, no entertainment like TV, one hour’s exercise per day (also in isolation), the most basic of diets (water, bread, maybe some fruit).

In other words, there has to be a great deal of punishment involved for someone found guilty of killing over a dozen people, rather than turning him into some kind of folk hero and celebrity.  And I find it appalling that the State has to spend a great deal of money just to keep some unworthy scumbag alive.  If the government is going to throw money around like that, then fuck it:  calculate how much money it will take to keep him alive, shoot him in the back of the neck, and give that money to the victims’ families.

It’s not a perfect solution, but it’s much better than the above travesty.


Whenever you’re looking at a gun stuff website and you find this little notice:

…that’s pretty much a crib sheet for places where you do not want to live.

This particular one spotted at Firequest, where they sell “exotic” (a.k.a. “cool but spendy”) stuff, e.g.:  As I said to Combat Controller (who sent me the link), at that price I don’t just want death, I expect thermonuclear action at the naughty end.

Hoo Boy

Just when I was about to post the (largely unnecessary) reminder for National Ammo Day, came this pearl of wisdom:

Simple response:  Would like to, always have in the past.  Can’t, now.

There are either per-order limits, or nothing in stock, or else the ammo is so expensive that I can’t afford it per box, let alone in bulk.  That said:


Good luck, folks.  Yer gonna need it.

Just So We’re All Clear

Over time, several Loyal Readers have contacted me, warning that I might suffer the recent fate of several conservative websites, whose hosting services have blocked them (a.k.a. “de-platforming”) with weasel excuses such as that of The Conservative Treehouse’s lot“given the incompatibility between your site’s content and our terms, you need to find a new hosting provider and must migrate the site by Wednesday, December 2nd.”

I, of course, am at risk because of my occasionally-intemperate rants and my all-round “bad” behavior.

Firstly:  thank you all for your concern.

Secondly:  Of course, Tech Support II has a backup plan — to quote him exactly, “There’d just be a little downtime while we execute. ”

Thirdly:  “Execution” might very well include what could be called a “porcupine consequence” for these Lefty assholes if I am ever de-platformed.

As long as I’m left alone, nobody gets hurt.