Skating Away

on the thin ice of the new day.

No wait, that wasn’t what I wanted to talk about;  but you can keep it running in the background anyway.

I haven’t been watching the Winter Olympics in CommieChinaland (who has?), but I noticed recently that there was some nonsense about doping and (duh) Russians, prompting a comment from Eternal Skating Hottie Katarina Witt.  So here we are:


Magnificent.  And… yer welcome.

Bad Influence

I’m sorry to see that P.J. O’Rourke has left us for that Great Editorial Office In The Sky.

Although I didn’t agree with much of his later writing, I loved his earlier books (Parliament Of Whores, Eat The Rich, etc.) and I do owe him a debt of gratitude.

You see, when I was homeschooling the kids, whenever they asked a question about politics or taxes or any of that, I simply pointed them to the relevant chapter in one of P.J.’s books, and let him be their guide.  (Also, they didn’t always believe my explanation because for some reason they thought I was a right-wing conservative, and wanted an “impartial” perspective, ho ho.)

The Son&Heir now has all O’Rourke’s books on his shelf, and I truly believe that these have formed his socio-political outlook, such as it is.

No better legacy.

News Roundup

Today’s News Roundup is brought to you by:

fuck off, Geraldo you liberal asswipe.

and a single pic should suffice:

you mean “misinformation” such as that Michael Mann’s “hockey stick” climate graph is a pack of lies?  Or that not one climate prediction has so far been accurate?

as once again, the market establishes the actual value of certain jobs.

damn, I had no idea that there was a “militant atheist” department.

key word:  Tennessee.

show of hands from those of you whose trigger fingers began to itch when reading this headline… all of you, huh?  Thought so.

no different from a vegan restaurant, really.



so here we go:

The above brought to you by:

….wait:  not that Coke?  My bad.